Armed forces

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      Hierarchical terms

      Armed forces

      Armed forces

      Equivalent terms

      Armed forces

      • UF Army
      • UF Military forces
      • UF Military personnel
      • UF Soldiers
      • UF Armée
      • UF Forces militaires
      • UF Personnel militaire
      • UF Soldats
      • UF Ejército
      • UF Fuerzas militares
      • UF Personal militar
      • UF Soldados

      726 Archival description results for Armed forces

      726 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      GB 0099 KCLMA Ward · Created 1930-1983

      Papers and photographs relating to Ward's RAF career, 1930-1955, including photograph album containing 201 mostly captioned photographs relating to Ward's RAF service in India, 1930-1933, including RAF 11 Sqn operations against Mohmand tribesmen, North West Frontier, Mar 1932; with six loose photographs[1932]-1945, including photograph of Ward [1932]; group of RAF POWs, Stalag Luft III, Aug 1942; four aerial photographs of Hamburg and Bremen, Germany, Jul 1945. Copy of manuscript narrative diary, 1939-1942, detailing Ward's RAF service until he was shot down over Kiel, Germany, Feb 1942; copy of manuscript notes by Ward entitled 'Future training in the Royal Air Force' [1945]; six printed maps (two on linen, one on silk and two on tissue paper), of France, Danzig, Germany, Sumatra and Java, Indonesia, 1935-[1950]; printed translation of speech to the Reichstag by Adolf Hitler, 'A last appeal to reason', 19 Jul 1940; reprinted facsimile, dated 1983, of Honolulu Star Bulletin, relating to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaiian Islands, 7 Dec 1941; copies of autographs given by Capt Basil Henry Liddell Hart and Kathleen Liddell Hart to Ward's son, Richard Ward, Aug 1951. Papers and photographs relating to the filming of The wooden horse, directed by Jack Lee, and Ward's role as actor and Technical Adviser, 1949-1950, including seven photographs of Ward and the film set during the making of The wooden horse, Germany, 1949; sketch map by Ward of Stalag Luft III [1949]; typescript notes by Ward entitled 'The aftermath of the wooden horse escape' [1949]; newspaper cuttings on the release of The wooden horse, 1950. Papers and photographs relating to Ward's service as Air and Military Attaché to Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador, 1952-1955, including typescript official reports by Ward relating to the air forces of Peru, Ecuador, Chile and Bolivia, Feb 1953-Sep 1955; typescript memoranda by Ward relating to diplomatic visits and journeys made in South America, Apr 1952-Oct 1955, including 'A review of living conditions in Lima, Peru' Apr 1952, 'Visit to Ecuador and northern Peru' Sep 1953, 'Journey by car from Lima to La Paz and return' Aug 1955; twenty four typescript letters home to relatives and friends, mostly to Ward's parents-in-law, Dudley and Audrey Christopherson, Jun 1952-Jul 1955; booklet entitled Operation Round Trip. The goodwill flight to South America by four English Electric Canberras of No 12 Squadron, the Royal Air Force (The English Electric Company Limited, London, 1952); twelve uncaptioned photographs of official functions, South America [1953]; twenty two colour photographs of the topography and local people, Peru [1954].

      War and Civil Emergencies
      GB 0813 POST 56 Series · Series · 1859-1969

      This Post class comprises material on how the Post Office operated during wartime and civil emergencies. The greater part of the collection relates to the vital task of maintaining communications, including handling prisoners-of-war mail, censorship and civil defence arrangements during the First World War (1914-1918) and the Second World War (1939-1945). Among the early papers are documents relating to the South African War of 1899-1902 and some nineteenth century notices and field manuals of the Post Office Rifles Association.

      Some records have been transferred from POST 14.

      No further information available
      GB 0099 KCLMA Walters · Created [1920-1921]

      Copy of memoir covering the period 1914-1921, including his service in World War One in the Mediterranean, 1914-1915 and 1917-1918, and the North Sea, 1916-1917, notably the Battle of Jutland, 1916, in the Baltic during the Russian Civil War, 1918, and on fishery duties in the English Channel, 1920, written in [1920-1921].

      GB 0099 KCLMA Wallace · Created 1935

      Copy of typescript memoir covering the period 1914-1918, including his service with 3 Bn, London Regt in Sudan, 1915, Gallipoli, 1915, and France and Belgium, 1916-1918, notably the Battle of the Somme, 1916, dated 1935. Includes transcript of an extract from the diary of Private W Law covering his service with 3 Bn, London Regt in Gallipoli, Nov-Dec 1915.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Wall · Created [1939-1945]

      Undated typescript account of his military service, 1940-1944, principally comprising a diary of his work as Landing Officer, 3 Canadian Div, Normandy, on and around D-Day, 5 Jun-5 Sep 1944.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Walker · Created 1940, 1944, 1982

      Copies of papers, 1940-1982, including narrative manuscript diary covering service with 3 Div Royal Engineers, Belgium and France, May-Jun 1940, with printed map entitled Lille-Ghent, North West Europe, sheet No 2, scale 1: 250, 000 (GSGS 4042, War Office, 1938); narrative manuscript diary covering service with 51 Highland Div Royal Engineers, North West Europe, Oct 1944 and Feb-May 1945, with typescript nominal roll of officers, list of casualties between Jun 1944 and May 1945, and typescript programme for the 51 Highland Div victory parade, Bremerhaven, Germany, May 1945; five printed maps of North West Europe entitled 'Brussels and Liege', 'Walcheren and Amsterdam', 'Osnabruck', 'Hamburg', 'Hannover' (no publication details or scale), with printed map of the Rhine entitled 'Outline of 51(H) Div RE plan, Operation PLUNDER', annotated with dispositions of Royal Engineers units for the Rhine crossing, 1945; correspondence with Maj Karol John Drewienkiewicz, 25 Field Sqn Royal Engineers, 1982, concerning operations of 3 Div Royal Engineers (May 1940); typescript text of lecture, given at Antwerp, 1982, on operations to clear the Scheldt Estuary, 1944.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Waite · Created 1942-[1953]

      Papers relating to his RAF career, 1942-[1953], principally comprising correspondence relating to the development of a submersible target at RAF St Eval, Cornwall, 1942, dated 1948; manuscript notes on the problems of establishing Coastal Command Station, Nassau, Bahamas, as a training centre for Coastal Liberator crews, 1942; official report on the RAF occupation of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, 5-11 May 1945; printed reports on the progress of air disarmament in Germany in 1944-1946, produced by British Air Forces of Occupation, 1945-1947; correspondence relating to his work as Director of Air Branch, Control Commission, Berlin, 1947-1949, and to the planning of the Berlin Airlift, 1948-1949; official report on organisation and structure of Berlin Airlift administration; RAF training course notes and papers, 1950; papers relating to his service as Assistant Chief of Staff, Allied Air Forces Central Europe, [1951-1953], notably including photographs of Waite, [1951-1953]; published RAF manuals, 1948, 1950.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Wade · Created 1919-1920, 1948-1949

      32 captioned photographs of the British Military Mission to Russia, Odessa Detachment, 1919-1920. Typescript 'Interim report by No 1 War Crimes Review of Sentences Board on Italian War Criminals', Apr 1949. Typescript 'Report and recommendations by No 1 War Crimes Review of Sentences Board on German and Austrian War Criminals', Aug 1949. Typescript notes on ten prisoners held at Karlau prison, Graz, Austria, 1949. Typescript lists of 295 male and 27 female War Criminals held at Werl prison, British Zone of Germany [1949]. Typescript lists of 30 male War Criminals held at Hameln prison, British Zone of Germany, with manuscript plan of the prison [1949]. Typescript list of 28 male and female War Criminals held in various other prisons, British Zone of Germany, and those transferred into the jurisdiction of other powers [1949]. Typescript 'Report and recommendations by No 2 War Crimes Sentences Review Board on Japanese War Criminals', 1949. Wade's personal file of notes, correspondence and directives as Chairman of No 1 Board, 1949, including manuscript letter, in German, to Wade, by German FM Albert von Kesselring, Feb 1949, with typescript translation.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Von Manstein · Created 1949, 1973

