Groupe d'âge

Zone des éléments


Note(s) sur la source


Termes hiérarchiques

Groupe d'âge

Terme générique Répartition par âge

Groupe d'âge

Termes équivalents

Groupe d'âge

  • Employé pour Catégorie d'âge
  • Employé pour Classe d'âge
  • Employé pour Tranche d'âge
  • Employé pour Franja de edad

66 Description archivistique résultats pour Groupe d'âge

63 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
GB 0074 LMA/4275 · Collection · 1948-1962

Photographs of activities at the Cowley Recreational Institution, including fencing, athletics, dance, football, table tennis, martial arts and official visits to the Institution. Also correspondence relating to the use of the photographs in an exhibition by the London County Council.

Sans titre
Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)
GB 0120 PP/FPW · 1886-1962

The papers of Frederick Parkes Weber, 1886-1962, consist of case notes from his Harley Street and German Hospital practices, some very fine annotated clinical photographs, and (the bulk of the collection) a large number of volumes and bundles dealing with a vast array of diseases and medical conditions, usually accreted around an original paper by Parkes Weber himself. He described how these 'small collections and bundles around kernels of my earliest writings on the subject' evolved in a letter to the Librarian, Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, 27 Feb 1958: "I was in the habit of surrounding my own writings with manuscript and printed correspondence, and all kinds of cuttings and small articles bearing on the subject. Many interesting autograph letters and small essays have in this way become buried and practically altogether lost." These had become 'gradually very extensive, and many of them have become dislocated and unmanageable'. On examination they have been found to include reprints and cuttings of articles, case notes, notes and annotations, correspondence, and photographs. There is also material on more general philosophical questions, and relating to his book Aspects of Death and other publications, and a little personalia and correspondence. Diaries apparently received with the papers were returned to Parkes Weber late in 1958 to assist in the preparation of the notes published as Miscellaneous Notes (see PP/FPW/D.11) and seem never to have been returned to the Wellcome Library (Parkes Weber to Dr Poynter, Wellcome Historical Medical Library, 24 Dec 1958 and 11 Feb 1959). This is a collection of major importance for the medical historian.

Parkes Weber had a very active life during a period of unprecedented developments in medicine. He produced well over 1000 articles, and was particularly interested in rare diseases and conditions: conditions with which he is eponymously associated are Rendu-Osler-Weber disease (familial telangiectasis), Weber's diseases (localised epidermolysis bullosa), Weber-Klippel syndrome (haemangiectatic hypertrophy of limbs), Weber-Christian disease (relapsing febrile nodular non-suppurative panniculitis) and Sturge-Weber-Kalischer disease (angioma of brain revealed by radiography). His papers also include much on more common ailments and phenomena, on balneological and climatological treatment, healthy life-style and the promotion of longevity, social medicine, etc. His associates and colleagues included many of the great names in medicine of his day.

Sans titre
Vaughan, Dame Janet, (1899-1993)
GB 0120 GC/186 · 1939-1987

Papers of Dame Janet Vaughan, mainly 1939-1949, including material on her work with the Emergency Blood Transfusion Service, social and industrial medicine and post-War medical services, child guidance, Health Survey and Development Committee in India, and treating sufferers from starvation liberated from Belsen.

Sans titre
Fairfield, (Josephine) Letitia Denny
GB 0120 GC/193 · 1885-1987

Papers of Dr. Letitia Fairfield, reflecting her interests in social hygiene, in mental health, in medico-legal matters and criminology, mother and child health and welfare, and as a Roman Catholic convert, as well as her broader political and feminist convictions. There is also some biographical material.

Sans titre
Refugee Council
GB 2381 C42396 · Collection · 1951-

Papers of the Refugee Council relating to all aspects of refugee history, policy and practice, both in the UK and worldwide, from the 1950s to the time of writing. The collection comprises published books and journals, published and unpublished articles and reports; conference papers; pamphlets and leaflets; newsletters, research papers including interviews, questionnaires and case studies; field reports; working papers; statistical data; press cuttings; bibliographies and audio-visual resources including videos, DVDs, tapes, CDs, multi media CD-ROMs, photographs and slides. Topics include conditions in the countries of origin of refugees; causes of flight; migration; asylum; assistance and relief programmes; adaptation and integration of refugees into new communities; groups including ethnic groups, religious groups, gender groups, age groups, social class and family; and organisations including intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations.

Sans titre
RAMPHAL, Sir Shridath (b1928)
GB 3172 RAMPHAL · Collection · 1975-1977, [1990]

Created during Ramphal's time in office, the collection comprises of papers arranged under the following sections: Committees 1975-1976, includes agendas, supporting papers and minutes for committees such as the Meeting of Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation and of the Secretariat Finance Sub Committee. Ministerial Meetings 1975-1977, holds minutes and papers from meetings of Law Ministers, Health Ministers, Senior Officials but especially Finance Ministers Meetings. Conference 1976, has documents from the Non-Aligned Conference. Correspondence 1975-1977, contains letters to and from the Secretary-General and other senior Secretariat officials. Country Files 1975-1977, mainly contain briefs prepared by each area of responsibility within the Secretariat; legal, health, youth, education, food production and rural development, science, applied studies, Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation, international affairs, trade and finance.

Specific issues covered relate to The New International Economic Order, Lome Convention and the North South Dialogue as well as the situation in Southern Africa including Commonwealth Aid to Mozambique and sporting links with apartheid South Africa. Divisions 1975-1976 relates to the Youth Affairs Programme and Meetings of the Youth Affairs Council. Economic 1975-1977, contains the Report by a Commonwealth Expert Group: McIntyre Report Towards a New International Economic Order and papers of the Commonwealth Technical Group on the Common Fund. Internal 1975-1977, covers Commonwealth Day, including the first simultaneously observed Commonwealth Day. Organisation 1975-1977, covers Ramphal's appointment to the Dag Hammarskjold Foundation Board of Trustees as well as papers from the Anglo-French Colloquium 1976. Reviews 1975-1976, includes the Internal Review of Secretariat Activities, 1975.

