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  • UF Biomechanics
  • UF Human biophysics
  • UF Biomécanique
  • UF Biophysique humaine
  • UF Biocinemática
  • UF Biofísica humana
  • UF Biomecánica

10 Archival description results for Biophysics

10 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0120 MSS.1279-1285 · early 18th century - mid 18th century

Notes on Herman Boerhaave's lectures and material extracted from his publications, with some material by others, 18th century.

Boerhaave , Herman , 1668-1738 , chemist and physician
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP67 · 1938-1975

Papers of Professor Jean Hanson, 1938-1975, comprising undergraduate lecture notes; drafts for lectures, revised annually, for undergraduate teaching in zoology at Bedford College, 1938-1948; lectures in Biophysics given at King's College London, 1960-1973; research papers, comprising extensive laboratory notebooks and working papers, 1938-1973, which include ideas for research and comments on current and projected experiments as well as records and observations of work in progress; reports on the work of the Muscle Biophysics Unit; drafts for publications, 1950-1973; unpublished invitation lectures and talks, 1956-1973; scientific correspondence, 1956-1973, including letters exchanged with colleagues whilst at conferences or abroad, detailing research progress; 'Emmeline Jean Hanson' by Sir John Randall, reprinted from Biographical memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, Vol 21, Nov 1975.

Hanson , Emmeline Jean , 1919-1973 , biologist
Katz Papers
GB 0103 KATZ · [1927-2003]

Papers of Sir Bernard Katz, [1927-2003] including papers relating to summer schools and conferences; departmental administrative papers of the Biophysics Department, University College London; papers relating to the Journal of Physiology; papers relating to the Royal Society; personal and scientific correspondence; off prints; lecture notes; working papers including for unpublished work; papers relating to overseas visits and photographs, diagrams and glass plates of scientific subjects.

Katz , Sir , Bernard , 1911-2003 , experimental physiologist
Marmi, Josephus H
GB 0120 MSS.3445-3455 · Collection · [1695-1715]

Commonplace books of extracts and notes from works published mainly during the last quarter of the 17th century and early 18th century, relating to science, medicine and mathematics. Written mainly in Latin or Italian, but with some entries in French. Author's holograph MSS. Illustrated by numerous folding and other pen-drawn diagrams and figures, and a few wash-drawings. The numeration of the volumes has been added.

Vol. I In universam scientiam mechanicam institutiones (80 ll. 3 folding pen-and-wash drawings). II Optica. Catoptrica. Dioptrica (56 ll. 4 folding pen-drawings). III Extracts and notes mainly in Latin, but a few in French on medical, scientific, mathematical and philosophical works, mostly published between c 1685 and 1700: with notices of others on Church history and doctrine, Jansenists, etc. There is a long entry towards the end of the volume on the 'Medicina mentis' by Ehrenfried Walter von Tschirnhausen [1651-1708], (352 ll. 1 folding wash-drawing, 8 folding pen-drawings, wash-and pen-drawing in the text). IV A similar collection, but with a preponderance of entries in French, included in which is a long article under the title: 'La vie de demoiselle Antoinette Bourignon [1616-1680], écrite par elle-même [etc.]' Amsterdam. 1683. The date 1705 is found on the verso of the last leaf (312 ll., 5 folding pen-drawings, and a few marginal pen-drawn figures, etc.) V Notes and extracts on geometry, mechanics, optics, physics, etc. on Cartesian principles: in Italian and Latin. At the end is a long entry entitled: 'Fisica generale sopra il lume, ed i colori per il P. Mallebranche (i.e. Nicolas de Malebranche [1638-1715]) dall'Istoria dell'Accademia delle Scienze, 1699' (224 ll. 6 folding pen-drawings). VI Netwon (Sir I.). Optica: in Latin (160 ll. 11 folding pen-drawings and marginal pen-drawn figures, etc.). VII Extracts from Newton's works on astronomy: conics, mechanics, physics, etc.: in Latin (246 ll., 10 folding pen-drawn figures, etc.). VIII Extracts on astronomy, geography, geometry, and chronology: in Latin. Written in 1713 'in hoc anno'. An added note on the first page contains the date 1714 (208 ll. 8 folding pen-drawn figures, and marginal figures, 1 folding Table). IX Sanctorius (S.). Ex commentariis in Avicennam et in Aphoirismos Hippocratis (256 ll.). A note on 'Colica' in Aphorism XXV is dated 1716. X Extracts and notes from 17th cent. medical works, notes of cases, medical receipts, etc.: in Latin (196 ll.). Illustrated with a full-page pen-drawing of a male head. Against this Marmi has written: 'Exhibeo schema communicatum mihi ab excellentissimo D[octore] Schustonio [?] Practico Esslingense ... Elegantissime Burrhus eques Mediolani (i.e. Giuseppe Francesco Borri [1627-1695]) apud Tackium (Johann Tackius [1617-1675]) Phasis p. 160 uti Macrocosmi Compendium homo existimatur, ita homo sive humanus mundus in se quoque habet proprium compendium in vultu et imago nostri corporis est facies'. The illustration shows the facial nerves supposed to correspond with those of other parts of the body. XI A similar volume, mainly in Latin, but with some entries in Italian (318 ll.). There are long extracts and notes on the works of Galen and Hippocrates. A marginal note on the 6th leaf is dated Naples 1714: another entry on 'Aqua Tofana' is dated 1715 apparently at Naples.