      Papers relating to the proceedings of the trial of von Manstein for war crimes by a British Military Court, Curio House, Hamburg, Germany, Aug-Dec 1949, including typescript 'Index of the proceedings upon the trial of Fritz Erich von Lewinski, called von Manstein', 1949; typescript index of the summing-up by Judge Advocate Hon Charles Arthur Collingwood, Dec 1949; typescript charge sheet listing the seventeen charges of war crimes against von Manstein, amended as served, 14 Jul 1949; typescript opening speech for the prosecution by Sir Arthur Strettell Comyns-Carr, KC, 24 Aug 1949; typescript proceedings for the sixty one days of von Manstein's trial for war crimes (two days proceedings excluded as they were held in camera), 23 Aug-16 Dec 1949; twelve bound indexed volumes of typescript documents referred to by counsel and used as evidence in von Manstein's trial, 1949; typescript bound transcript of Commission Hearing, Landsberg Prison, Landsberg, Germany, by Special Commissioner Lt Col W St John C Tayleur, Barrister at Law, Office of the Deputy Judge Advocate General, Headquarters BAOR (British Army of the Rhine), appointed by Lt Gen Sir Charles Keightley, Commander-in-Chief, BAOR (British Army of the Rhine), to take evidence on commission relating to von Manstein, 10 Jan 1949; forty four printed maps relating to Wehrmacht operations on the Eastern Front against the USSR, Jun 1941-Mar 1944; typescript 'Synopsis of the retreat of the German Army (Army Group South) from southern Russia with regard to operations of Field Marshal von Manstein', with copies of fourteen printed maps relating to the Eastern Front, USSR, 1941-1944; typescript copy of letter from B Acht, Polish Military Mission, Berlin, Germany, to Lt Gen Sir Frank (Ernest Wallace) Simpson, President of the Court, relating to his withdrawal as Polish official observer to von Manstein's trial due to his perception of the defence counsel's positive portrayal of von Manstein's character, Nov 1949; typescript copies of papers relating to evidence taken and presented at the trial, 1949; four copies of sketches of the court and of von Manstein in court, 1949; article by Cyril Bentham Falls, Chichele Professor of the History of War, Oxford, entitled 'The trial of Field Marshal von Manstein' from The Illustrated London News, 13 Aug 1949; newspaper cuttings relating to the trial, 1949; obituary for von Manstein from The Times, 13 Jun 1973.

      British Military Court, Hamburg, Germany, Jul-Dec 1949.
      GB 0099 KCLMA Vickers C G · Created 1915-1940

      Copies of papers relating to Col Sir (Charles) Geoffrey Vickers and of his brother 2nd Lt William Burnell Vickers, 184 Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery, killed in action, Western Front, 21 Jun 1917, including seven manuscript letters and four typescript copies of letters from William Burnell Vickers to his parents and to his brother, Jan 1916-Jun 1917, with two typescript copies of letters of sympathy from Regimental officers, Jun 1917; typescript extracts from William Burnell Vickers' diary relating to service on the Western Front, Nov 1915-Feb 1916 and Jul 1916. Three copies of photograph of (Charles) Geoffrey Vickers [1915]; sixty letters by Lt (Charles) Geoffrey Vickers, to his mother, father and brother, Western Front, Feb 1915-Feb 1917, including letters from hospital after being wounded in action, Battle of Loos, Oct 1915, and typescript copy of letter from Lt Col Arthur William Brewill, Commanding Officer, 1/7 (Robin Hood) Bn, The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regt), Territorial Force, informing Vickers' father that Vickers had been recommended for the VC, 24 Oct 1915; nine letters by Vickers to his parents, France, Apr 1918-Jan 1919. Typescript copy of narrative diary detailing Geoffrey Charles Vickers' service on the Western Front, Feb-Oct 1915. Copy of printed report entitled 'Report by Colonel C G Vickers, VC, on his Mission to the British communities in certain American countries and in Portugal', including information relating to Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Panama, Cuba and Portugal, 16 Dec 1940.

      GB 0505 PP20 · [1890-1952], [1967-1970]

      Papers, [1967-1970], relating to the research for and writing of an [unpublished] book 'The great game: Britain and Russia in Asia and Arabia, 1865-1970' by Verrier, mainly comprising manuscript and typescript drafts of the book. The collection also includes the papers, [1890-1952], of Capt Latham Valentine Stewart Blacker, an officer in the Corps of Guides in India and Turkistan during World War One, 1914-1918, which were used by Verrier in his writing of the book, and mainly comprise army notebooks and other military material, manuscript drafts of 'Turkistan bedevilled' by Blacker, offprints of 'From India to Russia in 1914' and 'Travels in Turkistan 1918-1920' from the Geographical Journal of 1917 and 1921, and maps of Asia and Persia.

      Verrier , Anthony , fl 1966-1995 , writer
      GB 0099 KCLMA Verney G L · Created 1945-1957

      Papers relating to role of 6 Guards Tank Brigade in Operation BLUECOAT, Normandy, Jul 1944; operations of 7 Armoured Division, Aug-Nov 1944, including capture of Ghent; 1 Guards Brigade, Feb 1944-May 1945, including Battle of River Po and situation reports, Northern Italy and Southern Austria; pamphlets, 1943-1946 including 21 Army Group reports; campaign maps, including Turkey, 1922-1923; France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, 1944 and Italy and Austria, 1945; working papers for unpublished typescript 'Airborne Forces'. Notes and draft papers of Maj Peter V Verney for Anzio 1944 An Unexpected Fury (Batsford, 1978) and planned publications on Marlborough's wars and 'The Gaiety and the Glory: the Irishman at War'.

      Maj Peter V Verney
      GB 0099 KCLMA Veasey · Created 1940-1947, 1984

      Copies of correspondence relating to his service with the RN in World War Two, 1940-1943, dated 1940-1947, 1984, principally comprising letters to his wife, 1940-1943, mainly letters written during his service as Divisional Sea Transport Officer, Port Said, Egypt, 1943; correspondence concerning coal bunkering abuse by merchants in the Red Sea, 1942-1943; correspondence concerning Veasey's retirement, 1943, dated 1942-1947; catalogue of Veasey's correspondence and brief biography of Veasey, written by his granddaughter Sarah Howard in 1984.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Vallance · Created 1938-[1943], 1948-1951

      Papers relating to his military service, 1938-[1943], 1948-1951, principally comprising papers relating to anti-aircraft searchlight training, 1938-[1943], including 'The training of the anti-aircraft searchlight spotter' by Capt Lancelot Edgar Conhop Mervyn Perowne, reprinted from The Royal Engineers Journal, Sep 1938, and School of Anti-Aircraft Artillery and School of Anti-Aircraft Defence course notes and papers, [1939-1943]; military and War Office editions of Ordnance Survey maps of North Midlands, Lincolnshire and East Anglia, 1939, 1941, 1948-1949; 'The officer and fighting efficiency', pamphlet issued by War Office, 1941; notes relating to Company and Battery Commanders' Course No 5, Army School of Chemical Warfare, 1944; 5 Anti-Aircraft Group training directives and operational orders, 1949; orders, instructions and other papers relating to 58 Anti-Aircraft Bde, Royal Artillery (Territorial Army) Exercises DERWENT and CORGI, 1950.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Tyrrell · Created 1933-1995

      Typescript text of talk by Tyrrell to Wimbledon Literary and Scientific Society [1985], entitled 'Some recollections of a prisoner of war of the Japanese', relating to his experiences as a POW in Zentsuji Camp, Shikoko Island, Japan, 1942-1945. Copies of eight certifications on Tyrrell by Commanding Officers of RN ships and establishments, 1933-1955, with copy of Tyrrell's Mention in Despatches citation for service on HMS ENCOUNTER, Mar 1942, copy of letter relating to the award of the Dutch Order of Orange Nassau, Aug 1948, and copy of newspaper cutting relating to Tyrrell's wedding, Dec 1947. Typescript address by R Adm William Terence Colborne Ridley at Tyrrell's memorial service, Jan 1995.

      Turner, Sir Ralph Lilley
      GB 0102 MS 380710 · c1910-1983

      Papers, c1910-1983, of Sir Ralph Turner.

