Cultural identity

Elements area



Scope note(s)

  • Denotes the correspondence which exists between a community (national, ethnic, linguistic, etc.) and its cultural life, as well as the right of each community to its own culture.
  • Désigne la correspondance qui existe entre une communauté (nationale, ethnique, linguistique, etc.) et sa vie culturelle, aussi bien que le droit de chaque communauté au maintien de sa propre culture.
  • Correspondencia que existe entre una comunidad (nacional, étnica, lingüística, etc.) y su vida cultural, así como el derecho de cada comunidad a mantener su propia cultura.

Source note(s)


Display note(s)

    Hierarchical terms

    Cultural identity

    Equivalent terms

    Cultural identity

    • UF Cultural alienation
    • UF Cultural identification
    • UF Ethnic identity
    • UF Aliénation culturelle
    • UF Identification culturelle
    • UF Identité ethnique
    • UF Alienación cultural
    • UF Identidad étnica
    • UF Identificación cultural

    164 Archival description results for Cultural identity

    164 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
    GB 0074 CLC/035 · Collection · 1810

    Transcription of the register of the British Factory chapel at Leghorn [Livorno], covering the years 1707 to 1783.

    British Factory , Leghorn
    GB 0074 ACC/2712/BRS · Collection · 1865-1960

    Records of Borough Synagogue, consisting of registers of kethubot [marriage contracts], lists of seat holders, chalitza book, financial accounts, and minute books including Burial Society minute book.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

    Borough Synagogue
    GB 0074 ACC/3121 · Collection · 1760-2003

    Records of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, 1760-2002. The archive is central to the history of the modern Jewish community in Britain. It covers virtually every facet of Jewish life in Britain in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries - assimiliation, education, political emancipation, Shechita, anti-Semitism. The archive is particularly interesting on the conditions of Jewry outside the UK - there is a lot of information, for example, on the rise of fascism in mainland Europe in the 1930s and the Holocaust.

    Board of Deputies of British Jews London Committee of Deputies of British Jews
    Bentwich, Helen (1892-1972)
    GB 106 7HBE · [1910-1960]

    The archive consists of correspondence, notebooks and diaries, press cuttings, photographs and other papers. The papers include diaries of Helen's youthful travels in Bosnia and Dalmatia with her family and also some documents pertaining to her later political career. The majority of the collection, however, consists of correspondence: over 2,000 individual letters, spanning the period from around 1914 until the 1960s and documenting many aspects of Helen's life and career. Letters written to Helen's mother from Cairo during the First World War illuminate the British community in the Middle East and the history of Palestine during the conflict. Letters written to Norman give insights into the land army, work at Woolwich Arsenal and trade union activity and also contain information about her brother Hugh Franklin and his suffrage activities at this date. The long and detailed letters to Helen's mother from Jerusalem, 1919-1932 document the history of the British Mandate as well as the evolution of Helen's personal attitude towards Palestine, Jerusalem and the Jewish nation itself. There are frequent references to the political situation and to figures such as Balfour and Herbert Samuel, along with personal observations about every-day life.

    Bentwich , Helen Caroline , 1892-1972 , social worker and writer
    GB 0074 ACC/2895 · Collection · 1784-1936

    Records of the Benevolent Society of St Patrick, including annual reports; newspaper cuttings; correspondence and drawings.

    Benevolent Society of St Patrick
    GB 0074 LMA/4280 · Collection · 1954-2002

    Records of the Belmont Synagogue, covering the whole range of activities undertaken by the Synagogue. In particular, the administration is well represented with minutes, agendas and correspondence from all the main committees; the Council of Management, Membership, Building Fund, Ladies Guild, Parents Association, Education and Social Activity Group.

    Information on the religious life can be gleaned from files on Rabbi selection, Bat Chayil Ceremony, Yom Naroim and the Sefer Torah as well as from the substantial photographic collection which also presents a good picture of the social side of the community.

