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Asian history

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29 Archival description results for Asian history

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GB 0099 KCLMA Alison · 1851-1919

Papers, 1851-1919, relating to the military career of Sir Archibald Alison, including: detailed sketch map of Lucknow Garrison, India, 1851; memoranda to Alison from Lt Gen Sir Colin Campbell, Commander of British expedition to suppress Indian Mutiny, concerning troop movements, India, and operations at Lucknow for the relief of Lucknow Garrison, India, 1857; correspondence relating to British military operations in India, 1858-1862; records of service and correspondence relating to Alison's appointments, 1858-1892, with correspondents including Sir Henry Thurston Holland, 1st Lord Knutsford, Secretary of State for the Colonies, George William Frederick Charles, 2nd Duke of Cambridge, Commander in Chief of the British Army, and Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, Secretary of State for War; press cuttings relating to Alison's career, 1863-1907, including article, 'The brains of the Army', The Word, 17 Nov 1880, detailing the work of the Intelligence Department under Alison; official correspondence, 1868-1892; lithograph map of the battle of Amoaful (Amoafo), Ghana, printed by the Topographical Department of the War Office, 1874; letter from Alison's cousin, Gen Sir Montagu Gilbert Gerard, with detailed account of the capture of Kabul, Afghanistan, 1880; official correspondence relating to the campaign in Egypt, 1882-1883, chiefly concerning appointments, the state of the troops, organisation, and the necessity of retaining a permanent force in Egypt; memoranda by Alison, 1885-1886, on subjects including the Government of India proposals for a permanent increase in British troops in India, demobilisation in Egypt, Colonel Sir Charles Wilson's failure to reach Khartoum in time to relieve General Charles Gordon, and the importance of mounted infantry; notes [1889], by Alison on his career, 1845-1881; correspondence and press cuttings relating to Alison's death and funeral, 1907; correspondence between the Alison family and Blackwoods publishers, 1914-1918, concerning a possible biography of Alison; article, 'The European Brigade under Brigadier General Sir Archibald Alison in the Ashanti War, 1873-1874' by Major General Sir Charles Walker Robinson, Alison's son-in-law, [1919].

Alison , Sir , Archibald , 1826-1907 , 2nd Baronet , General
GB 0101 PP.BG · 1971-

Pamphlets, leaflets, manifestos, election posters, constitutions and conference reports issued by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, the Communist Party of Bangladesh, the National Awami Party and the National Socialist Party of Bangladesh.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PG.BG · 1956-1992

Letters, press cuttings, manifestos, constitutions, resolutions and pamphlets issued by the Bangladesh Scheduled Castes' Federation and the Commission for Justice and Peace, reflecting the interests of Bangladesh political pressure groups.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0099 KCLMA Bennett/Pine-Coffin · [1920-1974]

Copies of papers of Col Alexander Dumaresq Bennett, including photographs, papers and press cuttings relating to his service with Mohmand Field Force, North West Frontier Province, India, 1935-1936, including a report on a night ambush 28-29 Sep [1935] and Bennett's record of service.

Papers of Edward Claude Pine-Coffin including portrait photograph; group photograph [of the 14 Punjabi Regiment] and souvenir booklet relating to the Shanghai Defence Forces, May 1927.

Copies of papers of John Trenchard Pine-Coffin including papers relating to his OBE, 1963; photograph of John Pine-Coffin, 1974 and recommendation for Joint Services Staff College, 1955.

Bennett , Alexander Dumaresq , 1887-1975 , Colonel
Coffin , Edward Claude , Pine- , 1895-1978 , Lieutenant-Colonel
Coffin , John Trenchard , Pine- , 1921-2006 , army officer
GB 0099 KCLMA Bradbury · 1983-91 (covers c.1857-1990)

Correspondence of Lt Col George Charles Bradbury on the history of the 10th Baluch Regt, Indian Army, 1983-1991. Subjects include regimental history, uniform and regalia, battle honours, gallantry awards, the origin of the regimental warcry "Kai Kai", and the Officers' Dining Club.