      Papers relating to his military experience comprise leave pass, Cambridge University Officer Training Corps, undated, c1910 (Ref: 1); volume containing manuscript 'Diary of Small Events', 1915-1917, compiled from war diary, battalion orders, Turner's letters, and diaries of other soldiers, containing brief entries on subjects including work and personnel changes, with some days blank (Ref: 2), and another volume containing a similar manuscript diary, 1917-1919 (Ref: 3); file containing typescript and manuscript notes, correspondence, maps, and other documents on military action in Egypt and the Middle East, 1915-1919, including personnel, awards and casualties, also including papers, 1919-1922, relating to a proposed history of the battalion 2nd/3rd Queen Alexandra's Own Gurkha Rifles (Ref: 4); file containing typescript and manuscript notes and texts and cutting on military action in Palestine, 1917-1918, including later copies of other participants' accounts (Ref: 5).

      Language papers comprise a bound manuscript, 'Dvâvimúatyavadâna', 1911, collected from 9 manuscripts in various locations (Ref: 6); file on the Dvâvimúatyavadânakathâ, containing loose manuscript and typescript notes and texts, undated (Ref: 7); notebook entitled 'Dvâváúatyavadânakathâ Notes', containing numbered manuscript notes (index), with additional notes inserted, undated (Ref: 8); postcard on language to Turner from Jules Bloch, 1913 (Ref: 9); file entitled 'IA Introduction', containing manuscript notes and texts on Indo-Aryan languages, including lectures, largely undated [1920s or after] (Ref: 10); draft letter from Turner to [Sir Edward Denison?] Ross, 1926, on Turner's edition of the Dvavimúatyavadânakathâ manuscripts (Ref: 11); two letters from C E A W Oldham and three letters from Turner to Oldham, 1936, concerning place-names in Indic languages, and Turner's appointment [presumably as Director of the School of Oriental Studies] (Ref: 12); letter to Turner from J C Powell-Price, 1962, concerning various matters relating to India and Asia (Ref: 13); copy of a typescript foreword by J Brough to a collection of articles by Turner, undated [before 1983] (Ref: 14).

      Copies of five plans and one drawn view of the School of Oriental Studies, 1938 (Ref: 15).

      Papers relating to Turner's death comprise two letters from his daughter Audrey [Turner] to 'Clifford' [Wright?] concerning his death, 1983 (Ref: 16); printed order of thanksgiving service in memory of Turner, 1983 (Ref: 17).

      Turner , Sir , Ralph Lilley , 1888-1983 , Knight , Orientalist
      GB 0099 KCLMA Turner/Brown · 1914-1960

      Mainly official publications and printed reports, memoranda on rearmament and supply before and during World War Two, with some photographs and personal papers, 1938-1953; notably including typescript copy of reminiscences by Brown with press cuttings and notes relating to the Ministry of Supply and other correspondence, 1938-1960; detailed diary by Turner, 1940; private papers by Turner on his domestic life, accounts, diary summaries, some correspondence and photographs, 1914-[1946]; files containing mainly typescript memoranda, correspondence and statistics relating to the Committee of Imperial Defence, War Office and Ministry of Supply, predominantly concerning rearmament and Second World War production, including progress reports on production and preparations for war, with printed reports on tanks and anti-tank guns, 1936-1943; minutes of a Committee of Imperial Defence sub-committee meeting on the supply of war material to Portugal, 1938; typescript review of air defence, including statistics of anti-aircraft guns, factory planning, civil defence, 1939-1940; file on munitions supply preparations incorporating some minutes of the Informal Army Council on munitions, 1937-1939; papers of the Industrial Capacity Committee including on US supplies to the UK in time of war, 1941; typescript briefing papers prepared for ministers for Commons' speeches, 1942; file of typescript retrospective analyses of war production contracts, 1948; printed reports and official publications on armed forces structure and expenditure, production and ordnance factories, national expenditure, post-World War One reconstruction, Ministry of Supply on inspection regimes, Whitley Councils 1917-1955, notably including 'Investigation of the Heavy Crossbow installations in Northern France', 2 vols, (1945), Ministry of Supply booklet entitled 'Progress in scientific research' (1947),'Statistics relating to the war effort of the United Kingdom' (HMSO, 1944), 'War-time tank production' (London, 1946), 'Review of Defects Disclosed by the Czechosolvak Crisis', 1938, report of a committee chaired by Sir Percy Mills on the organisation of the Royal Ordnance Factories, Apr 1951; 'Central planning and control in war and peace' by Sir Oliver Franks (1947), 'Interdenominational Advisory Committee on Army Chaplains Services', 1953,'Contracts and Finance Copy No. 2', Jun 1948; additional papers on a Royal Institute of Public Affairs Group Research Project on Changes in the Structure of Executive Government, 1956, and Report by Sir Keith Hancock on the Official History of the War: Civil Series, 1957.

      Brown , Sir , Harold , 1878-1968 , knight , Engineer Vice Admiral Turner , Sir , George Wilfred , 1896-1974 , knight , civil servant
      GB 0099 KCLMA Turner Cain · Created 1944-1946, 1992

      Typescript memoir, written in 1992, as Commanding Officer, 1 Bn, Herefordshire Regt, 11 Armoured Div, 21 Army Group, North West Europe, 1944-1945, entitled '1st Bn The Herefordshire Regiment route and battles from the Normandy bridgehead to the R Elbe in Germany, June 1944 to April 1945, including route maps and CO's pocket maps for specific incidents', with seven printed maps of France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, annotated with routes taken and unit dispositions. Papers relating to Turner Cain's tenure as Chief Instructor, Tactical Wing, School of Infantry, British Army of the Rhine, Sennelager, Germany, 1946-1947, including typescript training notes on exercises, tactics of armoured forces and river crossing techniques, with manuscript explanatory notes written by Turner Cain in 1992.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Tull · Created 1940-1983

      Papers relating to Tull's service with Air Command, South East Asia, 1943-1944; official correspondence and situation reports and relating to his command of Number 5 RAPWI (Recovered Allied Prisoners of War and Internees) Contact Team based at Ambarawa, Java, 1945-1946, including papers relating to the Japanese Army in Java, Sep-Nov 1945, and papers concerning Indonesian nationalist organisations; papers relating to Tull's memoir entitled 'Mission to Java', written during 1980-1981 and covering his service 1938-1946, edited by his sister in 1983.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Tudor · Created 1915-1916, 1976

      Papers relating to his service as Third Sea Lord, 1915-1916, principally comprising 'History of armoured cars, juggernauts, land battleships, tanks', a memorandum on the development of an armoured car force, 1914-1916, written [for Tudor and other Sea Lords] by Murray F Sueter, Sep 1916; 'Report on the design and construction of first land ship (tank)', written for Tudor by E H Tennyson D'Eyncourt, Director of Naval Construction, Sep 1916. Biographical notes on Tudor, compiled for members of the family by his great nephew, A B T Davey, with covering letter, 1976.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Trewby · Created 1954-1955, 1962-1987

      Unpublished typescript memoir 'Naval Career of Vice-Admiral Sir Allan Trewby', including descriptions of training as a cadet and at the Royal Naval Engineering College, Keyham, 1931-1939; service during World War Two, including mine sweeping in Scotland, training at the Royal Naval College in Greenwich, transporting Prime Minister Winston Churchill to Norfolk, Virginia, USA, for meetings, and service on a cruiser patrolling the Mediterranean; work in the Gas Turbine section, Admiralty, and as Assistant Director of Marine Engineering, Amiralty 1951-1962; service as Captain of HMS SULTAN, 1963-1964; work as Assistant Controller, Polaris, 1968-1971, and work as Chief of Fleet Support, 1971-1974. Papers relating to his work with naval gas turbines, dated 1954-1955, 1962-1963, notably including Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, vol 77 no 4, May 1955, Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Series A: Journal of Engineering for Power, vol 85 no1, Jan 1963, and Transactions of the Institute of Marine Engineers, vol 66 no 6, Jun 1954, all including articles by Trewby on British naval gas turbines; 'Marine gas turbines in the Royal Navy', printed text of lecture given by Trewby at the Institute of Marine Engineers International Conference, May 1962.