Sans titre
Committee on children and young persons
GB 0097 COLL MISC 0372 · Collection · 1957-1958

Evidence presented to the Committee on children and young persons, also pamphlets concerning children and young persons.

Sans titre
GB 0097 HCA · 1940-2000

Records and publications of gay organisations and individuals in the UK and worldwide, notably the records of the Albany Trust and the Homosexual Law Reform Society, later the Sexual Law Reform Society, 1950-1984; the papers of Rupert Beach, 1970-1972, mainly relating to the Gay Liberation Front; the records of Body Positive, 1985-2000, a support organisation for those diagnosed as HIV positive; the records of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality, 1940-1996; the papers of John Chesterman, 1970-1978, mainly relating to the Gay Liberation Front; the papers of Adam Christie, 1981-1998, concerning his work as an AIDS educator; the records of the Conservative Group for Homosexual Equality, later known as the Tory Campaign for Homosexual Equality (TORCHE), 1977-1993; the papers of Robert Crossman, [1970-1990], mainly comprising material relating to his work as a Labour politician; the papers of Anthony Edward Dyson, 1958, concerning the Wolfenden Report and the formation of the HLRS; records of (National) Friend, 1970-1995, a national counselling organisation for gays and bisexuals; the records of the Gay Activists Alliance, 1977-1980; the records of the Gay Christian Movement, later known as the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement, 1969-1998; records of the Gay Community Organisation, 1978-1989; the records of the Gay Liberation Front, 1970-1979; the records of the Greater London Council's Gay Rights Working Party, 1976-1987; the papers of Antony Grey, 1958-1992, relating to his work in the HLRS and the Albany Trust; the records of the Joint Council for Gay Teenagers, 1970-1983; the records of the London Gay Campaign Group, 1980-1987; the papers of Christine Murray, 1972-1980, concerning women's involvement in gay activism; the records of the National Colleges of Education's Gay Rights Committee, 1971-1975; the records of the National Council for Civil Liberties, mainly relating to gay rights, 1962-1989; the papers of Robert Palmer, 1970-1983, concerning his work with CHE; the records of the Scottish Minorities Group, later known as, successively, the Scottish Homosexual Rights Group and Outright Scotland, 1970-1984; the papers of Peter Tatchell, [1970]-1999, relating to gay rights and politics; the papers of Simon Watney, [1970-1998], mainly concerning his work as an AIDS campaigner; the papers of Christopher Woods, 1983-1993, relating to gay issues. The Hall-Carpenter Archives also holds a large collection of gay, lesbian and bisexual journals, 1954-1999, collected from the UK and the rest of the world, particularly the USA; an extensive collection of ephemera, 1953-2000, relevant for the for study of gay, lesbian and bisexual history; and the administrative papers of the Archives, 1973-1994.

Sans titre
GB 0097 HCA/Beach · 1970-1972
Fait partie de HALL-CARPENTER Archives

Papers collected by Rupert Beach relating to the Gay Liberation Front (GLF), including GLF manifestos and statements of principles; GLF diaries and events leaflets; GLF leaflets, discussion papers, posters and press cuttings; material relating to GLF special interest groups, namely the Education, Propaganda and Research group, the Gay Liberation Youth and Education Group, the Counter Psychiatry Group and the GLF Action Group; incomplete set of Come Together; material relating to the GLF campaign against Everything you always wanted to know about sex (W H Allen, London and New York, 1970) by David Robert Reuben, [1971]; tickets, leaflets and posters for GLF events and discos; GLF stickers and badges; newsletters and notices of Camden Gay Liberation Front.

Sans titre
GB 0505 GS · 1974-1997

The collection consists of minutes of management meetings, 1974 - 1994; membership lists; internal correspondence; external correspondence concerning the reactions of the public to the productions; correspondence regarding funding; copies of scripts written by members of the company and outside authors; audition notes and CVs; correspondence and accounts relating to tour arrangements; tour reports; posters and programmes for productions; photographs, video cassettes and loose film reel of productions; promotional material; newspaper cuttings relating to specific productions and Gay Sweatshop in general; theses based on Gay theatre.

Sans titre
Hunt, John
GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Seas/FBN 36-37 (Boxes 649-650) · 1833-1938

Papers, 1833-1938, of and relating to John Hunt and his family, comprising correspondence, 1833-1868, of John and Hannah Hunt, the correspondents mainly family members but including some other missionaries; 'scrapbook' kept at the Wesleyan Theological Institution, Hoxton, commencing 1835, containing entries by Hunt on religious subjects; certificates, 1838, of ordination and oath of allegiance; Hunt's journals, 1838-1848, including the journey to Fiji and life and work there, one volume including an autobiographical account of his early life and religious experiences; Hunt's sermon notes and religious writings, largely undated [1830s-1840s], including a volume presented to R B Lyth, 1842; poems by Hunt, including some Fijian verses, undated; Hunt's manuscript memoir of the Rev William Cross [1843-1844]; pen believed to have belonged to John Hunt; photographic copies of a portrait of Hunt; the first Tongan Bible [published in 1839], with an inscription regarding its provenance, 1842; printed letter by James Calvert on Hunt's death, 1848; biographical account of Hunt [by R B Lyth] [after 1848]; notebook [of Hannah Hunt], some entries inscribed E A Hunt and dated 1860, including notes on Lincolnshire and other English localities, the Scriptures, poetry, Shakespeare, and history; notebook of poems from Elsie and Hannah Hunt to their mother [Hannah Hunt], 1875; photograph [of Hannah Hunt]; miscellaneous papers of Hannah Hunt Richings, 1864-1881, including photographs of her and her husband Lewis, undated; notebook of Eliza-Ann Hunt, containing diary entries, 1874-1888, and other entries including poetry and stories; papers, 1920-1938, including letters, press cuttings, and notes, relating to John Hunt, his work in Fiji, and his Lincolnshire connections.

