Edificio universitario

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      Edificio universitario

      Término General Edificio educativo

      Edificio universitario

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      Edificio universitario

      • Usado para College buildings
      • Usado para University buildings
      • Usado para Collège (bâtiment)
      • Usado para Université (bâtiment)
      • Usado para Aulario
      • Usado para Decanato
      • Usado para Facultad (edificio)
      • Usado para Rectorado
      • Usado para Universidad (edificio)

      Términos asociados

      Edificio universitario

      60 Descripción archivística resultados para Edificio universitario

      60 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
      GB 0098 KZF · Created 1616-1990 (ongoing)

      Records of Imperial College Field Research Stations, comprising papers relating to Slough Field Station, Berkshire (Hurworth), including correspondence concerning purchase, 1927-1929; stored products research, with the Ministry of Agriculture and Empire Marketing Board, 1930-1933; building development scheme, 1936-1938; sale of land at Hurworth, Berkshire,1931-1949 (KZFA); correspondence concerning grants for fumigation research, construction of fumigation chamber, 1931-1938 (KZFB); correspondence with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research relating to Slough Field Station, 1939-1954, including research and accommodation arrangements (KZFD);
      papers relating to Silwood Park Field Station, Berkshire, 1838-1990, including history, 1947-1990; sale particulars of the estate, 1838 (KZF); correspondence concerning purchase, 1944-1945; academic development, 1947-1953; purchase and letting of Silwood Park Farm, 1951-1957; land development, 1956-1968; Botany Department laboratory space, 1957-1958; Rectors' correspondence, 1965-1976; Sirex Biological Control Unit, 1963-1966; radar tower, 1962-1965; general files, 1971-1986; lease of land for an astronomical observatory, 1948-1959 (KZFG); papers relating to Silwood Park Open Days, 1972, 1989 (KZFH); expansion, 1955-1965, including Shell Parasitology building, 1959-1961; Nematology building, 1955-1961; Rectors' papers, 1955-1965 (KZFK); sale catalogues for Silwood Park, 1944; Ashurst Lodge, Berkshire, 1939 (KZFL); reports on the Overseas Spraying Machinery Centre, Silwood Park, 1955-1980 (KZFO); Silwood Centre for Pest Management, 1984-[1986] (KZFP); correspondence on the purchase of Sandyride House, 1969-1970 (KZFS); development schemes for Silwood Park, 1984 (KZFT);
      manorial records for Silwood Park, including court roll of the manor of Sunninghill, 1616-1790 (KZFM);
      papers relating to Harlington athletics ground, Middlesex, 1937-1957, including the Development Committee, 1937-1944; purchase and sale of land, 1936-1956 (KZFG7).

      Sin título
      Huggett Laboratories
      GB 0098 MS/HL · Created 1963-1988

      Records of the Huggett Laboratories of St Mary's Hospital Medical School, 1963-1988, comprising minutes of the Committee, 1974-1983; Users Committee, 1984-1988; Curator's reports, 1972-1987; accounts, 1963-1976; papers relating to working parties, 1980-1985; papers of the Committee Chairman, 1973-1986.

      Sin título
      Whitelands College
      GB 0347 S19 · Colección · 1966-1982

      This collection relating to Whitelands College consists of minutes of meetings from 1966-1970, as well a copy of the annual report for 1966-1967, and two students handbooks.

      Sin título
      GB 0369 SCH · 1922-1997

      Records of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES), 1922-1997, comprising:
      photographs of SSEES staff and buildings, 1922-1984; SSEES Library administrative records, 1923-1994; audio tapes of lectures, speeches, discussions and broadcasts by SSEES staff or recorded at SSEES events, 1987-1993; papers on and by SSEES, 1955-1996; SSEES student newsletters, including copies of "Velesh", "Wipiwop" and "The Graduate Post", 1977-1997; correspondence and papers on proposals for SSEES' amalgamation with Queen Mary College, 1973-1974, discussions on SSEES' future with London University, 1974, and amalgamation discussions with King's College, 1975; correspondence and papers on SSEES' proposed amalgamation with the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), 1985; correspondence and papers on SSEES' proposed relocation to the Westfield College site, 1986-1987; SSEES promotional videos