      Trewby , George Francis Allan , 1917-2001 , Knight , Vice Admiral
      GB 0096 MS 244 · c1527

      Manuscript volume, c1527, containing translations into English of a collection of treatises and diplomatic documents, mostly of the fourteenth century, comprising a list of coronation claims of Richard II, [1377]; a treatise on the form and manner of holding the English Parliament; a treatise on the office of Earl Marshal, described in the table of contents as 'The Erle Marshal's Boke', with details of Henry VIII's reform of the office and its duties in time of war; a collection of documents relating to ordinances for war, [1350-1514], notably the Scottish campaigns of 1350 and 1385, the statutes of the Order of the Garter as renewed by Henry VIII in 1522, and the creation of dukes and earls, including the creation of Charles Brandon, Viscount Lisle, as Duke of Suffolk (1514); an incomplete history of the kings of England, ending with the coronation of Richard II in 1378; a collection of treaties concerning diplomatic events during the reign of Edward III, notably documents relating to the Treaty of Brétigny (October 1360), documents relating to treatises between Edward and John II, King of France (1360-1366), letters of Alfonso X, King of Castile (1254), letters of Edward concerning a treaty with Peter the Cruel, King of Castile (1369), and an indenture recording the terms of the treaty of Berwick between Edward and David II, King of Scotland (1357). A table of contents shows that the manuscript is unfinished, and that it lacks several folios.

      Percy , Henry Algernon , 1478-1527 , 5th Earl of Northumberland
      GB 0099 KCLMA Travers · Created 1989

      Cross country (Hothersall and Travers, Sittinbourne, 1990), a biography of James Lindsay Travers, 1883-1924, Herbert Gardner Travers, 1891-1958, Charles Tindal Travers, 1898-1969, notably including details of James Lindsay Travers' experiments with seaplanes and flying boats, 1909-1914, and of the brothers' service in World War One with the Royal Naval Air Service, Royal Flying Corps and RAF, written by E Travers, the daughter of Herbert Gardner Travers, and privately published in 1990. Includes extracts from the brothers' letters and from Herbert Gardner Travers' flying log-books.

      GB 0096 MS 542 · Late 18th century

      Draft of a short late 18th century tract on the legal implications of the inspection of shipping at sea, with particular reference to an incident between Great Britain and Sweden concerning the ship 'Mary', and beginning 'I come at once to state in as plain & concise terms as I am m[aste]r of & with as much impartiality as possible ye questio]n now in dispute between this country & Sweden relative to ye ship Mary...'.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Townshend · Created 1899-1937, 1964-1966

      Papers, 1899-1937, and 1964-1966, including personal letters to Alice Townshend, Lady Townshend, and to Comtesse Cahen d'Anvers from FM Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and Broome, 1906-1911, also single personal letters from Frederick Edward Grey Ponsonby, Assistant Private Secretary to Queen Victoria, 1899, FM Garnet Joseph Wolseley, 1st Viscount Wolseley, 1901, Brig Gen Sir William Riddell Birdwood, Bt, 1906, Christian Rudolf de Wet, Minister of Agriculture, Orange River Colony, South Africa, 1909, FM Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts of Kandahar, Pretoria and Waterford, 1911-1912, Rt Hon George Nathanial Curzon, Lord Privy Seal, 1915, Rt Hon Herbert Henry Asquith, Prime Minister, 1916, Paul Cambon, French Ambassador to Court of St James's, 1916, Lt Gen Sir Philip Walhouse Chetwode, 7th Bt, Military Secretary, War Office, 1919, and others; letter from Alice Townshend, Lady Townshend, dated 1916, to Mrs Morland, mother of Capt Walter Edward Thomson Morland, Aide de Camp to Townshend and captured with him at Kut el Amara, Mesopotamia, with information on the safety of her son, with three photographs of Townshend and the POW accomodation in Constantinople, 1916; scrapbook of newspaper cuttings, 1916, on the Mesopotamian campaign and the defence and siege of Kut el Amara, with signed printed portrait of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, 1937; file of research correspondence by Lt Col Arthur James Barker for The neglected war (Faber, London, 1967) and Townshend of Kut (Cassell, London, 1967), 1964-1966, including correspondence with Capt Sir (Thomas) Noël Arkell, FM Sir Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, Maj Gen George Osborne de Renzy Channer, Sir Reader (William) Bullard, Brig Kenneth Bredin Shakespear Crawford, Sir Ernest (William) Goodale, Capt Basil Henry Liddell Hart, Maj Gen Henry Hampden Rich, Col Clive Woodes Rogers, Col Eric Lechmere Stephenson, Countess Audrey de Borchgrave-Townshend, Brig Louis James Woodhouse.

      GB 0074 ACC/0295 · Collection · 1853-1854

      Lease of premises in Bethnal Green by Henry Merceron for use as an arms and clothing store by the Queen's Own Light Infantry Regiment of Tower Hamlets Militia. Includes schedule of fixtures and fittings and a marginal plan.

      Tower Hamlets Militia
      GB 0074 ACC/1359 · Collection · 1846

      Appointment of James Whiskin to be one of the Deputy Lieutenants of the Tower Hamlets and Liberties thereof, by Arthur, Duke of Wellington, Lord Lieutenant of the same and Constable of the Tower.

      Wellesley , Arthur , 1769-1852 , 1st Duke of Wellington , Field Marshal and statesman x Wellington , 1st Duke of
      GB 0074 CLC/508 · Collection · 1878-1892

      Personal papers of Reverend Charles John Todd, navy chaplain, comprising certificates of ordination as a deacon and priest, 1878-79; commission as a Navy chaplain, 1881; letters written home from Navy ships from Zanzibar, Suez, Sudan, India, Ceylon [Sri Lanka], and Japan; diaries and notebooks describing hunting expeditions in Ceylon and East Africa; diary of a diplomatic mission to King John of Abyssinia [Ethiopia], 1884; newspaper cuttings; photographs of Todd; and a description of Todd's Navy service, 1976.

      Todd , Reverend , Charles John , fl 1878-1936 , clergyman and Navy chaplain
      GB 0402 HWT · 1919-1979

      Papers of Maj Harold William Tilman, 1919-1979, including logs, notebooks, journals, photographs, slides and correspondence relating to his travels by boat, and material relating to his wartime service.

      Tilman , Harold William , 1898-1979 , Major , explorer and mountaineer
      GB 0099 KCLMA Thwaites · Created 1965-1995

      Reports, correspondence, memoranda, maps, notes and press cuttings relating to the Dhofar War, Muscat and Oman, 1967-1971, including typescript 'Brief on Muscat and Oman', produced by Headquarters, Sultan's Armed Forces, Jun 1965; appointment diary, May-Dec 1968; correspondence, 1969-1972, mostly with Brig Corran William Brooke Purdon, Sultan's Armed Forces, Muscat, relating to operations in Dhofar, 1969-1970; typescript Muscat Regt contact reports relating to operations against People's Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf (PFLOAG) guerillas, Muscat and Oman, 1969-1970, with typescript lists of Muscat Regt casualties, 1968-1969, and operations carried out, Apr-Dec 1969; typescript and manuscript notes relating to operations in Dhofar, 1970, with transcriptions of signals, 1970; six humourous cartoons by Jack Sullivan relating to operations in Muscat and Oman, Jan 1970; one colour photograph and seventeen captioned photographic slides relating to the Muscat Regt, Dhofar [1970]; bound volume of printed maps of Muscat and Oman [1970]; edition of The Guards Magazine. Journal of the Household Division, with article by Thwaites entitled 'Operation LANCE', Summer 1970; typescript text of lecture by Thwaites entitled 'Dhofar 1967-1970' [1972]; copy of article by Thwaites entitled 'The Dhofar campaign, 1967-1970' from the Sultan's Armed Forces Newsletter, 1989. Also, typescript volume entitled 'Britain and Oman: the Dhofar War and its significance. A dissertation submitted for the degree of Master of Philosophy in the University of Cambridge' by Lt Col John McKeown, Royal Engineers, 1981, and manuscript of Thwaites' book on the Dhofar War entitled 'Arabian Command' [1991], later completed by Maj Simon Sloane as Muscat command (Leo Cooper, London, 1995). Edition of Muscat command by Thwaites, completed by Maj Simon Sloane (Leo Cooper, London, 1995).

      GB 0099 KCLMA Thomson · Created 1944, 1946

      Text of his lecture on the development of the Royal Indian Navy during the period 1918-1944, written in 1944. 'The findings of the Board of Enquiry convened by the Flag Officer, Bombay, to enquire into the mutiny at the Castle Barracks on 18th February 1946', dated Mar 1946.