Sans titre
Temple, Margaret
GB 0102 MS 380619 · 1940-1942

Papers, 1940-1942 and undated, of Margaret Temple relating to the Ethiopian royal family, comprising three signed typescript letters to her, 1940-1942, from Fairfield, Bath, and from the Imperial Palace, Addis Ababa, including one from Haile Selassie, the subjects including care of the children, the situation in Italy, and air raids on Bath; four undated photographs of the royal family and an undated photograph of a building, possibly Fairfield.

Sans titre
GB 0366 CSW · 1956-1957

Manuscript and typescript reports from around a hundred local study groups prior to the British National Conference on Social Work, 1956-1957.

Sans titre
JARECKI, Hilde (1911-1995)
GB 0366 HJ · Collection · 1945-1997

Papers of Hilde Jarecki including biographical papers, material for publication and papers relating to the playgroup associations, 1945-1997.

Sans titre
GB 0074 LMA/4232 · Collection · 1943-1996

Records of the London Union of Youth Clubs, including:

Administration LMA/4232/A: which includes the minutes of Annual General Meetings 1945-1992, Executive Committee 1943-1948, Council minutes and papers 1982-1996, Management Committee 1983-1994, Finance and General Purposes Committee 1980-1983, Participation Sub-Committee 1985, Anti-Racial and Multi-Ethnic Committee 1984-1998, Steering Committee 1982-1983, Working Group papers 1977-1990's, as well as correspondence and statistics 1960's-1990's, papers relating to the merger of the LUYC with the association of Combined Youth Clubs 1992-1995, fund-raising 1983-1995 and grants and awards 1981-1996.

Finance LMA/4232/B: which includes Accounts 1978-1995 and Investments, Legacies and Trusts 1964-1984.

Related Organisations LMA/4232/C: which are the records of the London Girls Fund 1980-1996.

Printed Material/Ephemera LMA/4232/D: consisting of Annual Reports 1948-1997, copies of the LUYC Bulletin 1971-1992 and publications relating to youth clubs dating from the 1970's to 1990's. There are also T-shirts, posters and a banner from the LUYC Young Women's Unit c.1980.

Audio-Visual/Photographs LMA/4232/E: this series contains not only a large series of photographs illustrating LUYC events but films produced by members of LUYC and cassette recordings. These date from the 1960's to the 1990's.

Sans titre
Maternity Alliance
GB 106 5MAL · c.1980-c.2005

The archive consists of the organisation's archives and Maternity Alliance publications. It includes Annual Reports and Accounts, the papers for the Annual General Meetings, the Minutes of the Executive and Management Committees and the papers of the working parties and subcommittees that reported to them, a complete set of the MA monthly newsletter, MA publications (including reports, fact-sheets, training notes, booklets and books), Directors' working papers (Christine Gowdridge), press cuttings, posters, a MA clock, an award.

The records reflect the organisation's work in:

  • Education (this includes educating employers and individuals of what was existing legal provision for maternity, but also education related to campaigning to reduce inequality in maternity provision, including lobbying government and trade unions for key changes in maternity provision);
  • Research into and support for specific groups (ethnic minorities; travellers; teenagers; asylum seekers; disabled etc);

  • Publications: Creating publications to support the above work;

  • Training: Creating published training resources and providing training sessions for those who worked with target communities (i.e. those who worked with parents on rights and benefits such as the DSS; Social workers; Advice groups and charities);

  • Policy and Project Work (such as a Teenage Pregnancy Project which included a resource and training pack);

  • Advisory Services (through the web site; through key publications; and through the Advice Line);

  • Conferences (particularly research based courses to highlight specific campaigns).

Sans titre
Museum Collection: Poster Collection
GB 106 TWL.poster · 1877-2000

As at Jan 2009, The Women's Library held approximately 1050 posters in the Museum Collection, with c 100 posters identified in the archives.

The earliest posters held result from suffrage activities and can be divided into three main groups; advertisements for meetings and events, illustrated propaganda posters arguing why women should get the vote, and thirdly newspaper bills bearing suffrage related headlines, used to promote paper sales.

All other posters are arranged by subject and date from the 1970s to the present day. The collection represents a mixture of women's campaigning, campaigning by organisations to promote gender equality, and posters produced to advertise women-focused events and publications. There are a small number of posters that portray women's issues and campaign work internationally. The work of The Equal Opportunities Commission in England and Ireland is particularly well represented as a result of a large donation of their obsolete posters during the 1990s. Also well represented with almost 80 posters is the work of See Red Women's Workshop, a women's liberation screen-printing collective (1974-1984).

Sans titre
GB 0120 PP/SHA · 1921-2001

Midwifery records of Gertrude Mary Ethel Shannon constituting a relatively full record of midwifery training in the 1920s, and thus quite unusual. They are also of interest as Mrs Shannon trained under the pioneer medical woman Annie McCall at the Clapham Maternity Hospital (which was later renamed after Dr McCall), who supplied her with a testimonial (PP/SHA/1) and signed the certificates, PP/SHA/5/1-2. The exercise book includes notes on lectures by Dr McCall. The Central Midwives Board certificate is signed by Sir Francis Champneys.

