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Authority record

The National Conference of Industrial Assurance Approved Societies was formed in 1913, by the industrial assurance companies and collecting societies who had formed non-profitmaking "approved societies" to administer the 1911 National Insurance Act. The Conference met to consider the Offices' experience of National Insurance administration, and changes that could be recommended to the Insurance Commissioners. Under the 1946 National Insurance Act, approved societies were abolished, and the records of the Conference cease in 1948. The Conference does not appear to have held permanent offices; correspondence being directed as appropriate to the individual offices of Conference office-holders.

Formerly the National Committee for the Promotion of the Break Up of the Poor Law. Arthur Balfour (1848-1930), Prime Minister 1902-1905, set up a Royal Commission under Lord George Hamilton (1845-1927) to look into the Poor Law of 1832. The Act was considered to be too severe, it was no longer universally applied and was open to abuse. The Local Government Act of 1929 established a revised approach to the conditions of the poor.

In 1990, Sir Claus Moser gave the Presidential Address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science in which he drew attention to the need for 'an overall review of the education and training scene: a review which would be visionary about the medium and long-term future facing our children and this country; treating the system in all its inter-connected parts; and last, but not least, considering the changes in our working and labour market scenes.' His call for a Royal Commission was rejected by the government. Instead, the National Commssion on Education was established as an independent body set up in July 1991 under the auspices of the British Association for the Advancement of Science and with sponsorship from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation. Its remit was to consider all phases of education and training throughout the whole of the United Kingdom and to identify and examine key issues arising over the next 25 years. The Commission's terms of reference were: 'In the light of the opportunities and challenges that will face the United Kingdom in a changing world over the next 25 years, to identify and consider key issues arising from: the definition of educational goals and assessment of the potential demand for education and training, in order to meet the economic and social requirements of the country and the needs and aspirations of people throughout their lives; and the definition of policies and practical means whereby opportunities to satisfy that demand may be made available for all, bearing in mind the implications for resources and institutions and for all of those involves in the education and training system; and to report its conclusions and recommendations in such manner as it may think fit.' The Commission identified seven key issues and established working groups, consisting of two Commission and two external members, to look into each of them: 1. Effective schooling 2. Schools, society and citizenship 3. The teaching profession and quality 4. Higher and further education in the twenty-first century 5. Preparing for work today and tomorrow 6. Better ways of learning 7. Resources It also undertook a wide variety of other activities including seminars, formal and informal discussion meetings, surveys, lectures and visits. It gathered advice and opinion from individuals and organisations by means of written and oral evidence, commissioned new research and analysed existing statistics and literature. Several prominent educationists and other public figures served on the Commission. The Commissioners were: John Walton, Lord Walton of Detchant, House of Lords (Chairman); John Raisman, British Telecom (Deputy Chairman); John Cassels, National Economic Development Office (Director); Averil Burgess, South Hampstead High School; Betty Campbell, Mount Stuart Primary School, Cardiff; David Giachardi, Courtaulds plc; Christopher Johnson, Lloyds Bank; Helena Kennedy, Barrister; Alistair MacFarlane, Heriot Watt University; Margaret Maden, County Education Officer, Warwickshire; Claus Moser, Wadham College, Oxford; Jenny Shackleton, Wirral Metropolitan College; Richard Staite, Beeslack High School, Penicuik, Lothian; Jeff Thompson, University of Bath; David Watson, Brighton Polytechnic; Peter Wickens, Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd.

The College was founded in 1946 by the Department of Education as the National College of Horology following the recommendations of the Percy Committee report. This provided for the establishment of National Colleges for industries of high importance requiring small numbers of skilled technicians. The new colleges were to be located within existing technical colleges which already provided tuition in the specialist subject and were to be fully financed by Government. Northampton Polytechnic was a natural centre for the College being situated in the traditional area for watch and clock making and having had a Department of Horology since its inception. Instrument Technology was incorporated into the title of the College before it was finally established, and new buildings were provided at the Polytechnic financed by the Department of Education. The College was operational from October 1947 and ceased functioning as a separate entity in 1960 when the Polytechnic became a College of Advanced Technology (CAT) with higher entrance requirements. The final student intake was in 1957 and its courses were absorbed into the relevant CAT department.

In December 1945 the Education Board for the Heating and Ventilating Industry set up a committee to look into the possibility of establishing a National School for the Heating and Ventilating Industries. This was in response to the Percy Report which recommended that National Schools associated with certain industries should be established. In 1946, with the agreement of the National Association of Heating, Ventilating and Domestic Engineering Employers, discussions were opened with the Ministry of Education on the establishment of a National School. These proposals were well received and in January 1947 a memorandum, drawn up by the Ministry on National Colleges and financial arrangements, were discussed by the Ministry and the Board. It was agreed that Industry should pay £50 per student per session with a guaranteed minimum of £1000 per year. The National Association also agreed to this and in April 1947 it was decided that a National College for Heating and Ventilating, Refrigeration and Fan Engineering be formed within the Borough Polytechnic. The agreement of the London County Council was secured in November 1947 and the first meeting of the Board of Governors of the newly established National College for Heating, Ventilating, Refrigeration and Fan Engineering was held on 20 January 1948 at the Borough Polytechnic.

