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            Recortes de prensa

              2 Descripción archivística resultados para Recortes de prensa

              2 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
              GB 0074 O/306 · Colección · 1710-1788

              Newspaper cuttings concerning incidents in the parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, c 1710-1788.

              Sin título
              GB 2108 KUAS195 · Fondo · [1990-2010]

              Items relating to Iris Murdoch presented to the archives by Anne Rowe. Includes:

              1) Papers on a proposed Festschrift on Iris Murdoch collated by Peter Conradi

              2) Copies of the newsletter for the Iris Murdoch Society of Japan

              3) Press articles on Iris Murdoch

              4) Letters written to Anne Rowe and Peter Conradi regarding Iris Murdoch

              5) Original text copies of the Iris Murdoch Society Newsletters Nos 1-19

              6) Unpublished essay by Rachel Cusk on Iris Murdoch

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