      Sin título
      Queen Elizabeth College Minutes
      GB 0100 KCLCA QA/C/M, QA/CS/M, QA/F/M, QA/FS/M, QA/AB/M, QA/TC/M, QA/CB/M, QA/LC/M, QA/AM/M, QA/TF/M, QA/OC/M, QA/HC/M, QA/MP, Q/AUT · 1911-1985

      Minutes, 1911-1985, of Queen Elizabeth College and predecessor bodies, created by the Executive Committee, 1911-1929, and Council, 1929-1985 (Ref: QA/C/M); sub-committees of the Executive Committee and Council, 1911-1922, on appointments, buildings, scholarships, and the future of the Household and Social Science Department after 1922 (Ref: QA/CS/M); Finance Committee, 1917-1985 (Ref: QA/F/M), and Finance Sub-Committee, 1912-1913, 1916-1917 (Ref: QA/FS/M); Board of Principal Teachers, 1915-1918, and Academic Board, 1918-1985 (Ref: QA/AB/M); Timetable Committee, 1971-1985 (Ref: QA/TC/M); College Board of Examiners, 1968-1985 (Ref: QA/CB/M); Luncheon Club Committee, 1931-1975 (Ref: QA/LC/M); Academic Meetings, 1918-1984 (Ref: QA/AM/M); Trust Fund Committee, 1916-1939 (Ref: QA/TF/M); Organizing Committee, 1916-1917 (Ref: QA/OC/M); House Committee, 1917-1985 (Ref: QA/HC/M); agendas, minutes and papers of other committees, 1935-1985, the subjects including syllabi, development, salaries, examinations, grants, buildings, safety, and sports facilities (Ref: QA/MP); minutes of the Queen Elizabeth College Association of University Teachers local association, 1922-1985 (Ref: Q/AUT).

      Sin título
      Accounts of Bedford College
      GB 0505 BC AR400-479 · 1849-1983

      Main financial registers of Bedford College, 1849-1965, including accounts ledgers, 1865-1964; records of student fees, 1849-1963; summary of student fees, 1965-1966; Journals, 1921-1963; Transfer Journals, 1965-1970; Grants Ledgers, 1900-1909; Cash Account Books, 1888-1963; Principal's Cash Book, 1894-1909; Petty Cash Books, 1904-1961; Cash Books and receipts, 1922-1969; Council Cheque Schedule Books, 1889-1965; College Account Book, 1891-1911. Early accounts of Bedford College (kept by the Lady Resident), including student fees, 1856-1866 and household bills, 1856-1866. Annual accounts, 1894-1977, notably balance sheets, 1894-1931; annual accounts and working papers, 1920-1983; estimates of receipts, 1899-1940; working papers and final figures for University Grants Council Returns, 1928-1977, with Quinquennial accounts, correspondence, and estimates, 1936-1972. Material relating to students' accounts and scholarships, 1861-[1965], including Students' Maintenance Grant Accounts, 1925-1956; Registration Fees Account Book, 1948-1958; Account Books for the Old Pupil's Scholarship Fund, 1861-1911; Accounts for various scholarships and funds, 1877-[1965]. Papers relating to Staff salaries and revisions, 1894-1976, including material on salary scales of and payments to teaching and administrative staff, research fellows and visiting lecturers, 1894-1973; wage and wage analysis books, 1945-1972, for Student Demonstrators, Visiting Lecturers, Laboratory Technicians, Household Staff and Junior Administrative Staff; letters of appointment to temporary and part-time staff, 1954-1957; monthly payroll computer printout, 1975-1976; wages signature books, 1912-1963, for Bedford College Household, Maintenance, Domestic, Laboratory and Administrative staff; papers relating to salary scales of lecturers, 1901-1906; Personnel Accounts, 1922-1949; material relating to the Bedford College Pension Scheme, 1907-1976, including ledgers, financial papers, Forms of Agreement, and tax sheets. Account books and legal papers for Capital Buildings Projects, 1903-1970, including a Day Book for the Building and Endowment Fund, 1904-1916; Accounts of the Extension fund, 1926-1932; and papers relating to war damage to the College buildings, 1945-1954. Household Accounts, 1910-1969, including Household Accounts, 1910-1938; Bursar's bills for payment by the Household Committee, 1941-1947, and Finance Committee, 1941-1955; Household Cash and Analysis Books, 1941; Wages Analysis Book for Household and Garden, 1941; Accounts of the Stationery Shop, 1959-1969; Account books for the Athletics ground, 1932-1944. Accounts for special funds, 1894-1968, including the Principal's Loan Fund, 1894-1955, the Geraldine Jebb Memorial Fund, 1961, and the Paterson Memorial Fund, 1943-1948.