The first Chair of Governors was Hubert Secretan and there were representatives from the three industries on the Board of Governors. There were high hopes for the new College and the third annual report of the Education Board for the Heating and Ventilating Industry hoped 'it will be the centre for the highest grade of technological training for the industry and will be in close contact with the most up-to-date development and research' (NC/7/2/3). The College existed to meet the needs of the industries and had two principal aims: to provide a high standard of technological training and to undertake research.

In its first session, commencing in September 1948, the College offered full-time Diploma courses in the three industries: Heating and Ventilating Engineering, Refrigeration Engineering and Fan Engineering. The College also offered part-time day or evening refresher courses for those employed in industry. Courses led to diplomas after full-time study for two terms, and later one year, or an Associateship of the National College with post graduate or post HND entry.

The College was, from its inception, closely linked with the Borough Polytechnic. Its premises were located within the grounds of the Borough Polytechnic Annexe and the College used the facilities of the Polytechnic for teaching ancillary subjects. Before the National College was established the Polytechnic had become the principal college in heating and ventilating engineering in London. A lecturer in heating and ventilating engineering had been appointed in 1917 for evening courses and after World War 1 part-time day classes were introduced. At first, the college was heavily dependent on service teaching from other departments of Borough Polytechnic, especially mechanical engineering, mathematics and humanities, but began to widen its work by undertaking research.

The College was given a logo of a shield divided into four, representing the three industries and the Borough Polytechnic. It also had a motto, 'e tribus unum', meaning 'one from three'.

In the 1950s the accommodation within the Borough Polytechnic was too small to allow the continued expansion of student numbers and to undertake research. The Ministry of Education agreed to cover the costs of the building and industry donated money to purchase new equipment. The new building on Southwark Bridge Road (now the Faraday Wing) was opened to students in September 1960.

By the 1960s government policy had moved away from National Colleges which taught a limited syllabus. The Ministry of Education preferred Technical Education Institutions to provide a broader education than covered by the National Colleges and in 1964 it began discussions with the National College on its future. It was proposed that the National College become a department of the Borough Polytechnic.

In September 1970 the National College amalgamated with the Borough Polytechnic, Brixton School of Building and City of Westminster College to become the Polytechnic of the South Bank. In effect, the National College became the Polytechnic's Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology.

The National Campaign for the Arts (NCA) is the only independent lobbying organisation that represents all the arts. The campaign is funded entirely by its members to ensure its independence. It gives a voice for the arts world in all its diversity. The membership of the campaign includes nearly five hundred organisations of every size and variety. These include major theatre, opera and dance companies, national visual arts and museums organisations, writers' groups, local authorities, dance and drama schools, film and TV companies, friends' groups, unions, arts centres, local galleries and small scale companies. The National Campaign for the Arts meets, lobbies and influences decision makers, and discusses policy and proposals in detail with major arts funders. The NCA was established in 1985 when two lobbying organisations - the National Lobby for the Arts (NLA) and British Arts Voice (BRAVO) - joined forces. It was formed as a company limited by guarantee, owing to the political nature of its work, but established the charity National Campaign for the Arts Research and Education Ltd (NCARE) in 2000 to develop the organisation's education work.

National Book League

The National Book League was founded in 1944 and later became the National Book Council.

National Birthday Trust Fund

The National Birthday Trust Fund (NBTF) was established in 1928 and campaigned in the 1930s for the wider provision of analgesia in childbirth and improvements in midwifery services. Through the Joint Council on Midwifery it conducted extensive surveys on the benefits of ante-natal care and nutrition and an important survey of abortion practice (the collection includes the completed questionnaire forms). After the war it contributed to several government reports on maternity provision, provided research grants for various projects connected with congenital defects and maternity services, and conducted a series of surveys, including a survey into premature births (for which there are completed questionnaires). These culminated in the Perinatal Mortality Survey in 1958, which formed the basis for the cohort studies of the development of the children at seven year intervals. The collection includes the administrative records for the Perinatal Mortality Survey and the similar study, the British Births Survey, 1970. In 1993 the NBTF was amalgamated with the charity Birthright which works in the same area of maternal and infant care.