      GB 0096 AL115 · Fonds · 1796

      Letter from Sir Benjamin Thompson of Munich to Lord Sheffield [John Baker Holroyd, 1st Earl of Sheffield], 3 Oct 1796. Describing how he took control of Munich on the approach of the contending Austrian and French armies: 'No foreign Troops have entered the Town and we have received no insult of any kind from either of the Armies by which we have been surrounded. And though we have seen several very sharp actions within musquet shot of our Walls yet not a shot has been levelled at us, nor have we lost a man.'

      Autograph, with signature.

      Thompson , Sir , Benjamin , 1753-1814 , Knight , Count von Rumford , scientist, natural philosopher, soldier and administrator
      GB 0096 AL116 · Fonds · 1791

      Letter from Sir Benjamin Thompson of Munich to Lord Sheffield [John Baker Holroyd, 1st Earl of Sheffield], 18 Nov 1791. Describing the condition and people of Bavaria. Speaking of the Elector's troops: '... I know of no Troops that are so well and so comfortably clothed as ours, both for Summer and Winter ...'. Giving details of the crops, minerals and commerce of Bavaria. 'It would be difficult,'he writes, 'to convey to your Lordship an adequate idea of the Ignorance, Superstition and corruption which pervade and darken every part of this neglected Country.' Says that the clergy and nobility hold a monopoly of the beer in Bavaria: '... which is the great source of their riches, and on that account Drunkenness must be encouraged.'

      Autograph, with signature.

      Thompson , Sir , Benjamin , 1753-1814 , Knight , Count von Rumford , scientist, natural philosopher, soldier and administrator
      GB 0099 KCLMA Taylor · Created 1914-1917, 1959, 1971

      'Garth Smithies Taylor, 1896-1916', written by his sister Dorothea Taylor in 1971, and principally comprising copies of original documents, 1914-1917 and 1959, mainly letters to his family, 1914-1916, and extracts from his diary, 1914-1916, relating particularly to his service near Ypres, 1916, and in the Battle of the Somme, 1916.

      TATCHELL, Peter (b 1952)
      GB 0074 LMA/4466 · Collection · 1971-2004

      The papers of Peter Tatchell includes correspondence, newspaper and magazine articles, press releases, posters, leaflets and publications on the following topics: Aids/HIV research, vivisection and animal rights, homophobic violence and policing, the age of consent, media portrayal of homosexuality, negative comments on sexuality by 'personalities', homophobic lyrics and the music industry, international politics, green socialism, Labour and politics, Members of Parliament and 'outing', the Bermondsey By-election, the Greater London Assembly, Christian, Jewish and Islamic leaders' stances on homosexuality, the law and sexuality, the prosecution of homosexual acts, and the employment of homosexuals in the armed forces.

      Tatchell , Peter , b 1952 , gay and HIV/AIDS activist, social worker, journalist and author
      GB 0099 KCLMA Talbot · 1929-1992

      Papers, maps, publications, photographs and newspaper cuttings relating to Maj Gen Dennis Edmund Blaquière Talbot's life and career, 1929-1992, Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regt, India, 1929-1930. Papers relating to Talbot's service as Bde Maj, 30 Infantry Bde, British Expeditionary Force (BEF), France, Apr-Jun 1940, the defence and fall of Calais, and Talbot's escape from German captivity and return to the UK, 1940, including five printed maps of France and Belgium, 1937-1942; photograph of HMS VESPER, the destroyer that picked up the escape party, 17 Jun 1940; typescript report for MI9, War Office, by Talbot, Capt Edgar Alexander Wilmot Williams, 2 Bn, 60 Rifles, and Lt W Millett, Royal Corps of Signals and Bde signal Officer, 30 Infantry Bde, entitled 'Report compiled by three officers of the 30th Infantry Brigade who were captured at Calais on the evening of the 26th May 1940, escaped on the 30th May and finally arrived in England on the night of 17th June 1940', dated 22 Jun 1940 manuscript text of lecture by Talbot on the defence of Calais, 1940, with two large wall charts, sketch maps of the campaign in France, 1940, and of the defence of Calais, May-Jun 1940; correspondence, dated 1940-1941, with relatives of men captured or killed at Calais, 1940, including typescript list of killed, wounded, missing and captured, 1 Bn, The Rifle Brigade, 1940; three editions of The defence of Calais by Eric Robert Russell Linklater (HMSO, London, 1941); typescript letter, dated 13 Jul 1971, to Talbot from Airey Middleton Sheffield Neave MP requesting information and recollections on the defence of Calais in 1940 to be used in a book later published as The flames of Calais: a soldier's battle (Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1972). Papers relating to Talbot's service in the North West Europe campaign, 1944-1945, including typescript copies of monthly War Diary, 7 Bn, Hampshire Regt, Jun 1944-May 1945, with typescript citations for gallantry awards, 1944-1945; typescript account '7th Bn The Hampshire Regiment in the North West European campaign during the period 13th July 1944 to 17th June 1945', with list of honours and awards and order of battle, 43 (Wessex) Div, 1945; five photographs, 1944-1945, notably officers of 7 Bn, Hampshire Regt, 1944, and victory parade, Bremerhaven, Germany, 1945; edition of The story of the 5th Battalion The Dorsetshire Regiment in North West Europe, 23rd June, 1944 to 5th May, 1945 by Maj G R Hartwell, Maj G R Pack and Maj M A Edwards (Henry Ling, Dorchester, Dorset, [1946]); correspondence relating to the North West Europe campaign, 1944-1945, mostly with veterans of 7 Bn, Hampshire Regt, 1951-1959 and 1983-1991. Talbot's course notes, RN Staff College, Greenwich, 1946; copies of Talbot's confidential annual reports, 1946-1955. Typescript text of radio broadcast by FM Sir William Joseph Slim entitled 'Our Army', 2 Nov 1952. Papers relating to the Malayan Emergency, 1949-1955, including printed leaflet entitled 'Security hints', Malaya, 1952; typescript 'Appreciation of the situation in Malaya' by Lt Gen Sir Hugh Charles Stockwell, General Officer Commanding Malaya, 15 Oct 1953; Flying Log Book, Malaya, Oct 1953-Oct 1955, with group photograph of 1911 Light Liaison Flight RAF, Royal Naval Air Station Sembawang, Singapore, Aug 1955; twenty seven uncaptioned photographs relating to Talbot's service in Malaya, 1953-1955; eight printed maps of Malaya, 1953-1955; typescript copy of memorandum by Lt Col John Hamilton Allford, 2 Bn, 7 Duke of Edinburgh's Own Gurkha Rifles, entitled 'The location and attack on CT (Communist Terrorist) camps and cultivations in jungle', Jan 1954; typescript report entitled 'Malaya Command. Demonstration of field defences in atomic warfare', Dec 1954; typescript Operational Instructions, Malaya, 1954-1955, including Operation MOHICAN, Nov 1953-Mar 1954, and Operation LATIMER NORTH, South Pahang, Malaya, Sep 1954-Apr 1955; typescript copy of translated statement by Ng Heng, Representative of the Supreme Command Headquarters of the Malayan Racial Liberation Army, on negotiating a settlement to the Malayan Emergency, 1 May 1955; typescript memorandum by Talbot, commanding 99 Gurkha Infantry Bde, entitled 'Psychological warfare', May 1955; typescript 'Handing over notes' from Talbot to Brig Edward Philip Townsend on relinquishing command of 99 Gurkha Infantry Bde, Jun 1955, with related correspondence, May-Sep 1955; typescript situation reports from Maj John Eric Heelis, Headquarters, 99 Gurkha Infantry Bde, Malaya, Oct 1955-Oct 1956;. Also, printed leaflet 'Edward VIII. His Coronation route', 1936; printed leaflet 'Code of battle signals' [1940]; three printed pamphlets entitled Notes from France,, Nos 1-3 (War Office, London, Jan 1940); printed pamphlet entitled Summary of events. Flanders campaign, 10th May-3rd June 1940 (War Office, London, Jul 1940); edition of The Regimental Officer's Handbook of the German Army (War Office, London, Aug 1943); edition of The history of the Hampshire Regiment (37th and 67th Foot) (Gale and Polden, Aldershot, Hampshire, 1944).

