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Born, 1868; Member of British Government Eclipse Expeditions, 1893, 1896, 1898, 1900, 1905, 1914; Fellow of the Royal Society, 1910; awarded Valz Prize by the Paris Academy of Sciences, 1913; Bakerian Lecturer, Royal Society, 1914 and 1924; awarded Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1915; awarded Royal Medal of the Royal Society, 1918; Henry Draper Gold Medal of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, 1920; Yarrow Research Professor of the Royal Society, 1923-1934; President, Section A, British Association, 1926; CBE 1935; President, Institute of Physics 1935-1937; Past-President, Royal Astronomical Society; Emeritus Professor of Astro-Physics, Imperial College; late Member of Advisory Council Department of Scientific and Industrial Research; late General Secretary, International Astronomical Union; died, 1940.
Publications: Geometrical Astronomy and Astronomical Instruments (The Concise Knowledge Astronomy [1914]); Popular Telescopic Astronomy. How to make a 2-inch telescope and what to see with it (G Philip & Son, London, 1896); Report on Series in Line Spectra (Physical Society, London, 1922); numerous papers relating to solar and stellar spectra, the spectra of comets, and the structure of spectra in Proceedings of Royal Society and Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society.