1877 Malthusian League founded; 1921 Society for Constructive Birth Control and Racial Progress (CBC), founded by Marie Stopes and Mothers' Clinic opened; 1922 Walworth Women's Welfare Centre opened; 1924 Society for Provision of Birth Control Clinics (SPBCC) founded; North Kensington Women's Welfare Centre opened (Walworth also run by SPBCC); Workers' Birth Control Group founded; May 1924 Deputation to John Wheatley, Minister of Health; 1927 Birth Control Investigation Committee (BCIC) founded [Chairman, Sir Humphrey Rolleston, Hon Medical Secretary, Dr C.P. Blacker] and established International Medical Group to investigate birth control in other countries; 1929 Birth Control International Information Centre (BCIIC) founded [President, Margaret Sanger]; Jul 1930 Ministry of Health Memorandum 153 MCW 'Birth Control' issued permitting contraceptive advice to be given in local authority maternal and infant welfare clinics to women for whom another pregnancy would be dangerous; National Birth Control Council (NBCC) founded. Premises at 26 Eccleston Street; Workers' Birth Control Group joined NBCC; 1931 Birth Control Investigation Committee joined NBCC; Jul 1931 NBCC changed name to National Birth Control Association (NBCA); 1933 Resignation of Dr Marie Stopes from Governing Body; 1934 Ministry of Health circular 1408 extends grounds on which local authority clinics can give advice; Feb 1937 Deputation to Sir Kingsley Wood, Minister of Health; 1938 Society for Provision of Birth Control Clinics and Birth Control International Information Centre amalgamated with NBCA; Feb 1938 NBCA moved to 69 Eccleston Square [HQ of Eugenics Society]; Feb 1939 Dissolution of BCIC. Replaced by Scientific Advisory Committee; May 1939 NBCA changed name to Family Planning Association (FPA) and introduces new constitution; 1947 FPA branches grouped into regional federations; Oct 1949 FPA moved to 64 Sloane Street; 1954 Death of Lady Denman, chairman; succeeded by Mrs Margaret Pyke; 1955 FPA Silver Jubilee, Lady Denman Memorial Fund established to provide clinics in rural areas, First official visit by Minister of Health [Iain Macleod]; Jul 1957 Oliver Bird Trust founded and established Council for Investigation of Fertility Control (CIFC); Oct 1957 Publication of The Human Sum [for FPA Silver Jubilee]; 1959 FPA Holdings Ltd incorporated, BBC Appeal by Bishop of Southwark, Birthright film premiere; 1960 Organisation Working Party established [Chairman, Professor François Lafitte, Birmingham University]; 1962 Family Planning International Campaign [later `Countdown'] launched; Feb 1963 FPA moved to 231 Tottenham Court Road; Sep 1963 Family Planning in the Sixties Report of Organisation Working Party published; 1965 Re-organisation of FPA branches. 500 clinics grouped into 52 branches, Press and Information Department established, Theodore Fox appointed as director; Oct 1965 Interim National Council established; 1966 FPA incorporated as a company, Margaret Pyke Memorial Trust established, 1967 National Health Service (Family Planning) Act extends conditions under which birth control can be provided, FPA Holdings Ltd disbanded; Jun 1967 National Council formally established; 1968 Caspar Brook appointed as director; Oct 1968 FPA moved to 27-35 Mortimer Street; Apr 1970 Oliver Bird Trust/CIFC wound up. Remaining funds to Margaret Pyke Memorial Trust to continue annual lectures; Jun 1970 1000th clinic opened at Thamesmead, London; 1974 NHS Act fully incorporates birth control services into the National Health Service; 1975 Most FPA clinics handed over to NHS Area Health Authorities.

The society was formed in 1916 by an amalgamation of the Watch and Clock Makers' Benevolent Institution (established 1815, of 35 Northampton Square); the Watch and Clock Makers' Pension Society (established 1817, of 35 Northampton Square) and the Clock and Watch Makers' Asylum (of Waterfall Road, New Southgate). The society maintained an office at 35 Northampton Square until c.1940 though it also took over the Clock and Watch Makers' Asylum (usually known subsequently as "the Homestead").

National Bank of Malawi

The National Bank of Malawi was formed in 1971 when in July of that year the Standard Bank of Malawi and the Barclays Bank of Malawi merged. The two banks holding a 51 per cent share of the new company. Gradually both the Standard Bank and Barclays Bank reduced their holdings until neither had any interest remaining.

Established in Calcutta in 1863 as Calcutta City Banking Corporation, changing name in 1864 to the National Bank of India. The bank was an Indian registered company, promoted by British and Indian businessmen. Its business included discounting bills and notes, dealing in exchange, and lending on security of real and personal property and securities. The bank did much to finance India's external trade in indigo, tea and coffee.

In 1866 its head office was transferred to London (where it had established a branch in 1864) and a British registered company of the same name was incorporated to acquire the business. The Indo-Egyptian Bank, based in Bombay, was acquired in the early 1860s and its office became the bank's Bombay branch. Branches were established in Hong Kong, 1869, Shanghai 1875, Madras 1877, Colombo 1881, Karachi 1884, Rangoon 1886, Zanzibar 1893, Mombasa 1896 and Nairobi 1904. By 1900 the bank had 19 branches and the balance sheet total had grown from £328,736 in 1864 to over £9.5 million. Capital and reserves stood at £850,000 and the staff numbered 800. In 1920 the projected acquisition by Lloyds Bank Limited was disallowed.

The entire share capital of Grindlays Bank Limited (bankers and agents connected with India since 1826) was acquired from National Provincial Bank Limited in 1948. The Eastern branches of Lloyds Bank Limited were absorbed in 1961 and 1965 the bank acquired a two thirds interest in Brandts Limited (merchant bankers), the remaining third being acquired in 1972. This company was subsequently known as Grindlays Brandts Limited. In 1958 Grindlays business was totally absorbed and name changed to National Overseas and Grindlays Bank Limited, then to National and Grindlays Bank Limited in 1959. In 1969 the London group business of the Ottoman Bank was acquired. Name changed to Grindlays Bank Limited in 1975. The bank was acquired by Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited in 1984.

From 'Company Archives - The Survey of the Records of 100 of the First Registered Companies in England and Wales', Lesley Richmond and Bridget Stockford.