Sans titre
GB 0120 SA/AHR · 1897-1984

Papers of the Association of Health and Residential Care Officers including minutes, yearbooks, and files on conferences and on general organisational matters. Minutes of the entire organisation survive only from 1915 and there is a large gap for the period 1933-1946, although there are earlier minutes from No 2 and No 4 Inspection Districts. Files relating to the organisation of, and proceedings at, Annual Conferences only go back to 1961.

Sans titre
British Social Hygiene Council
GB 0120 SA/BSH · 1914-1957

Minutes of National Council for Combatting Venereal Diseases (later the British Social Hygiene Council) including of Annual and Executive meetings, and other committees, sub-committees, standing committees and advisory boards, 1914-1957; also London and Home Counties Branch/Committee minutes, 1917-1940; a few financial records, 1942-1952; and journal Health and Empire, 1926-1940; pamphlets and similar literature of the NCCVD and related organisations, 1913-1918, n.d..

Sans titre
GB 1556 WL 824 · Collection · 1938

Correspondence and papers documenting the experiences of Frank Henley (formerly Otto Lichtenstein) when he came to England on the Kindertransport, 1938, chiefly comprising instructions sent by the Provinzialverband für jüdische Wohlfahrtspflege in der Rheinprovinz, the organisation responsible for the well-being of Jews from Cologne; also including his train and boat ticket and his identity card with photograph.

Sans titre
Working Class Autobiographies Collection
GB 1975 Working Class Autobiographies · Created 1790-1945; copied 1984-1989

Photocopies of c230 manuscript and typescript autobiographies of English, Welsh and Scottish working class individuals, c1790-1945, collated and copied by John Burnett, David Mayall and David Vincent for their The autobiography of the working class (Harvester Press, Brighton, 1984-1989). The majority of authors recall memories of their childhoods and early working lives in the late 19th century and early 20th century.

Sans titre
Morrison, Brenda
GB 0120 GC/240 · 1933-2007

Memoir of Brenda Morrison and other papers including memoir entitled ''Reminiscences of a woman doctor, 1933-1956', in which she describes developments in paediatrics during that period and also various other contemporary medical developments such as blood transfusion, plastic surgery, antibiotics and chemotherapy; C.V. 1998; reprints of publications by Dr Morrison, 1945-1957 (incomplete set) and memoir of her later life 'Training and Practice in Psychoanalysis 1956-1996' .

Sans titre
GB 0809 Growth survey · 1977

Papers of survey of growth in the pre-school child in England and Wales, 1977, comprise original research data concerning the health and growth of children. The collection comprises data entry forms, dated 1977, used to collate data gathered from a sample of pre-school children in England and Wales. These questionnaires are all labelled 'part IV' and therefore possibly constitute a sample of the original research data collated.

Sans titre
Buchan, Alexander Peter (b 1764)
GB 0114 MS0037 · 1799-c 1824

Papers of Alexander Peter Buchan, 1799-c 1824, comprising 2 volumes. Volume 1 contains manuscript notes and insertions concerning human longevity. The insertions are from James Easton Human Longevity: recording the name, age, place of residence, and year, of the decease of 1712 persons, who attained a century and upwards from AD 66 to 1799, comprising a period of 1733 years with Anecdotes of the most remarkable (Salisbury and London, 1799). Volume 2 contains a manuscript translation of Mssrs A Seguin and Lavoisier Respiration of Animals (Academy of Sciences, 1789).

Sans titre

Records, 1935-1992, of the League for Democracy in Greece and associated bodies. Pre-1945 material includes a set of the Balkan Herald, 1935-1940, and surviving papers, 1943-1945, of the League's predecessor, the Greek United Committee, and one of its supporters, E Athanassoglou. Notably there are proofs of Sir Compton Mackenzie's The Wind of Freedom (published in London, 1944) and a photocopy of a telegram from Winston Churchill prohibiting favourable mention of EAM-ELAS by the BBC, 1944. The papers of the League itself date from 1945 to 1975 and include a large collection of press cuttings covering all British and some foreign press references to Greece during the period of the League's activity, with some later cuttings concerning Greece to 1992; material produced by the Greek News Agency including the Weekly Survey of Greek News and later monthly surveys, covering Greek and foreign press output and the Free Greek Radio Broadcasts, complete from November 1946 to September 1953 and January 1969 to January 1974 but otherwise incomplete, the contents of particular value for the period of the Civil War, 1947-1949, as they form a rare source for the broadcasts of Radio Free Greece; and eight volumes of the League's own duplicated information and organizational circulars. There are copies of all official British reports on Greece: TUC (Citrine), Legal Mission, March 1946 Election Observers, All-Party Parliamentary Delegation (1946); a fairly complete collection of Hansard for parliamentary references to Greece; reports of the UN Commission for observing the Balkans (1947-1950); daily broadcasts of the Greek refugee radio at Bucharest, 1970-1974; a large collection of pamphlets, leaflets and news bulletins, British and foreign; a large collection of material from similar organisations in other countries and from Greek refugee committees; and specialist journals. Over 280 files of the League's correspondence and information material cover its various campaigns. Over 23 files represent other organisations which donated material to the League's archives: British Branch of the Patriotic Anti-Dictatorial Front (PAM), Campaign for the Release of All Political Prisoners in Greece, European-Atlantic Action Committee on Greece, Greek Committee against Dictatorship. The papers include an important collection of archive material, arising from the League's work to stimulate British parliamentary action, particularly regarding persecution, on Greek government repression, Law 375/1936, the Emergency Measures Act of June 1946, Law 509/1947 on 'subversion', the operation of the special courts-material and the security committee, and the conditions in prisons and concentration camps, including dossiers on the cases of individual prisoners, supplemented by thesis material on Greek political legislation since 1921. There is a card index of junta detainees; material from the prisons and concentration camps, including two volumes of smuggled appeals (some in microscopic writing); and personal files on individual political prisoners and concentration camps detainees, 1945-1964, 1967-1974. A small library contains unusual publications of the Greek left. Other material comprises a photographic collection, in 18 albums, on occupation, resistance, liberation, civil war, prisons, prisoners, concentration camps, Greek refugee children, and activities abroad; loose photographic items; four reels of film including a Czech film of evacuated Greek children, c1949; and a collection of organisational stamps. Post-1975 material relates to the League's successor, the Friends of Democracy in Greece. Subjects covered by the Archive include the day-to-day evolution of the Civil War, 1947-1949; Greek political legislative and administrative measures; conditions in the prisons and concentration camps; the Greek trade unions; the 'kidnapped' or 'evacuated' children; the Greek political refugees in Eastern Europe; the operations of Greek anti-junta groups in Western Europe and the United States, 1967-1974; attitudes and action of the British Labour movement (Labour Party and trade unions) in regard to Greece, 1945-1974; individual political prisoners and concentration camp detainees; action regarding Greece in Western European countries, Australia, Canada, and the United States; and the operation of pressure groups (from the League's organisational material and correspondence with Members of Parliament and trade unionists).