Pasted down as end-papers at the beginning of Vol. IV is a small folio sheet containing an engraving of 'Triangulus australis' above a decorated wreath, which includes a small meallion-portrait of Werner XVII Comes de Hapsburgo. It is numbered 132, and is apparently extracted from an unidentified volume of engravings. The identification of the author of these MSS. is based on two entries. The first is in Vol. III is a marginal note on the verso of the 12th leaf of the entry of the 'Medicina mentis' of Tschirnhausen noted above. It begins: 'Mihi Jos. Herm. M[armi]. The expansion of 'Herm' into an Italian Christian name seems doubtful, but it could be 'Hermannus' or 'Herminius' or even 'Hermes' or 'Hermete'. The second entry is however decisive. It is found also in a marginal note on the eating of cucumbers in the summer, in connexion with the onset of bile after drinking in hot weather as observed by Galen. This is definitely signed 'I. H. Marmi'. Produced in Naples?

Marmi , Josephus H
GB 0100 KCLCA McClare · c1957-1981

Papers of Colin William Fraser McClare, c1957-1981, comprising biographical and autobiographical material; laboratory notebooks c1964-1976; 'ideas' diaries; drafts for lectures and papers (not all published) c1959-c1976; teaching material, in particular for a course on the 'Social Impact of the Biosciences' which started in 1973, with which McClare had been closely involved; a set of McClare's publications including his major papers on bioenergetics and the correspondence arising; correspondence, 1964-1976 (mainly early 1970s), includes letters exchanged with the philosopher Sir Karl Raimund Popper, who offered considerable encouragement to McClare's early attempts to formulate and publish his scientific ideas, and whose philosophy McClare acknowledged as a profound influence.

McClare , Colin William Fraser , 1937-1977 , biophysicist
GB 0098 KEM · Created 1904-1982 (ongoing)

Records of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Imperial College, 1904-1982, including a departmental history from 1884-1966; lecture notes, 1921-1957, including hydraulics, 1904-1917;
departmental correspondence, 1908-1981, including of Professor William Ernest Dalby, 1908-1930; Professor Cecil Howard Lander; donation from International Combustion Ltd, 1959-1967; Rectors' correspondence, 1955-1981; reseach grants, 1969-1972, finance for postgraduate courses, 1966-1970; Heat Transfer Section report on engine combustion, 1979; proposal for joint venture company for a Modal Testing Unit [1982] (KEM); papers of the Assistant Director, [1964-1972] (KEMA);
papers relating to the Biomechanics Section, comprising correspondence concerning future funding, and with the Rector, 1966-1977 (KEMB);
papers relating to the Railway Engineering course, comprising correspondence, 1908-1911; course posters, 1908-1914; lecture notes, 1920-1938, including railway administration (KEMR);
papers relating to the Total Technology Course, 1974-1981, comprising leaflets, guide for students, dinner menus and invitations (KEMT).

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP84 · 1929-1993

The papers of William Price, chiefly relating to spectroscopic analysis and photoionisation, comprise correspondence, lecture and teaching notes, notes compiled while reviewing scientific articles, original research notes, papers concerning Price's employment as an examiner, obituaries and reprints of journal articles, 1929-1993. These notably include correspondence with colleagues describing projects and experiments and sharing observations and data, 1942-1990; lecture notes and teaching papers compiled by Price on the theory of spectroscopy, theoretical and applied optics, especially microscopy, basic molecular chemistry, electron configurations and bond and dissociation energies of molecules, 1948-1978; notes compiled by Price for the peer review of articles and on Price's own published articles, including on the spectra of halogens, the structure of polyatomic molecules, on water and hydrides, the calculation of ionisation potentials, benzenes and hydrocarbons, the structure of the DNA molecule and natural fibres such as keratin, 1929-1977; original research notes on spectroscopic analysis, especially ultraviolet spectra of rare gases, ethylene, sulphur dioxide and other compounds, 1933-1986; papers relating to Price's work as an examiner including draft and complete examination question papers and correspondence, 1952-1978; papers concerning the membership by Price of various learned societies and attendance at scientific conferences and symposia, 1940-1992; obituaries and newspaper cuttings on Price and other distinguished scientists, 1976-1993; typescript copies and reprints of scientific journals containing articles by Price and others, on topics including spectroscopy, photoionization, ionisation potentials and electron configuration and bond and dissociation energies, 1945-1990.