The National Association of Women Civil Servants (1932-1959) was established in 1932, after a major reorganisation of the Civil Service took place. Grades that had been structured around each department were now merged across the entire service to form four basic bands. Additionally, efforts to introduce arbitration and militated for what would become Whitley Councils for the negotiation of pay and conditions had taken place in which most of the civil service trades unions had been involved. However, the report presented by the official Joint Reorganisation Committee maintained that there should be a separate selection process for women that did not involve the traditional male recruitment method of examination and lower wages for women working in the same grades as men. The Federation of Women Civil Servants had opposed this and when the mixed gender unions failed to support their position, the Federation withdrew from the staff side of the Council as well as from the Civil Service Alliance, losing its seat in the Whitley in the process. The group found itself weakened as members left for larger mixed unions that were better represented on the Whitley Councils. Along with the Association of Women Clerks & Secretaries, it found itself in crisis and the resulting situation led to the amalgamation of the two in 1932 the creation of the National Association of Women Civil Servants. The aims of this new organisation were to campaign for financial equality with male civil servants and to gain recognition for women who were not members of the general grade-based organisations. In the 1920s and 1930s they were closely involved with the campaign for equal pay and consequently had close links with the London and National Society for Women's Service. The group was represented on the Joint Committee of Women in the Civil Service at this time. In the early thirties, they were responsible for a number of public rallies and meetings on the issue as well as presenting evidence to the Royal Commission on the Civil Service in 1929-31. In the same decade they published a journal, Opportunity, which continued until 1940. In 1938 they joined with the Association of Ex-Service Civil Servants to form the Federation of Civil Servants. Chaired by Dorothy Evans, they remained active on the issue of equal pay in the Civil Service into the next decade and were represented on the Equal Pay Campaign Committee after the Second World War. The group also presented evidence to the Royal Commission on Equal Pay which was held after the war as well as holding an investigation of recruitment of the over-40s in the 1950s. However, their influence waned as women continued to join mixed gender unions. The process of dissolution was begun in 1958, there was a resolution on 25 Mar 1959 and this ended with the winding up of the group in 1961.

Founded in 1920 as the Oil and Oilseed Brokers' Association, the National Association of United Kingdom Oil and Oilseed Brokers aimed to represent the interests of the trade generally, and specifically by the introduction of uniform contracts, rates of commission and bills of lading. Based at Baltic Exchange Chambers, 24 St. Mary Axe, it transferred the responsibility for its routine office work and administration to United Associations Ltd. (CLC/B/103-12) in 1923. The Association had branches in London, Liverpool and Hull (the latter known as the Hull Oil and Seed Brokers' Association until 1939) and was renamed the National Association of United Kingdom Oil and Oilseed Brokers in 1939. In 1971 it became part of the Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fat Associations.

The National Association of Pension Funds is the principal body representing occupational pension funds and those managing pension funds in the UK.

The origin of the NAPF is a grouping known as the Conference of Superannuation Funds, formed in 1917, which sought exemption from tax on the investment returns made by pension funds and from income tax for employees' contributions. The recommendations made by its members to the Royal Commission on Income Tax in 1918 led to the tax exemptions granted in the 1921 Finance Act. The Association of Superannuation and Pension Funds was subsequently formed in 1923 and the name changed to National Association of Pension Funds in 1967. Since the mid 1970s the NAPF has increased the range of its activities including regularly lobbying on legislative and regulatory changes.

In addition the NAPF has promoted courses, conferences and publications. It has also played a role in the corporate governance of companies. Although the core membership has always been drawn from companies that sponsor pension schemes, various categories of associate membership have been encouraged, resulting in the ready availability, within the Association, of a wide range of technical knowledge and influence.

(Company limited by guarantee and not having share capital).

Offices: Cheapside House, 138 Cheapside, City of London (in 2013).

The National Association of Labour Teachers (NALT) acted as a pressure group and a forum for debate on educational issues through its annual conferences, regional meetings and publications. The NALT was renamed the Socialist Educational Association (SEA) in 1961.

Significant studies of the work of the NALT have been made by several researchers and copies of their dissertations are included with the records (see A/NLT/06/14,15).

The National Association for the Repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts (1869-1886) was established in 1869. In the 1840s there was an upsurge in concern with prostitution in the United Kingdom. Evangelical Christians, socialists and chartists all condemned the industry and moral campaigns were established to suppress vice. However, only after 1857's Royal Commission report on the health of the army and a follow-up report on the level of venereal disease in the military five years later did official tolerance of prostitution came to an end as the question became fused with contemporary concerns over public health. The result was three successive decrees in 1864, 1866 and 1869 known as the Contagious Diseases (referred to as the CD) Acts. By these, in certain towns containing military bases, any woman suspected of being a prostitute could be stopped and forced to undergo a genital inspection to discover if she had a venereal disease. If she did not submit willingly, she could be arrested and brought before a magistrate. If she was found to be infected, she could be effectively imprisoned in a 'lock' hospital. After the 1869 Social Sciences congress where the CD Acts were raised and condemned, a number of individuals established the National Association for the Repeal of the Contagious Diseases Act, originally under the title of the National Anti-Contagious Diseases Act Extension Association. An Executive Committee was elected which included Mr Robert Charlton as Treasurer and Frederick Banks as secretary with the Rev. Dr. Hoopell and Dr Worth as honorary secretaries. No women were originally included in the organisation, and though many later joined, this initial omission led to the formation of the Ladies National Association for the Repeal of the Contagious Diseases Act under Josephine Butler. Local branches were rapidly set up, particularly in the north of England and the Midlands. The following year, the NARCDA set up the journal 'The Shield' to promote their work. In the summer of 1870, the organisation merged with the Metropolitan Anti-Contagious Diseases Acts Association after a joint conference to form a London-based group better placed to influence parliamentary opinion. The new body continued under the name of the National Association for the Repeal of the Contagious Diseases Act and by 1886 had around five hundred branches. In 1887 the decision was taken to dissolve the group, a year after the 1886 repeal of the acts, though it was not finally wound up until 1890.