Bradbury , George Charles , 1906-1995 , Lieutenant Colonel
Cortazzi, Sir Hugh (1924-)
GB 2247 CORTAZZI · 1983-1998

Papers of Sir Hugh Cortazzi comprising: photocopies of manuscripts including 'The Japanese journal of Sir Alfred East'; and 'My travels in India, China and Japan', Charles Wallis and related letters, 1996; 'Some memories of Elisabeth Christina Fernhill Alt, nee Earl (1847-)' and related letters, 1983; papers relating to the memoirs of John Bachelor including 'Steps by the Way'(1855-1945); photocopied extracts of Bachelor's published works on the Ainu, the Japanese minority people; bibliography of Bachelor's works, cuttings and articles relating to the Ainu people and Batchelor's manuscript, and related correspondence 1988-1996; photocopy of a Japanese publication relating to Bachelor [1954]; papers and correspondence relating to the AINU library, 1996; photocopies of articles and papers relating to Richard Henry Brunton (1841-1901) pioneer engineer in Japan 1868-1876, and the Brunton anniversary events, 1991; papers relating to the career of Sir Rutherford Alcock and the British Legation in Japan including photocopies of printed correspondence of Alcock from the Public Record Office, 1865-1870; copies of extract books and articles including one by Cortazzi, and related correspondence, 1980; articles and draft typescripts relating to Sir Vere Redman (1901-1965), English teacher and press correspondent in Japan, and related correspondence, 1995; photocopies of letters from Rolland (surname unknown), an American writing home from Kobe and Yokohama, 1897-1900; photocopies of letters of Algernon B Mitford to his father, 1867; typescript manuscript 'The best course available - a personal account of the secret US-Japan Okinawa Reversion negotiations, Wakaizumi Kei; photocopied typescript 'The writings on Japan and the Japanese of English and American Visitors, 1853-1910', Patricia Miriam Barr, University College London; copy of the thesis 'Unequal allies? US Security and Alliance policy towards Japan, 1945-1960' John Swenson-Wright, St Anthony's College Oxford, DPhil in International Relations, 1998; copy of thesis 'Sir Rutherford Alcock and Japan's entry into international society', Mayuko Sano, Emmanuel College, candidate for MPhil in International Relations, Centre for International Studies, University of Cambridge, Jul 1998; printed copies of Japanese publications including magazine of the First National Bank of Japan, 1963 containing article on Alexander Shand; literary journal containing articles on ceremonial procedures surrounding the Imperial family, 1990 (2 copies); Koken, current affairs journal containing conference papers relating to the past, present and future of Anglo-Japanese relations, 1986; printed copy book for study of Chinese characters; copies of Japan Review of International Affairs, Volume 11 No 1 1997-Volume 13 No 4 1999.

Cortazzi , Sir , (Arthur Henry) Hugh , 1924- , knight , diplomat
GB 0402 SSC/26 · 1930-1931

Papers of William Bensley Cotton, 1930-1931, comprise a copy of a journal describing a journey through Sinkiang, 1914 and a journal of a hunting trip in the district between Gonda and Basti, north-east India, December 1911 to January 1912.

Cotton , William Bensley , fl 1921-1944
GB 1446 MS 40 · [1867-1878]

Scrap album by Guybon Henry Damant, [1867-1878], containing photographs of Indian scenes, reprints of anthropological articles by Damant and press cuttings relating to or by Damant. Numerous leaves have been torn out and blank leaves show erased hand writing.

Damant , Guybon Henry , 1846-1879 , colonial administrator and orientalist
Dodwell, Henry Herbert
GB 0102 MS 380667 · Created 1753-1936

Papers, 1753-1936, collected by Professor H H Dodwell, comprising illustrations, letters and papers relating to India, including an eyewitness account of the Mutiny at Cawnpore (April 1858).