      Talbot , Dennis Edmund Blaquière , 1908-1994 , Major General
      GB 0099 KCLMA Sym · Created [1944]

      Typescript and manuscript versions of memoir covering his service with 2 Seaforth Highlanders in North Africa, 1942-1943, including the second Battle of El Alamein, 23 Oct-4 Nov 1942, and Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944, notably action around Francofonte, Sicily, Jul 1943, written in [1944]. Copy of 'The prisoners of the Vatican: the war-time life of the Diplomatic Corps', anonymous article from Catholic journal The Tablet, Apr 8 1944.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Sullivan · Created [1962-1970]

      Typescript text on 'The birth of the Intelligence Corps', BEF, 1939-1940, written in [1962-1970].

      GB 0097 STREATFEILD · 1881-1950

      Papers of Lucy Anne Evelyn Streatfeild (Deane), 1891-1950, including unofficial business diaries recording her work as an inspector of workshops and factories for Kensington Vestry and the Home Office, 1893-1897, incorporating cuttings and memoranda relating to conditions of employment, 1891-1914; correspondence concerning work for the Boer War Concentration Camp Commission, 1901-1902, with press cuttings and photographs; material relating to work on other committees, 1893-1930, including the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps Commission of Enquiry, the Kent War Agricultural Executive Committee, the Kent Billeting Committee and the Westerham National Service Committee; personal material, 1881-1950, notably a memoranda book containing press cuttings and photographs relating to her family, articles and papers, family photographs, letters of sympathy on her death in 1950, and appreciations of her life and work by various, including Violet Markham.

      Streatfeild , Lucy Anne Evelyn , d 1950 , neé Deane , public servant
      GB 0099 KCLMA Stone · Created 1939-1983

      Copies of papers relating to Stone's career, 1939-1982, including typescript account entitled 'Duck shooting in the upper Jordan valley, 1938-1939', a shoot organised by Maj Gen Bernard Law Montgomery, General Officer Commanding 8 Div, northern Palestine, 1939; typescript extracts from letters by Stone to his wife whilst serving in Palestine, 1938, and extracts from letters to his wife whilst serving as Chief Engineer, Berlin, Germany, 1945-1946; letter from Lt Col Desmond Harrison, Royal Engineers, dated 26 Jun 1940, relating to the campaign in France and the evacuation of the BEF (British Expeditionary Force) from Dunkirk, 26 May-Jun 1940; typescript 'Chief Engineer's diary', 16 Apr 1942-5 Nov 1945, with an account by an unknown English woman who spent the war in Germany, entitled 'Notes on Berlin in April 1945'; typescript account by Stone of the Normandy invasion and advance of 2 Army to the Netherlands, Jul-Oct 1944; typescript extracts from letters by Stone to his wife, Greece, Feb-Oct 1946, and letters from Mount Zion College, Jerusalem, Palestine, Jul 1946; typescript autobiography, 1895-1950; typescript notes on Atomic Research Centre, Aldermaston, Berkshire, 1950-1958; printed booklet in French and English entitled Keep in mind. La Batisse aux Anglais (1977) by Philippe Bauduin, with related correspondence, 1976; typescript draft obituary, 1983.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Stockwell · Created 1923-1987

      Papers relating to early career including memoirs covering 1903-1935 and Army Record of Service, 1923-1952; campaign in Norway, World War Two, including War Diary, May 1940, operational orders and diary covering preparation of 2 Independent Company for service in Norway; papers including lecture notes and schedules for courses at Special Training Centre, Inverailort Castle, Loch Ailort, 1940-1941; Madagascar, 1942-1943, including photograph album on service with 2 Company Royal Welch Fusiliers and order of battle for Battle of Majunga, Sep 1942; Burma, 1943-1945, including memoir and photograph album, 29 Brigade, 36 Division, official reports and printed histories including the Arakan campaign; Palestine, 1947-1948 including Operation BROADSIDE, 1946, reports and correspondence; transfer of 6 Airborne Division to British Army of the Rhine, 1947-1948; Malaya, including operational papers, photographs and texts of speeches; Suez Crisis, 1956, including reports, maps, photographs and correspondence; Deputy Supreme Allied Commander, 1960-1964 including photographs; and miscellaneous papers relating to postwar career, including memorial address, 1987.

      GB 0113 MS-STOCP · 1899-1902

      Stock's papers, 1899-1902, consist of his notes and sketches about army medical services, case notes with sketches, and negatives of photographs, taken in South Africa during the Boer War, 1899-1902; photographs, negatives, and lantern slides made from the photographs, some labelled and indexed, taken by Stock during the Boer War, 1899-1902.

      Stock , Philip Graham , 1876-1975 , physician
      GB 0099 KCLMA Stevenson-Hamilton · Created [1941], 1942, [1944], 1947, 1962-1964, 1970, 1973,

      Papers relating to his service in the Indian Army, dated [1941], 1942, [1944], 1947, 1962-1964, 1970, 1973, 1984, principally comprising photographs of convoys at Sarwekai on the route between Mangai and Wana, South Wazaristan, India, [1941]; operation instructions for 50 Parachute Bde exercise in Tughlakabad area, India, Mar 1942; 'Some notes on Gurkhas', typescript text by Stevenson-Hamilton, 1943; typescript account of the service of 4 Prince of Wales's Own Gurkha Rifles, India, 1943-1944, written by Stevenson-Hamilton in [1944]; typescript account of the service of 2 Bn, 4 Prince of Wales' Own Gurkha Rifles, Italy, 1944, written by [Stevenson-Hamilton] in [1944]; unsigned official notes on a tour of Arakan by 98 Indian Infantry Bde, Burma, 1944; 71 Indian Infantry Bde instructions for operations in Maungdaw, Burma, Apr 1944; typescript text on Gurkha operations in Wazaristan and the Punjab, India, 1947, and on the proposed transfer of Gurkha regiments to the British Army, 1947; notebook containing notes on misdemeanours and crimes committed by soldiers at Garlochhead Training Camp, Helensburgh, 1962-1964.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Stevenson · Created 1913-1958

      Papers and photographs, 1913-1958, including fourteen panoramic photographs produced by Survey Company, Royal Engineers, Salonika Force, labelled to show topographical details, Feb 1917; 'Salonika fire', 18-19 Aug 1917, a series of 24 official photographs of the city, taken by Survey Company, Royal Engineers and Royal Flying Corps; two photographs, one of a uniformed group including Stevenson, [1946], and the other of an unidentified painting showing construction work on an airfield [1940]. Papers relating to the evacuation of Royal Engineers establishments in Beit-Nabala and Haifa, Palestine, 1948. Editions of Notes on building materials and their uses (School of Military Engineering, Chatham, 1913); 'RMA (Royal Military Academy) Magazine', Vol XV, No 58, Nov 1914.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Stevens · 1914-1918

      Comprising a single volume of typescript letters by George Archibald Stevens to his parents from the Western Front, Nov 1914 - Nov 1918; notably including accounts of Second Battle of Ypres, Apr-May 1915, and Battle of the Somme, Jul-Nov 1916; photographs of Stevens, a group photograph of fellow officers, family, billet, bombed countryside and one unidentified aerial photograph; mostly uncaptioned.

      Stephens , George Archibald , 1875-1951 , Brigadier General
      GB 0099 KCLMA Stern · Created 1914-1959, 1964, 1994