The National Association for the Prevention of Consumption and other forms of Tuberculosis (NAPC) was founded in 1899. The aims were the education of public opinion and the stimulation of individual initiative, influencing central and local government, and the establishment of local branches. The name changed to the National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis (NAPT) in 1919. The Association's activities included propaganda, health education, training, funding research, conferences, lectures, exhibitions, touring caravans, and producing publications. It also supported the establishment of sanatoria, dispensaries and care committees around the UK and abroad.

The Association offered grants to individual sufferers from 1928. Individual committees examined issues such as mass radiography, and sanatorium design and construction. An appeal to establish a Farm Colony for discharged tuberculous servicemen, started in 1917, and Burrow Hill Colony was established at Frimley in Surrey in 1918 and closed in 1943; the Burrow Hill Training Fund to train men and boys in suitable occupations was inaugurated in the 1950s. The Queen Alexandra Sanatorium Fund and allied Funds were transferred to the NAPT in 1954. The Spero Fund (previously the Central Fund for the Industrial Welfare of Tuberculous Persons) appointed the NAPT to take over administration in the early 1950s. Due to a decline in Tuberculosis, the words 'and Diseases of the Chest and Heart' were added to the Association's name in 1956. The name changed again to the Chest and Heart Association for the Conquest of Chest and Heart Diseases through Research, Education and Treatment, commonly known as the Chest and Heart Association (CHA) in 1958. The Volunteer Stroke Service was established by the Association in the 1970s. The name changed to The Chest, Heart and Stroke Association in 1975. The Association decided to focus exclusively on the area of stroke, working to reduce the effect of stroke on patients, their families, carers and the community, and changed its name to The Stroke Association in 1992.

The British National Antarctic or Discovery Expedition of 1901-1904 was the first official British exploration of the Antarctic regions since James Clark Ross's voyage, 1839-1843. It was organised by a joint committee of the Royal Society and the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) and it aimed to carry out scientific research and geographical exploration. Its scientific results covered extensive ground in biology, zoology, geology, meteorology and magnetism and King Edward VII Land, and the Polar Plateau via the western mountains route were discovered. The expedition did not make a serious attempt on the South Pole, its principal southern journey reaching a Furthest South at 82°17'S.

The British National Antarctic or Discovery Expedition of 1901-1904
was the first official British exploration of the Antarctic regions since James Clark Ross's voyage, 1839-1843. It was organised by a joint committee of the Royal Society and the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) and it aimed to carry out scientific research and geographical exploration. Its scientific results covered extensive ground in biology, zoology, geology, meteorology and magnetism and King Edward VII Land, and the Polar Plateau via the western mountains route were discovered. The expedition did not make a serious attempt on the South Pole, its principal southern journey reaching a Furthest South at 82°17'S.

The National Amateur Rowing Association was founded in 1890 to cater for the large number of working class men who were prevented from joining the Amateur Rowing Association (ARA) by virtue of their manual occupations. (According to the interpretation of ARA rules these men were to be considered professionals).

This definition of "amateur" was finally resolved in the 1920's and in 1930 NARA was reconstituted, its objectives being "to foster and encourage amateur rowing and to watch over and generally protect its interests" (Articles of Association 1930). In 1939 NARA was incorporated as a non-profit making company. From about 1929 discussions took place with ARA about the possibility of meeting to form one governing body and in 1956 it was proposed to call it the British Amateur Rowing Association. NARA was dissolved in June of that year.

Many regional associations (including the Thames Amateur Rowing Association, see A/NAR/50-52) and rowing clubs were affiliated to NARA and around 90 regattas a year followed NARA rules.

Charles Bernard Stanley Tugwell: Charles Tugwell was honorary secretary of NARA for over 25 years and devoted much of his life to rowing. He was appointed National Organiser for Rowing during the short-lived National Fitness Campaign (1937-1939). At the outbreak of war the NFC was suspended and Tugwell was left unemployed. The Times (his previous employers) were unable to offer him a job and during the war he worked for the Ministry of Labour, Foreign Office and for a short time, the Red Cross. He died in Spring 1957.

The National Amalgamated Approved Society was formed in 1912, under the provision of the 1911 National Insurance Act by which industrial assurance companies or friendly societies could set up an "approved society" to administer statutory benefits. The National Amalgamated Approved Society was a joint venture between a number of Offices: Albion Friendly Society, Britannia Assurance Company Limited, British Legal and United Provident Assurance Company Limited, London and Manchester Industrial Assurance Company Limited, City Life Assurance Company Limited, Hearts of Oak Life and General Assurance Company Limited, Pearl Assurance Company Limited, Pioneer Life Assurance Company Limited, Refuge Assurance Company Limited, and Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited. Each Office was represented on the Committee of Management.

The Society ceased to exist in 1948 under the terms of the 1946 National Insurance Act which abolished approved societies. The Society had offices at 30, Euston Square, NW1.

The Union was founded in 1906 as the Eastern Counties Agricultural Labourers and Smallholders Union. Its objects were to enable the agricultural labourer to secure 'proper representation on all local from political persecution and better conditions of living', and by 1910 it had 4000 members. In 1912 the name was changed to the National Agricultural Labourers' and Rural Workers' Union. It had 180,000 members by 1920 and the name was changed yet again, to the National Union of Agricultural Workers. It became the National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers (NUAAW) in 1968 in recognition of its interest in industries ancillary to agriculture. In 1981 the NUAAW amalgamated with the Transport and General Workers Union.