    PLEASE NOTE that written permission from the depositors is required to access this collection.

    Belmont Synagogue
    GB 0074 ACC/2712/BWS · Collection · 1850-1984

    Records of the Bayswater Synagogue, consisting of administrative files, financial records, reports, photographs, correspondence, a history of the synagogue and membership records including registers of kethubot [marriage contracts] and chalitzah undertakings.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

    Bayswater Synagogue
    GB 0074 ACC/2712/BKS · Collection · 1947-1948

    Records of Barking Synagogue, consisting of an account book.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

    Barking Synagogue
    GB 0074 ACC/2712/AJE · Collection · 1861-1995

    Records of the United Synagogue's own Board of Jewish Religious Education, as well as the London Board of Jewish Religious Education and its predecessor the Jewish Religious Education Board, and other bodies such as the Union of Hebrew and Religious Classes, the Jewish Association for the Diffusion of Religious Knowledge, the Jewish Memorial Council, the Central Council for Jewish Religious Education and the Jewish Voluntary Schools Association. Also records of individual schools and institutions such as the Jews Free School, Jewish Infant Schools, Westminster Jews Free School, Ilford Jewish Primary School and Michael Sobell Sinai School. The records themselves include minutes, correspondence, reports, annual reports, financial records, registers of bar mitzvah tests, printed material such as publicity, brochures, prospectuses, journals and press cuttings, and the papers of Governing bodies.

    PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

    United Synagogue , Board of Jewish Religious Education
    GB 0074 CLC/024 · Collection · 1993

    Index of the register, 1669-1849, of the Hamburg Lutheran Church on the site of Holy Trinity the Less. The index was compiled by Mrs Pam Freeman and Len Metzner of the Anglo-German Family History Society.

    Anglo-German Family History Society
    Altmann Archive
    GB 0103 ALTMANN · [1920-1997]

    The Altmann collection, [1920-1997], comprises papers of Alexander Altmann; papers of his brothers, Manfred and Erwin Altmann, Altmann family papers and papers relating to the Institute of Jewish Studies. Includes memoirs, diaries, draft manuscripts, research papers, letters, photographs, audio-visual material, family research papers, financial and legal papers and papers relating to publications and conferences.

    Altmann , Alexander , 1906-1987 , rabbi Altmann , Manfred , 1911-1999 , chairman of the Institute of Jewish Studies Altmann , Erwin , fl 1920-1930 , brother of Alexander and Manfred Altmann
    GB 0074 ACC/0803 · Collection · 1915-1916

    Records of the Alexandra Palace Concert Society of German Internees, including concert programmes, retrospect of the Concert Society including names of musicians, lists and analysis of works performed, and watercolour portrait by a prisoner.

    Alexandra Palace Concert Society of German Internees
    ALEXANDER, Joshua (d 1876)
    GB 0074 ACC/1471 · Collection · 1843-1908

    Records of Joshua Alexander, solicitor and property developer, recording the drawing up of building agreements and the granting of leases of the resulting houses. None of the agreements or leases survive but the pattern of development can be traced through the accounts of advances for building and the ground rents received for leases.

    Building agreements and lease books: These books record cash advances made by Joshua Alexander and his business partner William Bradshaw under building agreements for the development of their various estates. When leases were granted of newly erected houses, ground rents received under them were likewise recorded. Apart from including names of lessees and addresses of property leased, the books are heavily annotated with references to court proceedings, assignments of interests and other actions necessary for administrating estates. Each book is indexed under names of tenants.

    Rentals: These record the payment of ground rents by lessee of houses on the various estates described above. Each rental is arranged by estate and contains name and address of lessee or assignee, address of property rented, amount of ground rent due and summaries of totals..

    Letter books: family and personal letters. Copies of letters from Lionel Alexander of personal and family nature, many concerning involvement with Jewish institutions, charities and general affairs, also copies of letters to press and articles.

    Alexander , Joshua , d 1876 , solicitor and property developer