      Papers relating to his role in the development and production of armoured fighting vehicles, dated 1914-1959, 1964, 1994, principally comprising correspondence, memoranda and minutes relating to the Landships Committee, 1915-1916, and the Tank Supply Committee, Tank Supply Department (later Mechanical Warfare Supply Department) and Mechanical Warfare (Overseas and Allies) Department, 1916-1918; progress reports and memoranda on design and construction of landships, 1915; plans, drawings and blueprints for landships and tanks, 1915-1916; 'Notes on the employment of tanks' by Col Ernest Dunlop Swinton, printed at the Foreign Office, 1916; 'Mechanical warfare, a summary of British tank development, 1914-1918', typescript text by Stern, [1925]; papers relating to the establishment of the Allied Tank Factory at Neuvy Pailloux, Chateauroux, France, dated 1917-1918; notes and reports by Lt J Rackham and George Watson relating to the use of tanks on the Western Front, 1917; 'The tactical employment of tanks in 1918', unofficial report by Col John Frederick Charles Fuller, 1917; correspondence and memoranda relating to Ministry of Supply Special Vehicle Development Committee and the Tank Board, 1939-1943, and the design and development of TOG heavy tanks, 1939-1944, including correspondence with Rt Hon Edward Leslie Burgin, Minister of Supply, 1939-1940, Rt Hon Herbert Stanley Morrison, Minister of Supply, 1940, Rt Hon Sir Andrew Rae Duncan, Minister of Supply, 1940-1941 and 1942, Rt Hon William Maxwell Aitken Beaverbrook, 1st Baron Beaverbrook, Minister of Supply, 1941-1942, Sir James Lithgow, Chairman of the Tank Board, 1941, and Rt Hon Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill 1940-1942, Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury and Minister of Defence, Sir William Tritton of Tritton, Foster and Co, and Cdr R H Stokes-Rees, 1943-1944; official reports by Lt Col Gordon Hall on British and Italian use of tanks in the Middle East, 1940-1941, dated 1941; specifications and technical reports relating to tanks, 1939-1944; minutes of Special Vehicle Development Committee, 1939-1942; papers relating to investigation of Stern's position in the Ministry of Supply, 1942, dated 1939-1942, including transcriptions of interviews with Stern, 1942; correspondence and memoranda relating to Stern's evidence before the Sub-Committee on National Production and Supply of the House of Commons Select Committee on National Expenditure; publications and printed material relating to tanks, 1915-1919, 1939-1946, 1959; photographs, 1915-1918, 1939-1945, principally comprising British, French and Canadian photographs of tanks, 1915-1918; photographs of TOG tanks, 1939-1942; films concerning the development of the tank, 1918, 1941-1942, 1957. Other papers relating to his life and career, notably including photographs relating to his service with the Royal Naval Air Service, 1914-1915; copies of personal correspondence, 1918-1919.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Stent · 1943, 1961 and 1991

      Papers of Lt Col John Stent, 1943, 1961 and 1991, comprising Tanganyika (Tanzania) driving licence, 1943; discharge letter from War Office, 1961; typescript letter containing vivid reminiscences of his service with the Royal Corps of Signals in Africa, [1990].

      Stent , John Arthur Goodfellow , 1914-2003 , Lieutenant Colonel
      GB 0099 KCLMA Stanford · Created 1940-1942

      Papers, 1940-1942, including correspondence, reports and memoranda relating to gunnery techniques and tactics, when Stanford commanded Support Group, 8 Armoured Div, Middle East, 1941-1942. Typescript summary of points arising from Exercise DRAGON, Jan 1941, with typescript precis of lecture 'Tactical handling of German and Italian armoured formations'; typescript memoranda by Maj Gen Charles Wake Norman on armoured tactics, Apr 1941; typescript memorandum on point of aim for the 2 pounder anti-tank gun, [1941]; typescript memorandum relating to the organisation of self propelled artillery, Royal Horse Artillery, Jan 1942; typescript papers on the role of an air observation post in an armoured division, with typescript precis of lecture entitled 'The air observation post', 1942. Correspondence with Lt Col Rawdon Hoare, Commanding Officer, 5 Regt, Royal Horse Artillery, 1940-1942, on anti-tank exercises; deployment of Royal Horse Artillery when supporting armoured troops and regimental targets.

      GB CR/1913/2 JSCSC · 1913

      1 Memoir – 1870, The Commandant. 2 Exercise in English composition, Col Oxley. 3 Indoor exercise based on army manoeuvres, 1912, Maj Howell. 4 Astronomy – diagram of stars, Lt Col Fowler. 5 France and Germany (army corps), Lt Col Malcolm. 6 Exercise on wastage of personnel in war, The Commandant. 7 Map of the Balkans, Maj Howell. 8 Canada. Geographical and general conditions, Lt Col Hoskins. 9 Franco-German War 1870-71. Transport and supply, Maj Percival. 10 Franco-German War 1870-71. Transport and Supply (syndicated 3&4), Maj Percival. 11 War game, the Commandant. 12 War game, the Commandant. 13 Paper on Canada, the Commandant.

      14 Beaune-la-Rolande, 28/11/70, situation 2/12/70, Lt Col Bols. 15 'Cavalry in 1870'. Situation on the night 12-13 Aug 1870, Maj Howell. 16 War game, Col Oxley. 17 War game, Col Oxley. 18 Engagement at Kirk Killise, Maj Howell. 19 Table showing liabilities for services of the various categories, Lt Col Hoskins. 20 Preliminary staff tour (Col Oxley’s party), Col Oxley and Col Jeudwine. 21 Preparation of a tactical exercise, Lt Col Bols. 22 Night operations, Lt Col Bols. 23 Overseas expeditions (list of books on subject), Lt Col Jebb. 24 Russian forces 8/2/04, Lt Col Malcolm. 25 Staff tour, Col Oxley and Col Jeduwine.

      26 Naval and military exercise, The Commandant. 27 Exercise in coast reconnaissance, Lt Col Jebb. 28 Russian troops in Manchuria, Lt Col Malcolm. 29 Outdoor tactical exercise, Lt Col Stewart. 30 Notes on indoor exercise of 18/2/13, Maj Howell. 31 Strategical paper – Russo-Japanese War, Lt Col Malcolm. 32 Outdoor tactical exercise – reconnaissance etc, Lt Col Stewart. 33 Lecture 'village fighting', Capt Tandy (RA). 34 Visit to foreign battlefields, Col Oxley. 35 Railway exercise No 1, Lt Col Jebb. 36 Outdoor tactical exercise – 'defence of villages', Lt Col Stewart. 37 Coast reconnaissance scheme, The Commandant. 38 Summary of aeronautical strength in foreign countries, 1912, Lt Col Hoskins. 39 Notes – 'Cavalry in 1815', Maj Howell. 40 Scheme No 1. Conduct of a covering force, Col Oxley and Maj Howell. 41 Railway exercise, Lt Col Jebb. 42 Scheme No 1, Summer term, Lt Col Malcolm.

      43 Staff tour. Col Oxley’s party, The Commandant. 44 Staff tour. Col Jeudwine’s party, The Commandant. 45 Army signal service. Signs used in diagrams, Lt Col MacInnes. 46 Tactical exercise in conjunction with army and divisional signal units, Lt Col MacInnes. 47 Appreciation (28.8.04) as C of S under Kuropatkin, Lt Col Malcolm. 48 L of C scheme (summer term) 16th and 23rd June, Maj Percival. 49 Scheme No 1 Summer term. Staff duties after a battle, Lt Col Bols. 50 'Cavalry in 1870'. Indoor exercise no 2 – in continuation of exercise of 18.2.13, Maj Howell. 51 Outdoor exercise. The pursuit, Lt Col Hoskins. 52 'Memoir!', The Commandant. 53 Billeting scheme, Lt Col Bols. 54 Welsh staff tour, Lt Col Stewart. 55 Wood fighting, Lt Col Stewart. 56 Strategical exercise, Lt Col Malcolm. 57 Wood fighting, Lt Col Stewart.

      58 Outdoor exercise – 'opposed passage of a river', Lt Col Jebb. 59 Indoor exercise – supply and transport, Maj Percival. 60 Tactical exercise. Employing cable detachments, Lt Col Hoskins. 61 Tactical exercise. Employing cable detachments, Lt Col MacInnes. 62 Outdoor exercise. Village fighting, Lt Col Jebb. 63 Staff tour, Col Oxley. 64 Exercise in night operations, Lt Col Bols. 65 Preparation of a scheme for field operations, Lt Col Bols. 66 Preparation of a scheme for field operations, Lt Col Bols. 67 Defence river crossing, Col Oxley. 68 Map main routes across the Hindu Kush, Lt Col Stewart. 69 Exercise in night operations. Milford & Frensham, Lt Col Bols. 70 'All British' cable communications, Lt Col Burnett-Stewart. 71 Indoor exercise. Asmin: staff duties at manoeuvres, Maj Percival. 72 Strategical exercises. The defence of India, The Commandant. 73 Outdoor exercises. 'Wood fighting', Lt Col Jebb. 74 War game, Col Oxley. 75 Indoor cavalry scheme No 1, Maj Home. 76 Staff duties exercise, Lt Col Bols. 77 War game, Col Oxley. 78 L of C transport and organisation 1882, Lt Col Stewart. 79 Scheme for special expeditionary force, Lt Col Burnett-Stewart. 80 War game 10th November, Col Oxley. 81 Revision of training manuals, The Commandant. 82 Staff duties exercise, 24th November, Lt Col Bols. 83 War game, Col Oxley. 84 N.E frontier of India (Burmah, Assam, etc), Lt Col Stewart. 85 Indoor exercise (based on cav:div:staff rise 1913), Maj Home. 86 War game, Col Oxley. 87 Notes 1877, Lt Col Bols. 88 Intelligence exercise (8th to 10th Dec), Lt Col Bols. 89 General map spring campaign 1813, Lt Col Malcolm. 90 War game, Col Oxley. 91 Indoor exercise, 17th December, Lt Col Malcolm.