Sans titre
Froebel College
GB 99999 Froebel College · 1884-1996

Records of Froebel College, comprising:
College Government records, including minutes of the Committee of Members of the Froebel Educational Institute, 1900-1953; minutes of the Governing Body of the Incorporated Froebel Educational Institute, 1953-1969; minutes of the Council of Management, 1970-[1993]; minutes and papers of the College Governing Body, 1970-1993; minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Association of the Froebel Educational Institute, 1946-[1995]; minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1948-1954, 1978-1983; Annual Reports, 1895-1933; lists of subscribers, [1899]; College regulations, 1953; and papers of the Academic Board, 1973-1984.

Papers relating to relations of the College with outside bodies, comprising general correspondence and material concerning visitations and inspections, including the National Froebel Foundation, 1933-1951; the Board of Education (later the Ministry of Education), 1934-1944; London County Council, 1920-[1953], including papers concerning the LCC Nursery School, Grove House; Hertfordshire County Council, [1949-1950], mainly relating to the plans for College use of Offley; the Institute of Education, 1947-1960, including minutes of the Committee of Principals; the ATCDE, 1942-1946; the Nursery School Association (now BAECE), and other organisations concerned with early education, 1945-1946; and the Training Colleges Clearing House, 1951.

Financial records including annual accounts, 1908, 1910; General Ledgers, 1928-1941; Cash Books, 1921-1954; Petty Cash books, 1935-1949; balance sheets, [1928-1940]; monthly accounts, 1926-1960s; Student Fee Books of Froebel College, 1905-1906, 1910-1911; files relating to College fees, 1950s; accounts for various scholarships and external grants, [1929-1949]; cash book for the Students Aid Fund, 1898-1956; salary books, 1940s-1953; ledger for the Common Room Fund, 1936-1950; and accounts of the Esther Lawrence Association, 1948-1966.

Material relating to buildings, including correspondence and papers concerning building funds and appeals, [1891-1960]; correspondence and financial material with architects including John S Quilter, [1899-1914], and Norman and Dawbarn, 1954; legal papers and correspondence relating to Knebworth House, 1939; ground plans of the College, [1920s-1930s], including the new Science Block and the Lulham Extension; plans by Fernand Billerey plans for alterations and extensions during the 1920s; files relating to maintenance of the College buildings, 1920s-1960s; and Bursar's files, [1930s-1990s].

Publicity material, including prospectuses, [1889]-1958; papers relating to Open Days, 1964-1970; advertisements, 1925-1933; and press cuttings, [1890s-1990s].

Curriculum material, including syllabi and course descriptions, 1942-1975; papers relating to examinations, including correspondence with the National Froebel Foundation, 1940-1949, and the Institute of Education, 1957-1958; examination reports, 1940-1949; Froebel Educational Institute notes on the College curriculum, 1963-1975; and syllabuses, 1946-1963.

Staff and student material, comprising staff registers, 1894-1929, including registers of visiting teachers, 1894-1901; visitors books for students and staff at Knebworth and Grove House, 1943-1962; student registers, 1913-1962; student records, 1940-1990s, relating to the PGCE course, 1975-1991, the Nursery Education Course, 1974-1976, the Diploma in Education, 1964-1984, and the Diploma in Music, 1970-1982.

Material relating to student societies, including papers of the Guild of St Francis, the FEI Natural History Club, including accounts, 1901-1921 and minutes, 1907-1943; illustrated scrapbooks relating to College trips to Keston, [1924-1931].

Papers of the Michaelis Guild, notably minute books, 1896-1992; printed notices, 1905-1981; financial material, 1955-1977; and historical material relating to the Guild.

Papers relating to the Library including working papers and notes of actions for the Library Committee, 1939-1971; account books, 1922-1979; Annual Reports, 1908-1957; accession registers, [1920s-1980s]; various stock books, 1920s-1962; minutes of the Library Committee, 1930-1958; Library reports, 1925-1927; 'Meetings minute books', 1922-1930, 1969-1971; and accounts for Mary Bennett's Prize, 1943-1951.

Materials relating to College events, including visitors books for the Spring Festival, 1925, and various exhibitions, 1948 and 1982; papers relating to vacation courses and conferences, 1925, 1948-1952; and material relating to the 1982 Bicentenary arrangements and 1992 Centenary celebrations, including correspondence, cuttings and brochures.