Dodwell , Henry Herbert , 1879-1946 , historian
GB 0402 CAF · 1954-1980

Papers of Professor Charles Alfred Fisher, 1954-1980, including lecture notes on South East Asia including the overseas Chinese, the Mekong River and his visit to Burma in 1974; Foreign Office Research Department paper entitled 'UK Interests in SE Asia', 1964; and six personal letters on academic subjects, 1954-1980.

Fisher , Charles Alfred , 1916-1982 , Professor of Geography
GB 0402 WCF · 1916-1919

Transcription by David Gould of letters written by W C Fox to his family 1916-1919 while serving with the Royal Army Medical Corps in India.

Fox , W C , fl 1916-1919
Furnivall, John Sydenham
GB 0102 PP MS 23 · Created 1917-1961

Papers, 1917-1961, of John Sydenham Furnivall, comprising correspondence (1948-1956), mostly with C W Dunn (co-editor of the Burmese-English Dictionary); draft annotated chapters of Reconstruction in Burma; statistics and other research material gathered for the above work; Furnivall's lecture notes, scripts of his talks, articles and manuscript research notes.

Furnivall , John Sydenham , 1878-1960 , colonial administrator
GB 0402 WJG · 1874-1884

Papers of Capt William John Gill, 1874-1884, including travel diary in Constantinople, 1879; travel diary in India (the Marri expedition at the close of the second Afghan War), Persia and Russia, 1880-1881; press cuttings chiefly relating to Indian affairs, 1874-1884; travel diary in Tripoli, Oct 1881-Jun 1882; travel diaries in China, 1876-1877 and 1877-1878, and notes on Chinese characters and place names, 1877.

Gill , William John , 1843-1882 , Captain , surveyor and explorer
GLYNNE, Mary (b 1895)
GB 0402 MAG · [1950]-1977

Papers of Mary Glynne including notes for lectures by Glynne on Angkor Wat, 1950s and 1960s; press cuttings on Cambodia, 1964-1977; note on books on Cambodia and its history and printed guides to Angkor published by the Cambodia Tourist Office.

Glynne , Mary Dilys , b 1895 , plant pathologist and mountaineer
GB 0402 FAG · 1858-1869

Papers of Frederick Addington Goodenough, 1858-1869, from Assam to China on the opening up of communication between Assam and Western China, comprising two memoranda, one by Col Hopkinson on a paper by Goodenough and the second a reply, both concerning communication between China and Assam, 1858; and manuscript and printed lecture on the same subject, 1868-1869.

Goodenough , Frederick Addington , 1827-1870 , merchant
Hall, Daniel George Edward
GB 0102 PP MS 18 · Created 1889-1979

Correspondence and research papers, 1889-1979, of Daniel George Edward Hall. Correspondence includes that between Hall and his publishers; friends and colleagues in Burma and Britain (1926-1970); the School of Oriental and African Studies and University of London (1934-1968); the British Broadcasting Corporation, including notes for broadcasts on the subject of Burma (1960-1961); and Professor Gordon Luce (1924-1978). Hall's research work includes material relating to Major Henry Burney, for his work Henry Burney: A Political Biography (1974), and material relating to Burma's relations with Britain. Also included are a number of photographs.

Hall , Daniel George Edward , 1891-1979 , historian
GB 0402 GHE · 1866-1887

Surgeon Major George Henderson's visitors' books from the Dak bungalows at Bhagtanwala 1866-1885 and at Bhera 1872-1887.

Henderson , George , 1836-1929 , Lt Col
Higgins, John Comyn
GB 0102 MS 95022 · Created c1838-1946

Papers of John Comyn Higgins, comprising notes and narratives, c1838-1946, of political and social significance regarding the Manipur State, India.

Higgins , John Comyn , 1882-1952 , Indian administrator
Mason, Charles: letter
GB 0096 AL87 · Fonds · [late 19th century]

Letter from Charles Mason stating that: 'in Captn Reddie's time (1860/62) there was a destruction of records in India in all the Departts and some were sent home as waste paper', [late 19th century].