Price , William Charles , 1909-1993 , Professor of Physics
Rubertus, Michael Angelus
GB 0120 MSS.4312-4313 · 1740-1741

Lecture notes taken down by an unnamed student: written by the same hand as the three Rossi manuscripts (MSS.4267-4269). Produced in Naples.

Rubertus , Michael Angelus
Waller family papers
GB 1530 D11 · c1890-1969

Papers of Dr Mary Désirée Waller, 1908-1969; comprising personal correspondence, photographs and papers relating to her education, research and teaching at Bedford College and the London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women (LSMW), 1908-1952, comprising:
note on the establishment of Bedford College Science Demonstration Club, c1908;
papers on the life and work of her father, Professor Augustus D Waller (1856-1922), head of the University of London Physiological Laboratory and lecturer at LSMW, particularly his discovery of the electrocardiogram in 1887, and her mother, Alice (née Palmer) a former student at LSMW;
notes for speeches by Waller, mainly at LSMW Prizegivings and dinners;
scrapbook, 1912-1952, containing notes, offprints of articles, correspondence, press cuttings, including papers on Waller's appearance on BBC Television in 1937 and 1938, giving a demonstration of the properties of frozen carbon dioxide;
correspondence, papers and proofs relating to the posthumous publication of Waller's book Chladani Figures, A Study in Symmetry, 1957-1969; including correspondence between Waller's literary Executor, Dr Bertha Turner and the publishers, G Bell & Sons, London and with the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine on income from the book being credited to the Augustus and Alice Waller Research Fund, 1960-1969;
photographs of the Waller and Palmer families, c1890-1949, figures and illustrations for books.

Waller , Mary Désirée , 1886-1959 , physicist Waller , Augustus Desiré , 1856-1922 , physiologist
GB 0100 K/PP178 · 1854-2004

Papers of Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins, 1854-2004, including: laboratory notebooks, graphs, data sets, notes, x-ray diffraction photographs and published articles relating to his scientific research, 1948-1976, chiefly his work on the structure of DNA, 1947-1966; correspondence, 1948-2004, with and about scientific colleagues, including Struther Arnott, Allen Blaurock, Francis Crick, Boris Ephrussi, Harriet Ephrussi-Taylor, Bruce Fraser, Meyer Friedman, Raymond Gosling, Leonard Hamilton, John Kendrew, Robert Langridge, Don Marvin, Linus Pauling, Max Perutz, John Randall, Alec Stokes, James Watson and Herbert Wilson. Correspondence, notes and articles, 1950-2003, relating to research on the history of the discovery of the structure of DNA, including: copies of Rosalind Franklin's laboratory notebooks and articles, 1951-1953, relating to her DNA research; correspondence, 1967-2003, with writers on DNA history, including Aaron Klug, Robert Olby, Meyer Friedman, Horace Judson and Watson Fuller; unpublished articles and talks on DNA history by Wilkins, 1975-1987. Drafts, notes, correspondence and collected background research relating to Wilkins' autobiography, The third man of the double helix (Oxford University Press, 2003). Papers relating to Wilkins' education and early career, 1928-1942, including: teenage essays and fiction on the role of science, 1928-1934; notes, articles and photographs, 1937-1938, relating to his student activities, including physics experiments, and photographs relating to his incendiary bomb testing for Cambridge Scientists Anti-War Group, 1938. Correspondence, memoranda, minutes, reports and notes, 1962-1982, relating to the administration of the Medical Research Council (MRC) Biophysics Unit, King's College London (from 1964, the Department of Biophysics), on topics including funding, staffing, equipment provision and teaching. Correspondence, course handouts, student essays (CLOSED) and background material, 1971-1996, relating to the undergraduate course, 'The social impact of the biosciences', created and run by Wilkins, 1972-1982. Correspondence, newsletters and conference papers relating to Wilkins' involvement in political pressure groups, 1968-2003, notably the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science (of which Wilkins was founding President, 1969-1991), Food and Disarmament International (Wilkins' was founding President, 1984-2004), the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), and the Pugwash Conferences on World Affairs. Audio recordings, 1972-1996, including lectures by Wilkins on: social responsibility in science; his Eddington Memorial Lectures,Cambridge, 1977-1978, on the history and philosophy of science; nuclear disarmament, 1981; his retirement speech, 1982; the history of DNA.

Wilkins , Maurice Hugh Frederick , 1916-2004 , molecular biologist