Miscellaneous material relating to the history of the Froebel Educational Institute, 1892-1978, including reminiscences of students, staff and pupils; papers relating to the foundation of the Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, 1974-1978, including instruments, draft deeds, and College by-laws; and material relating to the history of Grove House, [1920s-1930s], including correspondence and maps.

Materials relating to the Demonstration Schools of the Froebel Institute, including prospectuses, fee books, student registers, annual reports, financial material and funding appeals for Colet Gardens Demonstration School (later Ibstock Place), [1894-1936]; prospectuses, magazines, student/staff registers, fee books for Challoner Street Practising School, [1905-1914]; prospectuses, financial material and staff salary book for Grove House School, [1920s-1940s]; Annual Reports for Redford House, [1989-1992]; prospectuses, Annual Reports and trust deeds for Michaelis Free Kindergarten (later Notting Hill Nursery School and St Anne's Nursery School); and minute books, Annual Reports and prospectuses for Somers Town Nursery, 1910-1946.

Student work, [1894-1970s], including scrapbooks, handwork examples, drawing and lettering copybooks, notebooks covering the range of subjects taught in a Froebel College, including Nature Study and Handwork, and also Teaching Practice notes; there are also various wooden games such as Froebel's Gifts, jigsaw puzzles, ABC games, picture and word matching games and number games.

Photographs, [1890s-1990s], of Froebel College buildings and grounds, notably Grove House, Templeton, Knebworth, Offley, Colet Gardens, and other colleges; students and staff, including student activities, teaching, and College social events; a separate box contains photographs of students at the Froebel Educational Institution Demonstration School in 1928-1929, including Iris Murdoch.

Material relating to specific persons, notably Esther Lawrence (1862-1944), 1898-1931, including printed articles by her, mainly on kindergarten and preparatory school teaching; biographical material compiled by Jane Read; original correspondence including letters to Claude Montefiore and Arthur Symonds; personal notebooks and texts of speeches; and invitations to 'At homes', 1903-1907. Papers of Madame Michaelis (1834-1904), one of the founders of the Froebel Society, including lecture notes, 1884-1895, and a draft 'History of the founding of the new Education, 1831-52'. Research material mainly concerning the life and work of Friedrich Froebel, and consisting of photocopies, copies and transcripts of original archival documents, photographs, and extracts from printed works. Personal papers of Molly Root Brearley, [1940s-1980s], including volumes of notes for use in College assemblies, teaching material such as lecture notes and course papers, extensive printed materials on educational topics, including articles and pamphlets written by Brearley. Original writings of Dr Elsa Walters, including various short stories and an autobiography written in 1979.

Publications: Copies of The Link, the journal of past Froebel College students, 1910-2002; Froebel Society pamphlets, 1878-[1967].

Sans titre
Joint Council for Gay Teenagers
GB 0097 HCA/Joint Council for Gay Teenagers · 1970-1983
Fait partie de HALL-CARPENTER Archives

Papers of the Joint Council for Gay Teenagers, 1970-1983, including minutes, 1978-1981; 4 issues of Gay Youth newsletter, 1970; correspondence, 1979-1983, relating to business, international links, counselling and surveys; financial material relating to Breaking the silence: gay teenagers speak for themselves (JCGT, London, 1981), 1981; material relating to campaigns and working parties, 1978-1981, including parliamentary lobbying and law reform; reports and articles, 1980-1982, mainly relating to the homosexual age of consent; pamphlets, 1970 and 1976-1982, mainly drafts of Breaking the silence and other material relating to young people and homosexuality.

Sans titre
GB 0097 BAECE · 1910-1973

Papers of the National Society of Children's Nurseries, 1908-1973, including NSCN policy documents and detailed reports on child education, 1914-1950; minutes of the Council, 1928-1973; minutes of the Executive Committee, 1935-1959 and 1970-1973; minutes of the Finance Committee, 1919-1939; minutes of the Training Committee, 1942-1946; minutes of the Crêche Committee, 1908-1934; minutes of Honorary Secretary's meetings and meetings of representatives of affiliated nurseries and homes, 1921-1939; minutes of the Advisory Board, 1941-1944; records of the Group Committee on the Training of Nursery Nurses, 1942-1945; Examiners minutes, 1943-1946; minutes of the Sub-Committee on the syllabus for the Child Welfare Course, 1946; minutes of the Editorial Committee, [1946]-1958 and 1969-1971; minutes of the Policy Sub-Committee, 1968-1970; minutes of the Conference Sub-Committee, 1961-1965; papers of the Policy Statement Sub-Committee, 1962-1963; reports of Annual General Meetings, 1930-1950; Press cuttings, 1940-1941, relating to NSCN and individual nurseries; NSCN pamphlets, 1960-1973; correspondence, 1973, relating to the winding up of the NSCN; account books, 1948-1964, and petty cash books, 1954-1966; register of members, 1932-1965; attendance register of Executive meetings, 1970-1973.
Papers of the Nursery School Association of Great Britain and Ireland, [1920]-1967, including material deposited by Grace Owen, former Secretary of the NSA, 1923-1948, notably papers from local groups, [1920-1939], correspondence with individuals and organisations, 1921-1925, NSA notes, correspondence and publications, 1925-1948, and correspondence to Owen from individual members, the National Union of Teachers and the NSCN, 1927-1935; correspondence and memoranda relating to the Slum Clearance Campaign, 1933-1934; minutes of the Executive Committee, 1940-1976; minutes of the Annual Meetings and Delegate Council, 1942-1947, and Delegate Council minutes, 1948-1964; minutes of the Finance Committee, 1936-1960; minutes of the Buildings Advisory Committee, 1943-1968; minutes of the Course and Conference Committees, 1936-1967; minutes of the Joint Committee of Council of Superintendents and Head Teachers of Infant Schools, 1937-1944; minutes of the Teacher's Council, 1945-1954; minutes of the Medical Advisory Committee, 1944-1971; minutes of the Education Sub-Committee, 1937-1938; minutes of the Evacuation Sub-Committee, 1938-1939; Nursery Centre Scheme Committee, 1941; Silver Jubilee Committee, 1948-1950; Private Nurseries Committee, 1954-1962; minutes of the Publications Committee, 1936-1967; NSA Annual Reports, 1929-1973; research documents on child development, 1920, 1947-1950 and 1972; NSA pamphlets, 1930-1964; NSA newsletters and newsheets, 1941-1974; material relating to Rommany Road Nursery School, West Norwood, 1919-1968, including minutes, legal documents and correspondence.