      Sin título
      GB 0505 BC GB150-180 · 1868-1985

      Papers relating to Standing Committees of Bedford College, including Minutes, correspondence and papers of the Finance Committee, 1889-1985; Minutes of the Financial Management and Investment Sub-Committee, 1982-1985; Minutes of the Policy and Estimates Committee, 1972-1979; Minutes, correspondence and papers of the Standing Committee on Laboratory Expenditure, 1944-1985; Minutes of the Committee of Education, 1868-1909; Minutes, 1903-1907, and reports, 1937, of the Physical Education Committee; Minutes of the Professors' Meetings, 1881-1909; Minutes of the Loan Fund Committee for the Training of Teachers, 1892-1896.

      Papers relating to the Building Committees of Bedford College, including Minutes and papers of the Premises Committee, 1908-1915; Minutes and papers of the South Villa Demolition Committee, 1919-1921; Minutes of the Building Fund Committee, 1908-1914; Minutes of the Building Committee, 1926-1932; Minutes of the Committee for Alterations to the Library, 1931-1932; Minutes and papers of the Reconstruction Committee, 1943-1967, and its Sub-Committee, 1947-1949; Minutes of the Buildings Committee, 1954-1978; Minutes of the House Committee, 1876-1975; Minutes and reports of the Household Management Committee, 1972-1978; Minutes of the Estate Management Committee, 1978-1983.

      Papers relating to Special and Ad Hoc Committees of Bedford College, including papers of a Special Committee, 1878; papers of a Special (Treasury Grant) Committee, 1905-1906; papers of a Special Joint Committee (Acland Committee), 1901; papers of a Special Committee on Organisation and Finance, 1901-1919; and papers of a Special Committee on the Admission of Men, 1963-1964; papers of a Joint Committee of Governors and Council to Review the Charter and Statutes, 1966; papers relating to the Mallaby Report on machinery of government and the Ward-Jackson Review of Committee Structure, 1968-1969; papers of a joint Committee of the Councils of Bedford and Westfield Colleges, 1979-1982; papers of a Joint Planning Committee of King's College London and Bedford College, 1981; papers of a Joint Planning Committee of Royal Holloway and Bedford Colleges, 1982; papers of Joint Meetings of the Councils of Bedford and Royal Holloway Colleges, 1983-1985; papers and correspondence relating to the merger of Royal Holloway and Bedford Colleges, 1982-1983.

      Sin título
      GB 0505 RHC RF100-186 · 1863-1971

      Material relating to Thomas Holloway and his family, 1863-1965, including a press cuttings book kept by Holloway, 1863, pamphlets printed by the Governors of Royal Holloway College relating to the life and works of Thomas Holloway, trade literature for Holloway's pills and ointments, reports and addresses on the Holloway Sanatorium, and a catalogue of title deeds relating to Thomas Holloway deposited in Surrey Record Office. Reminiscences, memoirs, verses and novels relating to Royal Holloway College, 1911-1969, notably manuscripts and taped reminiscences by former students of the College, a printed copy of Dolores ( Blackwood and Sons, London and Edinburgh, 1911) by Ivy Compton-Burnett, speeches given at various special College dinners, and manuscripts of College songs and verses about members of staff and students. Press cuttings, articles and obituaries, 1876-1970, extracted from newspapers and journals, on Royal Holloway College, including articles on the College buildings, members of staff, the Council, the College Departments and women's' education in general. Drawings, prints and watercolours, [1879]-1908, of staff, grounds and buildings, mainly sketches of the College buildings used for a promotional brochure, 1895. Ephemera relating to Royal Holloway, [1880]-1965.