The National Advisory Centre on Careers for Women (1933-1995) was founded in 1933. During the First World War, the London National Society for Women's Suffrage opened a Women's Service Department to find openings for volunteer workers as well as taking the lead in training women for war work. At the end of the war the parent organisation became the London National Society for Women's Service (LNSWS), and the section became the Women's Employment Department, continuing its work until 1922. It concentrated on the problems of women left unemployed by the returning male workers. The Carnegie Trust, which funded its activities for a time, made attempts to integrate it with the Central Bureau for the Employment of Women, but this failed and the department closed due to financial problems. In 1933, this function was largely taken over by a new group called, initially the National Federation of Organisations Concerned with the Employment and Training of Women, soon renamed the Women's Employment Federation. It maintained close connections with the LNSWS, and shared premises with them until 1939 with the LNSWS president Ray Strachey as its first organising secretary. It too was funded by the Carnegie Trust but this time its object was to co-ordinate the work of organisations dealing with women's employment, to prevent overlapping and to assist each in its individual work by offering opportunities for consultation and co-operation between them. The constituent organisations were all concerned with the employment and training of women, such as: the Association of Assistant Mistresses, the Association of Head Mistresses, the Midwives Institute, the National Association of Women Pharmacists, the Council of Women Civil Servants, as well as women's schools and universities. Between them they decided on the election of the executive committee and the policies of the group. The group contained an Advisory Department that collected information on careers and openings that were then available to members and the public, as well as organising advice, publications and speakers. Between 1935 and 1940 it received an average of 3816 enquiries annually and in 1939 was asked to compile a national register of women workers. At the outbreak of the Second World War, the group moved to Bedford College. When its main organiser, Ray Strachey, died in 1940, others took over the work and it was her friend, Irene Hilton, that remained the Federation's organisation secretary from 1948 until 1971, when it became the National Advisory Centre on Careers for Women. This remained its name until 1991 when it became Careers for Women. It ceased operating in 1995.

The National Treatment Outcome Research Study (NTORS) project was conducted 1995-2000 to gather information in England and Wales about the treatment outcomes of more than a thousand problem drug users who were recruited into 54 residential or community treatment programmes. It was conducted by the The National Addiction Centre at the Institute of Psychiatry and funded by the Department of Health.

The Substance Misuse Advisory Service (SMAS) was set up, following the review of the Health Advisory Service in 1996, to replace the Drug Advisory
Service. SMAS became operational on 1 Oct 1997 and was a three year, centrally-funded project by the consortium which assumed responsibility for the Health Advisory Service (the Royal College of Psychiatry, the British Geriatric Society and the Office of Public Management). The aim of SMAS was to assist health and local authorities in England in developing their commissioning practice and improving the quality of drug and alcohol treatment services available. It eventually became part of the National Treatment Agency.

The Nation Life and General Assurance Company Ltd was registered on 22 April 1925 and commenced trading on 29 May 1925. The company's registered office was Nation House, Hampton Road, Teddington, Middlesex, but it opened branches in central London and the provinces, including Manchester and Liverpool. The company was set up to acquire the England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland business of the New Ireland Assurance Company Ltd. It provided fire, industrial and ordinary life and general branch insurance. It also owned a controlling interest in the Tabulating and Mechanical Accounting Service Ltd. The company's name was changed to the Fordham Life and General Assurance Company Ltd between August 1969 and October 1970, when it was again changed to the Nation Life Insurance Company Ltd. The Company was liquidated in 1974.

Nathan and Rosselli, a firm of stockbrokers, was formed by the partnership of David Nathan (b.1839) and Joseph Rosselli (1860-1930) in 1888. It grew into one of the leading houses doing arbitrage business in New York and Europe. It later specialised in fixed interest securities and US stocks.

The firm was based at initially at 3 Adams Court (1888-95), and subsequently at 7 Adam Court (1895-1958) and 16 Old Broad Street (1958-65). In 1961 it merged with Gordon L Jacobs and Company, but continued to practice as Nathan and Rosselli. In 1965 it merged with James Capel and Company, under whose name the resulting firm was known.

Colonel Frederick Nathan joined the Royal Artillery in 1879 and in 1886 took up an appointment at the Royal Arsenal in Woolwich. Colonel Nathan worked in the explosives industry.

Paul Nash was born in London on 11 May 1889, son of William Harry Nash, late Recorder of Abingdon. He was educated at St. Paul's School, and originally was going to join the Navy. His earliest artistic training was at the Chelsea Polytechnic and the L.C.C. school, he then went to the Slade School of Art. In 1914, shortly after marrying Margaret Theodosia Odeh, he enlisted in The Artists Rifles, where he received a commission in the Hampshire Regiment. Though he had exhibited drawings in 1911, Nash first came into prominence in June 1917, when during convalescence from a broken rib received in the trenches he showed at the Goupil Gallery a collection of landscape drawings made in the Ypres Salient. They made a huge impact, and when Nash returned to France it was as an official war artist.After that Nash developed rapidly with changes of style and medium, but always retaining the same general attitude to nature from simplified forms, through geometrical shapes to surrealist images. Nash also acted as a designer for industry using a wide range of crafts and materials - textiles, wood, glass, china, book production, posters and stage design and costumes. His ideas on modernity in design were put into practice with the foundation in 1933 of 'Unit One'; a group of painters, sculptors, and architects pledged to the expression of the contemporary spirit in their work. For a time Nash was a member of of the New English Art Club, the London Group, the London Artists' Association, the Modern English Watercolour Society, and the International Society of Wood-engravers, but when 'Unit One' was formed he resigend from all other groups and societies. In 1933, he was elected a member of the Council for Art and Industry, having been president of the Society of Industrial Artists in the previous year. He was also visiting instructor to the School of Design at the Royal College of Art. In 1940 Nash was appointed an official war artist to the Air Ministry, and in 1941 to the Ministry of Information. Paul Nash died on 11 July 1946.