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GB 0074 ACC/1338 · Collection · 1915-1954

Records of the South Ealing Conservative Association, comprising minute books; minutes and reports of the Young Britons club; and minutes of the Junior branch (later the Young Conservatives).

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PALMER, Jacqueline (1918-1961)
GB 0060 DF 5006 · 1948-1960

Papers of Jacqueline Grizel Georgiana Palmer relating to her work in the Children's Centre of the Natural History Museum, including papers relating to the Argus Club; Children's Centre papers; Junior Naturalists' Club papers; Field Observer's Club papers; correspondence; worksheets; pressed plants and photographs.

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GB 0074 LMA/4536 · Collection · 2006-2012

Records of the Black Experience Archive Trust (BEAT), comprising interviews with members of the black community, conducted by pupils at Park View Academy, West Green, and promotional postcard and T-Shirt.

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Pearce, Dr John Dalziel Wyndham
GB 0120 GC/192 · 1933-1994

Papers of Dr John Dalziel Wyndham Pearce, 1933-1994, including published and draft papers re juvenile delinquency, and relating to RAMC psychiatry service, Second World War. Includes account of case of religious fervour in an ambulance unit, 1941.

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Kristian Andrews Archive
GB 3094 Kristian Andrews Archive · 2014

Artwork from Kristian Andrews; Rabbit Punch: an autobiographical film on his life growing up. There are storyboards and ink drawings, both black and white, and in colour.

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GB 106 1SOS · Fonds · 1901-1964

The archive consists of minute books of the Society for the Overseas Settlement of British Women (SOSBW) Council, executive, finance and various committees and of Junior branch, training centre, Africa, Rhodesia, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and schoolgirl tours subcommittees; minutes of the Overseas Settlement Committee and War Services Committee; duplicate minutes for meetings of Joint Council for Women's Emigration Societies; annual reports; title deeds and legal documents; Legal, finance and hostel correspondence files; general correspondence files; pamphlets; Overseas Settlement Committee annual reports and Overseas Settlement Board reports.

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Lists of Jewish children in Belgium
GB 1556 WL 825 · Collection · 1940-1945

Copies of lists of hidden Jewish children and their guardians in Belgium during the Nazi occupation, 1940-1945, created by the Comité de defense de Juifs (Jewish Defence Committee).

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Nazi propaganda leaflets
GB 1556 WL 833 · Collection · [1934]

Copies of Nazi propaganda leaflets including a leaflet announcing a solidarity meeting to be held in Trier, 1 July 1934; appeal to Roman Catholic boys and girls to join the Hitler Youth, refuting the accusation that the Hitler Youth movement is a heathen organisation that seeks the extirpation of religion.

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Sandberg family correspondence
GB 1556 WL 878 · Collection · 1930s

Copies of correspondence from the parents of Mrs Val Robatti (née Waltraut Sandberg), 1930s, including a copy signed permission for Waltraut and her sister, Ingeborg, to travel to Great Britain on the Kindertransport.

Sans titre
GB 1556 WL MF 55 · 1903-1938

Papers of the Central-Verein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens, 1903-1938, relate to the central organisation including the constitution and notably comprise management and committee minutes, reports and plans regarding the organisation's aims and objectives and finance records; files on the activities of the state and regional level sub-groups; files concerning women's organisations, youth organisations, members and officers, publication and propaganda, activities of other Jewish organisations, Zionism, emigration to Palestine, training for Jewish youth, Anti-Semitism, political, economic and legal situation for Jews in Germany, CV's relationship to religion and religious organisations, and the attitudes of writers and politicians to Jews.

Sans titre
GB 1446 MS 60, MS 61, MS 62 and MS 63 · [1930]-1939

Papers of E Dora Earthy, [1930]-1939, comprising MS 60: typescript manuscript for a book by Earthy, 1939, entitled 'Children of the Liberian hinterland', containing original photographs of Liberians; MS 61: British Association paper by Earthy (abstract only published) entitled 'The social structure of a Gbande town, Liberia'; MS 62: British Association paper by Earthy (abstract only published) entitled 'The Kisi tribe of Liberia' and MS 63: 'Krepoh Kru: a short grammatical sketch by E. Dora Earthy'.

Sans titre
GB 1556 WL 1347 · 1989

Press cuttings regarding the 50th anniversary Reunion of the Kindertransporte, 1989. Also including memoirs of people transported by the Kindertransporte and administrative papers relating to the organisation of the 50th anniversary event.

Sans titre
GB 1556 WL 1368 · 1987-2002

Papers of the Reunion of the Kindertransport (ROK) organisation, 1987-2002. The collection comprises papers relating to Bertha Leverton's (founder and primary administrator of ROK) work planning reunions; writing and editing monthly newsletters; acting as a liaison to 'Kinder' and those interested in the Kindertransport; conducting educational lectures on the history of the Kindertransport; and generally promoting its story. Chiefly comprising letters, unpublished memoirs, and newspaper articles. The collection also includes a number of audio tapes, video tapes and photographs.