Mason , John Charles , 1798-1881 , Marine Secretary to Indian Government
Mutiny Scrapbooks
GB 0102 MS 380484 · 1840s-1910s

Collected papers, 1840s-1910s, relating to the Indian Mutiny, comprising manuscript notes, press cuttings including reproductions of photographs, engravings, and other illustrations, and manuscript and printed maps, and including information on British Army and Bengal Army soldiers involved in the Mutiny and the chronology of the Mutiny.

Pandey, Dr Bishwa Nath
GB 0102 PP MS 22 · Created 1930s-1980

Papers, 1930s-1980, of Dr Bishwa Nath Pandey, including his correspondence, photographs and notes, mainly relating to his book Nehru (1976), as well as early manuscript and typescripts drafts of the work itself.

Pandey , Bishwa Nath , 1929-1982 , Professor of modern Indian history and author
Powell, Ifor Ball
GB 0102 PP MS 26 · Created 1926-1986

Papers, 1926-1986, of Ifor Ball Powell, largely comprising the Philippine reference material collected by him, together with his correspondence and personal papers. The reference material covers topics such as the Philippine legislature; Philippine administration; political parties, elections and election statistics; US Philippine agreements and relations; Philippine Islands during World War II; and the City of Manila. Also included are photographs taken during Powell's field trips in Southeast and East Asia, particularly in the Philippines, and an extensive collection of press cuttings.

Powell , Ifor Ball , 1902-1986 , historian
GB 0402 HHR · 1908

Collection of notes on the history of Tibet and Sikkim, possibly for a book as notes are numbered in sections with index, and letter from Sarat Chandra Das to Capt Cecil Godfrey Rawling answering a query about the origins of Tibetans, 1908.

Risley , Sir , Herbert Hope , 1851-1911 , Knight , Indian Civil Servant
GB 0402 ERR · 1921-1930

Bound typescript of 'Hyderabad state in history and art' [1925], with appendices, illustrations, map and bibliography.

Rosenthal , Ethel , fl 1925
GB 0102 PP MS 8 · Created 1890-1957

Papers, 1890-1957, of Sir Edward Denison Ross and his wife Dora, comprising his correspondence, including that with his wife (1902-1940); personal material including diaries and notebooks of Lady Ross; articles, lecture notes, language material and notes gathered by J. A. Chapman whilst editing Denison Ross's autobiography Both Ends of the Candle published in 1943.

Ross , Lady , Dora , 1869-1940 , née Robinson
Ross , Sir , Edward Denison , 1871-1940 , Knight , Orientalist
The Japan Society
GB 2247 · 1860s - 2003

Archives of the Japan Society comprising:

minutes of the Council and Annual General Meetings, 1891-1999; draft minute books, 1892-1902 and related papers, 1902-1937; Council attendance book, 1914-1941;

administrative papers including general correspondence, 1901-1956; Secretary's correspondence, 1931-1938; Treasurer's letters out 1910-1920; letters relating to the Shakespeare Medal, 1929; letters relating to corporate members subscriptions, 1958-1960; Chairman's files, 1962-1967; Secretary's reports, correspondence, invitation cards and relate papers, 1925-1940; Constitution, agenda and notices, including Rules, 1941 and correspondence 1910-1930; annual dinner papers and programmes, 1894-1927; annual dinner correspondence 1930s; address books (of society members), 1903-1909; printed membership booklets, 1894-1920; Library loan book, 1964-1999; visitors book 1953-1974;

Financial Records including Ledgers, 1891-1894, 1906-1931, 1955-1961; accounts 1939-1955; index to bankers orders, 1902-1957; cash receipts, 1952-1957; petty cash book, 1896-1902;