      Sin título
      GB 1697 A.IALS 11 · 1946-1974

      Institute of Advanced Legal Studies plans of buildings, 1946-1974, comprising plans of 25-26 Russell Square, 1946-1953; alterations to the basement, ground and first floors of 25-26 Russell Square, and the basement of 28 Russell Square, 1966-1967; New Law Institute, plans and sections, 1968-1974.

      Sin título
      Regent Street Polytechnic
      GB 1753 RSP · Fondo · 1855-1970

      Records, 1891-1970, of Regent Street Polytechnic, comprising:
      Governing Body minutes, 1891-1970, attendance books, 1954-1970, and related papers; Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, 1891-1932, 1951-1960, and attendance books, 1949-1958.

      Deeds, leases, agreements, schedules, licences and correspondence, 1891-1970, concerning Polytechnic affairs and premises, including Langham Place, Riding House Street, Great Portland Street, and other sites, and use of the Polytechnic Theatre (Marlborough Hall), Regent Street, as a cinema;
      papers, 1889-1970, relating to the Charity Commissioners' Scheme for the Polytechnic.

      Financial records, some relating to Trusts and prizes, 1891-1970, including balance sheets, accounts and financial statements, 1891-1895, 1899-1904, balance sheets and accounts, 1939-41, ledgers, 1892, 1902-1970, journals, 1939-1956, various cash books, 1905-1970, invoices, 1905-1911, 1959-1965, correspondence and papers concerning overdrafts, 1927-1954, record books, perhaps recording payments to government-sponsored students, 1919-1923, applications for and papers relating to grants from the City Parochial Foundation and London County Council, 1891-1960, and other papers relating to funding and regulatory bodies, including the Board of Education, papers relating to the Quintin Hogg estate and investments, 1903-1970, and the Kynaston Studd memorial fund, 1940s, and Polytechnic Benevolent Fund minute book, 1938-1965.

      Administrative papers and correspondence of the Polytechnic and its officers, 1902-1964, relating to premises, finance, staff and salaries, library, enrolments, fees and examinations; correspondence and papers on fundraising and rebuilding, 1909-1916, including Building Committee minutes, 1908-1911, and plans, agreements and press cuttings; correspondence and papers on fundraising and extension, 1926-1929; correspondence, plans and other papers, 1911-1946, relating to premises including Cavendish Place and Langham Place; correspondence and papers relating to administration and facilities of the Quintin Hogg Recreation Ground, Chiswick, 1904-1960s, including the Trustees' minute book, 1932-1959; papers relating to proposed re-organisation, 1959-1969.

      Records of the Education Department, including prospectuses, 1892-1970, and records relating to examinations, results, certificates, and medals awarded to students, 1891-1970;
      papers of the Teaching Staff Association, 1963-1970;
      records of the Polytechnic Institute, comprising membership records for men, 1891-1958, and women, 1904-1960, and subscription ledgers for men, 1891-1937, 1952-1963, and women, 1904-1937, 1952-1960; papers relating to World War One, 1914-1915, including three volumes on members on active service.

      Papers, including ephemera, on Polytechnic jubilees, public and social occasions, and official visits, 1904-1964, including the royal visit, 1912, the opening of the stadium at Chiswick, 1938, coronations, 1937, 1953, and Hogg centenary celebrations, 1964.