      Directing Staff, Staff College Camberley
      GB CR/1903/2 JSCSC · 1903

      1 List of Reconnaissances Jan to April. 2 Defence of L. of C., Lt Col Haking. 3 Enumerate Strategic Points 1870 Theatre, Lt Col May. 4 Changes in War Establishments, Lt Col Capper. 5 Reconnaisance of Area of Country, Lt Cols May and Capper. 6 Examples of Attack Orders (V Div S.A.), Lt Col Capper. 7 Appreciation on German Mobilization etc, Lt Col May. 8 Railway Exercise No 1. (3 Parties), Lt Col Capper. 9 Notes and scheme on Railways in War, Lt Col Capper. 10 Continuation of No. 2. March and Orders, Lt Col Haking. Continuation of No 2. Raid on L of C (4 parties), Lt Col Johnston. 12 Scheme - March, Bivouac and Ouutpost, Lt Col Heard. 13 Bivouacs and Outposts, Lt Cols May & Capper. 14 'Was McMahon right to fight at Woerth?', Lt Col May. 15 Operations of Cav. 1870. 2 examples, Lt Col May.

      16 Map, North France and Belgium, Lt Col May.17 Defence of post, with map, Lt Col Johnston. 18 Defence of post with map, Lt Col Haking. 19 Defence of position behind Loddon R., Lt Col Johnston. 20 Views as to punishment on Active Service, Commandant. 21 Comments on Spicheren and Woerth; and Scheme, Lt Col May. 22 Sketch map of Germany, Lt Col May. 23 List of lectures by Senior Division. 24 Continuation of No 13 Camping, Lt Col Capper. 25 Preliminary Coast Reconnaissance, Lt Col Capper. 26 Reconnaissance for Attack. Orders, Lt Col May.27 Freehand drawing. Practice plate, Lt Col Heard. 28 Disembarkations, Lt Col Capper. 29 'How would you have attacked Spicheren?', Lt Col Haking. 30 On Nautical Astronomy, Lt Col Heard. 31 Write orders as Bazaine on 15 Aug 1870, Lt Col May. 32 Staff Tour. Coast Reconnaissance, Lt Col Capper. 33 Battle of Lisaine; illustrating defence, Lt Col Johnston. 34 Reconnaissance for Defence of River, Commandant. 35 Major Simpson on Disembarkation. 36 Estimate of Time for Disembarkation, Lt Col Capper. 37 Staff Ride, Lt Col Haking. 38 Staff Ride, Lt Col Johnston. 39 Staff Ride, Lt Col Capper. 40 Staff Ride, Lt Col May. 41 On Nautical Astronomy, Lt Col Heard. 42 Recon: Orders for a Cavalry Screen, Lt Col May. 43 Intelligence on Current Military Topics, Lt Col Capper. 44 List of parties for the Battlefields. 45 On German experiences at Gravelotte, Lt Col May. 46 Survey by Astronomical Observation, Lt Col Heard.

      47 Flank guard to army retreating, Lt Col May. 48 Freehand sketch of enemy's position, Lt Col Heard. 49 Advanced guard-Demolition-sketch, Lt Col Johnston. 50 General plan of country and camps, Commandant and Lt Col Capper. 51 Draw sketch map of Spain and Portugal, Lt Col May. 52 Staff Ride, Opposing Forces, Lt Col Haking. 53 Staff Ride, Opposing Forces, Lt Col Capper. 54 Staff Ride, Opposing Forces, Lt Col May. 55 Staff Ride, Opposing Forces, Lt Col Heard. 56 Staff Ride, Opposing Forces, Lt Col Johnston. 57 Draw up scheme for a Staff Ride, Lt Col Haking. 58 Continuation of 50. March Orders and Camps, Commandant and Lt Col May. 59 Convoy, Lt Col May. 60 King's Review and arrangements, Lt Col Capper. 61 Staff Ride Mountain Warfare, Lt Col Haking. 62 Staff Ride Mountain Warfare and Arrangements, Lt Col May. 63 Staff Ride, Opposing Forces, Lt Col Johnston. 64 Staff Ride, Opposing Forces, Lt Col Capper. 65 Staff Ride, Opposing Forces, Lt Col Heard. 66 Notes on hill warfare, Lt Col May. 67 Set of forms for survey, Lt Col Heard. 68 Attack of a position, Lt Col Johnston. 69 Reconnaissance for attack. Continuation of 50, Commandant and Lt Col Haking.

      70 Exercise in marking out a camp, Commandant and Lt Col Capper. 71 Memo on staff details of No 69, Commandant. 72 Defence of a position. Continuation of No 50, Commandant and Lt Col Haking. 73 Modifications in tactics caused by close country. 74 Form for rating watches, Lt Col Heard. 75 Rear guards, etc. Continuation of No 50, Commandant and Lt Col May. 76 Precis and maps of lectures given by S.C. Officers (bound at end of work). 77 Railaway scheme, entraining, feeding, detraining, Lt Col Capper. 78 Panorama sketch. Memory sketch, Lt Col Heard. 79 Forcing passage of a river, Commandant and Lt Col May. 80 On experiences while attached and during manoeuvres, Lt Col Johnston. 81 On ammunition and technical equipment, Lt Col May. 82 Attack of position, Lt Col May. 83 Adanced guards. 4 situations, Lt Col Haking. 84 Reconnaisance with freehand sketch, Lt Col Heard.85 Billeting scheme, Lt Col Capper. 86 Examination Staff Ride. 87 Paper on nature of ground in Staff Tour affecting 3 arms, Lt Col May. 88 Exercise in Imperial strategy. Abyssinia, Lt Col May. 89 Orders for retreat from Gravelotte, Lt Col Capper. 90 Write an account of Battle of Austerlitz. 91 Inroad of Invading Army, Depots etc, Lt Col May. 92 Investment of a fortess, Lt Col Johnston. 93 Continuation of schem 88 Imperial Strategy, Lt Col May. 94 Lecture on electricity given by Capt Seton. 95 Paper on best means of traction for Artillery, Lt Col May. 96 Contoured map of Austerlitz. Lt Col Haking. 97 Comparison of our organization with foreign organization, Lt Col Capper. 98 Write a study of Jena, Lt Col Haking. 99 Write a study of Salamanca, Lt Col Haking. 100 Continuation of Investment Schem, Lt Col Johnston. 101 Extract from Major Handley's lecture. 102 War Game, Lt Cols May & Johnston. 103 Exercise in Imperial Strategy, Lt Col May. 104 Continuation of Investment Schem, Lt Col Johnston. 105 Lectures arranged on Imperial Defence, etc. 106 Remarks on Investment Scheme, Lt Col Johnston. 107 War Game, Lt Cols Capper & Haking. 108 General plan of the boat advance. 109 Map to accompany Col Pratt's lecture.

      Rawlinson , Sir , Henry Seymour , 1864-1925 , Colonel , Baronet, Companion of the Bath, psc , Commandant, Staff College Camberley Haking , Richard Cecil Byrne , 1862-1945 , psc , Lieutenant Colonel , Professor of Tactics, Staff College Camberley Johnston , James Thomason , b 1860 ,Lieutenant Colonel, Royal Artillery , psc , Professor of Fortification and Artillery, Staff College Camberley Heard , Alexander Eustace Stawell , b 1867 , Major (Temporary Lieutenant Colonel) Northumberland Fusiliers , Professor of Military Topography, Staff College Camberley Capper , Thompson , 1863-1915 , Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, East Lancashire Rifles , Distinguished Service Order, psc , Professor of Military Administration, Staff College Camberley May , Edward Sinclair , b 1856 , Lieutenant Colonel, Royal Artillery , Companion of Saint Michael and Saint George, psc , Professor, Staff College Camberley