Sans titre
GB 1556 WL 1372 · 1939-2002

Papers of Fred Dunston, 1939-2002, relate to Youth Aliyah and comprise correspondence and papers between the those responsible for the management of the refugee centres at Great Engeham Farm, Kent and Bydown and Braunton, Devon, relating to the management of the institutions; also some letters from the child refugees.

Sans titre
GB 0101 PP.SI · 1961-

Singapore political material, from 1961 onwards, including posters, pamphlets, leaflets, newsletters, speeches, commemorative programmes, letters, reports, conference reports, manifestos, constitutions and aother miscellaneous election materials issued by the Barisan Sosialis, independent candidates, the National Solidarity Party (Singapore), the People's Action Party (Singapore), the People's Association Youth Movement (Singapore), the Singapore Chinese Party, the Singapore Malay National Organisation, the United Front (Singapore), the United National Front (Singapore) and the Workers' Party (Singapore).

Sans titre
Comfort Papers
GB 0103 COMFORT · 1937-c1990

Papers, 1937-c1990, of Alex Comfort.

The first deposit (6 boxes) comprises letters received, 1937-1964, on his literary and other interests, with the letters of 1937-1945 focussing particularly on literary subjects, including poetry in the 1940s, but latterly more varied, including ideas and activism in anarchism, pacifism, and nuclear disarmament, as public speaker, broadcaster and pamphleteer, including for example letters from Bertrand Russell, 1960-1962; copies of letters from Herbert Read, 1941-1964; a few personal papers, 1936-1946, including The Times announcement of the birth of Comfort's son, 1946; papers relating to peace campaigns in which Comfort was involved, 1944-1961; lecture notes and poetry, stories, and articles by Comfort on pacifism, politics, and science, 1941-1960 and undated; printed papers relating to Comfort's interests, 1945-1962.The second deposit (46 boxes, 4 files) comprises 14 boxes of correspondence relating to Comfort's work, publications, and other interests, some dating back to 1949 but largely dating from the 1960s to 1980s; manuscripts and, particularly, typescripts of both published and unpublished verse and prose, both scientific and non-scientific, including for example 'I and That', 'The facts of love', 'A practice of geriatric psychiatry', 'Reality and empathy', 'The Power House', 'More joy', 'A giants strength', 'Darwin and the naked lady', 'Come out to play', 'The Almond Tree', and 'Letters from an outpost'; printed articles by Comfort, the topics including old age and some sexual subjects; scripts for talks and broadcasts; press cuttings, dating largely from the 1950s and 1960s, relating to Comfort and his work; a file of slides of India, 1962, and two files of scientific slides; printed papers by other authors on various scientific topics.

Sans titre
RUMSEY, Henry Nathaniel (fl 1785-1787)
GB 0113 MS-RUMSH · Fonds · 1785-1787

Notes from the lectures of George Fordyce at his house in Essex Street, Strand, for a period extending over 30 years on subjects including clinical lectures, acute diseases, chemistry, chronic diseases, diseases of women and children, materia medica and the natural history of the human body. Transcribed, mainly from short-hand notes, by Henry Rumsey, one of his pupils, 1785-1787.

Sans titre
GB 0114 MS0215 · 1807

Papers of John Abernethy, 1807, comprising a letter from Abernethy to Mr Reece, Surgeon at Cardiff, 17 Mar 1807, regarding the case of the death of a child, and the opinion of Dr Hunter.

Sans titre
LOW, David Morrice (1890-1972)
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP70 · 1911-1952

Notes and papers, 1911-1952, of David Morrice Low, including scrapbook of news cuttings and pictures, 1911-1913; printed Marlborough school lists, 1914-1918, and extracts from school rules, 1916; list of Oriel men on service; notes on Italy and Latin, 1924-1925 and undated; notes on teaching classics and mathematics [1914-1921]; notes, manuscripts and typescripts for novels or short stories; material relating to Low's novel Twice Shy (1933) including notes, reviews, and a contract with Chatto & Windus; other material relating to Chatto & Windus, 1927-1933; notes on Greece and Nice; manuscript notes and letter, 1927, from V H Collins on 'Scotticisms'; manuscript personal notes on his mother, childhood, first memories, use of language and attitude to women; typescript note on role as examiner of English, 1940; notebooks on Edward Gibbon, some dated 1934-1935, from various sources including Gibbon's journal and letters; printed catalogue of Gibbon's library, 1934, and typescript essay on it; photographs of portraits of Gibbon and places associated with him; typescripts on 'The Grand Tour'; notes on aeronautical terminology in Spanish and Portuguese [1941-1943]; offprint of E M Wilson, 'La Estroga Sexta de la Cancion a la Flor de Guido', Miscelanea (1952), dedicated to Low; Enid Marx, The Pigeon Ace [undated].

Sans titre
GB 0097 HCA/Ephemera · 1953-2000
Fait partie de HALL-CARPENTER Archives

Ephemeral material, 1953-2000, collected by the Hall-Carpenter Archive and relevant for the study of gay, lesbian and bisexual history. The ephemera series contains the following material: poster, tickets and leaflets for events; records from organisations for which there is very little surviving material; and records for which the Hall-Carpenter Archive has no information about terms of deposit, or where material has been deposited by several sources. Organisations represented in the ephemera series include regional gay groups, non-UK gay organisations, arts events and commercial organisations. Readers are advised to search the Archives on-line catalogue to locate all relevant material, as material is continually added to the collection.

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