Photographs, 1869s-1950s comprising:
images of individuals including Crown Prince of Japan, 1921; Sir John Dimsdale, Chairman [1903]; Marcus Huish, T B Clard-Thonhill, Douglas Sladen;

collection of portrait photographs of members of the Society, [1900-1910];

photographs of events, including Yokohama during the earthquake, 1909; the Battle of A-San and the sinking of the British-owned transport Kowshing off Korea, and Battle of Yellow Sea, [1894];

photograph album by Felice Beato, also containing watercolours by Charles Wirgman [1860s]; album of Frances Taylor Piggott - containing photocopies of Japanese meishi (visiting cards), invitations, and menu cards 1888-1891; albums with photographs by Tamamura Kozaburo [1890-1900], and Usui Shuzaburo, 1885; album of photographs of events such as the Japanese Crown Prince's visit to London, 1921; Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi's visit to Britain, 1959; the Japan Society's annual dinner, 1934; and garden party 1934;

glass lantern slides depicting Japanese script, festivals, costumes, wrestlers, craftsman, labourers, country life, religion, gardens, and houses;

manuscripts and personal papers including a notebook of Alexander Richard Newman, (fl 1964) containing manuscript notes on Japanese history and culture (undated); Reports on Japanese Currency by G Arbuthnot and others, 1862-1872; letters from Frank Stearns, Japan, to the Detroit Press 1890-1893; photocopies of letters of Algernon B Mitford to his father, 1866-1869; photocopies of letters to J C Marks from Chester Poole, Charlotsville, USA, 1956-1978; Certificate awarded by Prime Minister Kanin to Major E Calthrop, Military Attache, Tokyo Embassy; Autograph album containing signatures of prominent personalities associated with the Japan Society, 1894-1908; autograph book of Japanese visitors to London, 1919-1930;

press cuttings /scrap books including cuttings of articles on Japan by Raymond Koechlin, 1891 (in French); press cuttings and notices, 1895; press cuttings collection, 1889-1930; press cuttings and scrap book, 1893-1906; press cuttings relating to the Garden Party given in honour of their Imperial Highness Prince and Princess Arishgawa, May 1905; scrap book containing printed material including invitations, menus etc, 1912-1918;

Nichi-Ei Times, 1991-2003, Japanese newspaper published by Toshiko Marks, and edited Setsuo Kato, Japan Media Service Ltd, London; Society publications including Japan Society Transactions and Proceedings, 1892-1941; Japan Society Bulletin (in 1986 reverted to the title Proceedings) 1950-present; and Japan Society Annual Review, 1987-1989.

The Japan Society of London , 1891-1988 The Japan Society , 1988-
Walker, Alexander
GB 0114 MS0184 · Mid 18th century

Papers of Alexander Walker, mid 19th century, comprising a lithograph of letters and reports written by Alexander Walker to the East India Company, 1804-1808. However, this lithograph was produced later in the 19th century; the paper at the start is watermarked 1828 and towards the end, is watermarked 1846. Walker was the political resident at Baroda, and the letters and reports related to the land, people, political climate, financial accounts, and translations of agreements drawn up by Walker, on behalf of the East India Company. They were sent to The Honourable Jonathon Duncan, Governor in Council, Bombay; James Augustus Grant Esq, Secretary to the Government, Bombay; and Francis Warden Esq, Secretary to the Government, Bombay.

Walker , Alexander , 1764-1831 , Brigadier-General
Winstedt, Sir Richard
GB 0102 MS 312646 · 1925-[1960s]

Papers, 1925-[1960s], of Sir Richard Winstedt relating to his publications, comprising annotated proofs of Malay dictionary, 1960; manuscripts of Malay Dictionary, undated; copy of his An English-Malay Dictionary (1952), with extensive manuscript annotations and alterations [after 1952]; manuscripts and typescripts for his memoirs Start from Alif: Count from One (published in 1969), largely relating to his time in south-east Asia [1960s]; manuscript on philosophy, undated; letter on Malay law to [S G?] Vesey-Fitzgerald, 1945; letter on a Malay manuscript from P Voorholne[?] of the Bibliotheek der Rijks-Universiteit te Leiden, 1951; part of a letter on Raffles College and educational needs in Malaya from an unknown correspondent, 1965; miscellaneous offprints by Winstedt on Malay literature, law, customs and culture, 1925, 1929, 1945, and undated.