      Rules, 1913; printed annual reports, 1931-1938, 1952-1970, and typescripts, 1938-1941; staff handbooks [1954], 1964 and undated; student handbooks, 1961-1970; lecture notes and exam papers for the P.O. Workman's course, 1929-1933; class notebook for Electro-Technology, 1930s; lecturer's notebook detailing classroom allocation, staff teaching hours and student enrolment numbers, 1930-1945; The Polytechnic Magazine, 1891-1971, which includes detailed information on Polytechnic business and activities; miscellaneous other publications, including The Polytechnic: its genesis and present status (1892), The Polytechnic Portrait Gallery (1894), comprising portraits of staff and members, an honorary membership ticket, 1895, student magazines, 1936-1969, and miscellaneous articles, typescripts and cuttings on the Polytechnic, 1892-1968; volumes of press cuttings and scrapbooks of ephemera, 1893-1947, including Polytechnic activities, rebuilding, and J E K Studd.

      Textbooks written by members of the Polytechnic teaching staff, including
      Theory and Analysis of Ornament - Applied to the Work of the Elementary and Technical Schools by Francois Louis Schauermann, 1892; The Polytechnic Coat System by Dr Thomas Darwin Humphreys, 3rd edition, n.d. [1900]; A Manual of Boot and Shoe Manufacture designed for the use of technical students by Herbert Hill and Henry Yeoman, 3rd edition, 1900; Building Construction and Drawing - first stage (or elementary course) by Charles F Mitchell, assisted by George Mitchell, 6th edition, 1902; Engineering Drawing : Principles and Practice of Draughtmanship by W. Weeks, n.d.; Polytechnic Technical Scales by C F Mitchell, n.d.; Hasluck's Recitations volume II: Hasluck's Recitations for Ladies compiled and adapted by Mr and Mrs S L Hasluck, 1903; Indiarubber and Gutta Percha - A Complete Practical Treatise by T Seeligmann, G Lamy Torrilhon and H Falconnet. Translated from the French by John Geddes McIntosh, 1903; Carpentry Workshop Practice by C F and G A Mitchell, 1904; Brickwork and Masonry: A Practical Textbook for students by Charles F Mitchell, 1904; The Polytechnic Cookery Book by M. M. Mitchell, 1907; Pumps - Their Principles and Construction - a series of lectures delivered at the Polytechnic Institute, Regent Street, London by J Wright Clarke, 2nd edition, 1919; Speech Training in the School by Marjorie Gullan, 1929; A Modern French Course for Beginners by A C Clark, 1930; General Electrical Engineering edited by Philip Kemp, 1943; A Modern German Course - Part 1 and Part 2 (2 volumes) by A C Clark and W O Williams, 1947; Fitness for All by Joseph Edmundson, 1953; The Pan Book of Swimming and Water Sports by Joseph Edmundson, 1965.

      Photograph album, c1899, including photographs of activities and buildings; other negatives, prints, and plates, comprising buildings and premises (exterior and interior shots), including Langham Place, Regent Street, Little Titchfield Street, and the Quintin Hogg Recreation Ground, Chiswick; educational aspects, including Polytechnic Schools, libraries and laboratories, and window displays and exhibitions; events, including the royal visit, 1912, Lord Mayor's Show, 1922, 1928, annual fetes, 1927-1932, and Coronation concert and dance, 1953; personalities, including members of the Hogg family, Robert Mitchell, and J E K Studd; photography students' work, 1960-1970. Some earlier photographs were taken by the Polytechnic School of Photography.

      Material relating to the Hogg family, 1855-[1970], includes articles about Quintin Hogg, 1888-1949; miscellaneous of Hogg's letters, mainly copies (originals dated 1882-1903), some relating to the Polytechnic; books by or associated with Hogg, 1855-1900; papers relating to his death, funeral and monument, 1903-1907, including printed material and a volume of press cuttings on his achievements; and information on other family members. Material relating to other Polytechnic notables comprises T H W Pelham's Recollections of the pre-historic days of the Polytechnic (1914); miscellaneous papers relating to Robert Mitchell, comprising a letter to E J Painter, 1929, a cutting on his death and orders of service for memorial services, 1933, and Ethel M Wood's Robert Mitchell (1934); miscellaneous correspondence and papers relating to John Edward Kynaston Studd, including programmes for social events, 1922-1935, his The origin, history, and present work of the Polytechnic [1932], papers relating to his death, 1944-1945, and A L D Hamilton's Kynaston Studd (1953); printed material on other members of the Studd family, 1914-1962.

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