Born 1922; educated Newtown School, Waterford, and Trinity College, Dublin; Demonstrator in Civil Engineering, Trinity College, Dublin; Assistant Engineer with K.D.C Group on Phoenix Caissons for Mulberry Harbour, 1943-1944; Factory Engineer, Messrs Johnson Brothers, Ireland, 1944; Junior Science Officer, Soil Mechanics Division, Road Research Laboratory, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1944-1946; Lecturer, 1946-1951, Reader, 1951-1961 and Professor of Civil Engineering, 1961-1981, King's College London; Head of Civil Engineering Department, King's College London, 1971-[1981]; Assistant Principal, King's College London, 1973-1977; Consultant to Nigerian Government on engineering education in Nigeria, 1963; Soil Mechanics Consultant on Kainji Dam, Nigeria, and various earth and rock-fill dams in Nigeria, Jordan, Israel, Cyprus, Portugal, Greece, Sudan, Britain and Ireland, 1961-1969; expert witness for National Coal Board at Aberfan Tribunal, 1966-1967, and for British Petroleum (BP) at the Sea Gem Enquiry, 1967; Consultant for foundations of London Bridge and Humber Bridge; Chairman, British Geotechnical Society, 1959-1961; Member of the Council, Institution of Civil Engineers, 1959-1968; Secretary-General, International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 1967-1981; Chairman, Editorial Panel of Geotechnique, 1960-1966; Fellow of King's College London, 1972; Governor, Leighton Park School, Reading, 1974; died 1981.

Publications: Civil engineering (Robert Hale, London, 1957); The elements of soil mechanics in theory and practice (Constable and Co, London, 1951).

G.S. Nares entered the Navy in 1845 and served as a midshipman in the Havannah, flagship on the Australian Station, and in her tender, the Bramble. He specialized in surveying, becoming a lieutenant in 1854 and a captain in 1869. In 1872 he was chosen to command the Challenger on her voyage round the world, the first major oceanographic expedition. He then led the Arctic Expedition of 1875 to 1876. He became a rear-admiral in 1887 and a vice-admiral in 1892. See M.B. Deacon, Ann Savours and Geoffrey Hattersley-Smith, 'Sir George Strong Nares 1831-1915' (Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, 1976).

Baptised, 1831; Royal Naval School, New Cross; entered the Royal Navy, 1845; midshipman in HMS CANOPUS; joined the HAVANNAH on the Australian station, 1848-1851; mate on HMS RESOLUTE, part of the Franklin search expedition under Sir Edward Belcher, 1852-1854; returned to England, 1854; served for two years in the Mediterranean in the CONQUEROR; joined the staff of the training ship ILLUSTRIOUS, 1858; joined the BRITANNIA, 1859; commander of the training ship BOSCAWEN, 1863; appointment to the paddle steamer SALAMANDER on the east coast of Australia, 1865; commander of the NEWPORT for hydrographical work in the Mediterranean, which included a survey of the Gulf of Suez via the Suez Canal, 1868; further hydrographical work in the SHEARWATER, 1871-1872; captain of HMS CHALLENGER, on a voyage of circumnavigation devoted to oceanographic exploration, 1872-1874; led the British Arctic expedition of 1875-1876, in the vessels ALBERT and DISCOVERY; Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society , 1875; RGS Founder's medal, 1877; command of the ALERT during the survey of the Strait of Magellan, 1878; harbour department of the Board of Trade, 1879-1896; retired from active service, 1886; died, 1915.

Publications: The Naval Cadet's Guide (1860)
A Voyage to the Polar Sea (1878).

J.D. Nares, son of Sir George Strong Nares, was a midshipman in the CRESCENT, RAPID and ORLANDO, Australian Station, between 1894 and 1897. He became a lieutenant in 1900, commander in 1913 and captain in 1919, serving in numerous survey ships including the IROQUOIS, which he commanded in 1928 on the China Station. From 1924 to 1928, 1930 to 1931 and 1940 to 1945, he was Assistant Hydrographer and Naval Assistant to the Hydrographer. In 1952 he was made Director of the International Hydrographic Bureau at Monaco.

George Nares, son of Sir George Strong Nares, was a midshipman in the CURACOA on the Australian Station from 1892 to 1893. He specialized in surveying and became a lieutenant in 1896.

Founded in 1905 as Napsbury Asylum, under Middlesex County Council. Became Napsbury Mental Hospital after the end of the First World War.