Winstedt , Sir , Richard Olaf (Olof) , 1878-1966 , Knight , colonial administrator and Orientalist
Wood Diaries
GB 1500 Wood · 1742-1751

Diaries and sketch books of Robert Wood, James Dawkins, John Bouverie and Giovanni Battista Borra of a tour of the Levant, 1750-1751, comprising:
Transcript (8 volumes) of the diaries of the archaeologist, James Dawkins, 5 May 1750-8 June 1751, describing the tour from Naples, Italy to Porto Leone, via Smyrna [Izmir], Sardis, Thyatira [Akhisar], Pergamum [Bergama], Sinus Eleaticus, Constantinople [Istanbul], Boursa, Cyzicus [Belkis], Troy, Tenedos, Phocaea [Foça], Teos [Sigacik], Ephesus, Magnesia ad Meander, Laodicea, Hierapolis [Pamukkale], Antioch, Mytilene [Mitilíni], Lesbos, Scio [Chíos, Nísos], Neomene, Samos, Mylassa, Halicarnassus [Bodrum], Cos [Kos], Cnidus Nova, Rhodes [Ródhos], Alexandria [Al-Iskandariyah], Cairo, The Pyramids, Acre [Akko], Mount Carmel [Har Hakarmel], Nazareth, Capernaum [Kefar Nahum], Tiberias [Teverya], Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Rama, Sidon [Sayda], Beirut, Damascus, Baalbek [Balabakk], Tripoli, Delos [Dhílos], Athens, Marathon, Thermopylae, Chalcis [Khalkís], Thebes, Delphi [Dhelfoi] and Megara.
Diary (1 volume) of John Bouverie, 25 May-8 June 1750, 25 July-3 Aug 1750, and 7 Sep 1750, covering the tour from Smyrna to Meander, as described above.
Papers of Robert Wood, comprising diaries (3 volumes), 25 May-19 Aug, 22 Sep - 8 Oct 1750, 16 May-1 June 1751; pocket books (2 volumes), containing copies of inscriptions made during the tour, including Athens, Baalbek, Palmyra, and other sites in Turkey, Greece and Egypt; extracts (made by Wood's daughter) from his tour manuscripts, including some that are not in the collection; manuscript A universal history by Wood, almost certainly pre-dating the tour; notebook, containing extracts from Wood's journals from his 1742-1743 visit to the Levant, itineraries from his 1745 visit to Italy, preparatory plans for the 1750-1751 tour and notes on Homer; notebook conntaining copy of an extended letter from Wood to James Dawkins, [c1755], Remarks on Homer's plan of Troy, in effect an early draft of his Essay on the Original Genius of Homer [see printed books below].
Sketch books of Giovanni Battista Borra, containing ink and pencil sketches made on the tour, mainly of architectural details, but also including landscapes, of Naples and Mount Vesuvius, Palmyra and Damascus.
Printed books: Robert Wood: An Essay on the Original Genius and Writings of Homer, London, H Hughs for T Payne and P Emsley, 1775, including engravings after Borra of ruins near Troy, and a map of Troas; The ruins of Palmyra and Baalbek, London, W Pickering, 1827 and Les ruines de Palmyre, autrement dite Tedmor au desert, Paris, Firmin Didot, 1819; Homer: Operum omnium quae exstant. Tomus prior sive Ilias Grece et Latine.Juxta editionem emendatissimam et accuratissimam Samuelis Clarke Amsterdam, J Wetstenium, 1743 [Wood's interleaved copy, containing notes and transcripts of inscriptions]; l'Abbe Barthelemy Reflexions sur l'alphabet et sur la langue dont on se servot autrefois a Palmyre, Paris, 1754; Giacomo Barozzi [Il Vignola] Regola delli cinque ordini d'architecttura, Rome, [1620].

Wood , Robert , c 1717-1771 , traveller, archaeologist and politician Dawkins , James , 1722-1757 , archaeologist Bouverie , John , c 1722-1750 , archaeologist Borra , Giovanni Battista , 1712-1786 , artist