Napsbury Hospital

Napsbury Hospital opened in 1905 as Napsbury Asylum, a metropolitan asylum. In 1918 it became Napsbury Mental Hospital and had another change of name in 1943 when it became known as Napsbury Hospital. In 1948 the hospital came under the management of the North West Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board until 1974 when it became part of the North West Thames Regional Health Authority. The hospital closed in 1999.

Entering the Navy in 1799, Napier became a lieutenant in 1805, commander in 1807 and captain in 1809. Between 1811 and 1812 he served on the West coast of Italy and later in American waters. In 1833 he took service in the Portuguese navy and was victorious over the forces of Dom Miguel, who had seized the throne of Portugal from his niece, Maria, in 1828. As he had not sought permission to enter foreign service, Napier's name was removed from the Navy List hut was restored in 1836. In 1837 he was appointed second-in-command of the Mediterranean Fleet, taking a leading part in the Syrian campaign, 1839 to 1841, particularly at the bombardment of Acre and in the subsequent negotiations with Mehemet Ali. In 1846 he was promoted to rear-admiral and he took command of the Channel Squadron until 1849. He was promoted to vice-admiral in 1853 and commanded the Baltic Fleet in the 1854 campaign. In 1858 he was advanced to admiral. Napier was Member of Parliament for Marylebone, 1841 to 1847, and for Southwark, 1855 to 1860. There are two biographies: Major-General E. Napier, 'Memoirs and correspondence of Admiral Sir Charles Napier, K. C. B.' (London, 1862) and H. Noel Williams, 'The life and letters of Admiral Sir Charles Napier, K.C.B. (1736-1860)' (London, 1917).

Lionel Everard Napier was born in 1888 and educated at St John's School, Leatherhead and St Bartholomew's Hospital. Napier became a member and licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians in 1914 and served in World War One, 1915-1918.

Napier worked as consultant on Tropical Diseases, Ministry of Pensions; Medical Editor, Caxton Publishing Company; editor of the Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and Professor of Tropical Medicine and Director of School of Tropical Medicine, Calcutta. Napier's work was recognised when he was made a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, 1940 and when he was appointed Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire, 1942. Napier died in 1957.

Born, 1917; educated, Canford and Medical College of St Bartholomew's Hospital, -1943; House Surgeon, Senior House Surgeon and Chief Assistant to the Orthopaedic Unit, Hill End Hospital (St Bartholomew's Hospital), 1943-1946; Registrar to the Peripheral Nerve Injury Unit, Hill End Hospital, 1946-; demonstrator , Anatomy Department of the London School of Medicine for Women (now the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine), 1946; Visiting Professor at Iowa State University; Reader, Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine; helped set up the Unit of Primatology at Royal Free Hospital; Director of the Primate Biology Program of the US National Museum, Smithsonian Institution; Director of a similar unit at Queen Elizabeth College, University of London; Visiting Professorship of Primate Biology at Birkbeck College, University of London; founder of the Primate Society of Great Britain; died, 1987.

The Bishop of London was held to exercise responsibility for Anglican churches overseas where no other bishop had been appointed. He retained responsibility for churches in northern and central Europe until 1980, but his jurisdiction in southern Europe ceased in 1842 on the creation of the diocese of Gibraltar. In 1980, the Bishop of London divested himself of all overseas jurisdiction and a new diocese of 'Gibraltar in Europe' was established.

Nantes is a large city in Western France, including a busy port. The chaplaincy here was presumably established for sailors and merchants, and later for tourists.

Born, 1861; educated, University of Christiania; went to Greenland Sea, 1882; curator in Natural History Museum, Bergen; went across Greenland, 1888-1889; Curator Museum of Comparative Anatomy, Christiania University; North Pole Expedition, in which he reached the highest latitude until then attained (86 deg. 14' m.), 1893-1896; Professor of Zoology, Christiania University; took an active part in the separation of Norway and Sweden, 1905; Minister for Norway at the Court of St James', 1906-1908; Nobel Peace Prize, 1921-1922; Professor of Oceanography, Christiania University, 1908-; Rector of St Andrews University, 1925-1930; died, 1930


Across Greenland

Eskimo Life

Farthest North, 1897

The Norwegian North Polar Expedition, 1893-1896, Scientific Results

Norway and the Union with Sweden, 1905

Northern Mists, 1911

Through Siberia, 1914

Sporting Days in Wild Norway, 1925

Hunting and Adventure in the Arctic, 1925

Adventure, and other Papers, 1927

Armenia and the Near East, 1928

Through the Caucasus to the Volga, 1931

Namoe Tongan Rubber Estates Limited was registered in 1926 to acquire the Namoe Tongan and Soengei Roembija estates on the east coast of Sumatra. In 1961 it was acquired by London Sumatra Plantations Limited (CLC/B/112-110). In 1982 it became a private company.

The National Association of Local Government Officers' (NALGO) was a Trade Union founded in 1905. It was renamed the National and Local Government Officers' Association in 1952 but retained the acronym NALGO. In 1993 it merged with the National Union of Public Employees (NUPE) and the Confederation of Health Service Employees (COHSE) to form the Trade Union UNISON.

The Corporation of London Branch of NALGO was founded in 1938. The first Chairman was Mr A L Haynes and the Secretary was Mr H Clements. Early meetings were held at the Talbot Restaurant, London Wall, later moving to various locations around the City and in Guildhall. In the late 1950s and early 1960s the branch struggled for membership and was nearly disbanded. It underwent a revival, however, and continued to meet, eventually becoming the City of London Branch of UNISON in 1993.