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        23 Descrição arquivística resultados para Immigration

        LING, S (fl 1953-2008)
        GB 0074 LMA/4510 · Coleção · 2007 Nov 19

        Transcript of oral history recording Our Laundrette in Birkenhead, describing Mrs Ling's early working life in her father-in-law's laundrette.

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        GB 0074 LMA/4530 · Coleção · 2007-2008

        Records of the Saam Theatre Group oral history project. The collection consists of a description of the running of the project and typewritten transcripts of the eight interviews, and CD versions of the interviews with a video report on the running of the project on DVD. Because of their format, the CDs and DVD are currently available by appointment only.

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        Chain, Sir Ernst Boris (1906-1979)
        GB 0120 PP/EBC · 1906-1980

        The papers are very extensive though there are some lacunae, probably attributable to Chain's many changes of workplace. The early biographical period is sparsely documented, there are sporadic gaps in the correspondence files, and there is no original documentation of the penicillin research at Oxford (although there are many historical accounts and much correspondence about the history of penicillin). The surviving biographical material provides documentation of the arrangements for Chain to live and work in Britain, later honours and awards and his musical interests, and family correspondence, photographs and press-cuttings. There are very substantial records of his later career at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and Imperial College, London, including his continuing contributions to biochemical problems such as carbohydrate metabolism, ergot alkaloids, edible proteins and aeration studies. The Imperial College material also contains records of the creation, administration, finance and architectural design of the Biochemistry Department, and developments in the Department after Chain's statutory retirement in 1973. Additional information about Chain's research is available in the documentation of his very extensive consultancy agreements and collaborative work with industrial firms such as Astra, Beechams and Rank Hovis McDougall, and records relating to government, grant-giving and charitable bodies such as the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research Campaign and Medical Research Council which contributed to the funding of his research. There is much material on Chain's lectures, addresses and broadcasts, and on his extensive travel on visits and conferences, which includes a substantial number of unpublished talks.

        An exceptional feature of the Chain papers is the documentation of the large number of Israel and Jewish organisations with which he was associated, especially the Weizmann Institute of Science, where he was a governor for many years and had at one time considered taking up an appointment.

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        Langer, Felix (1889-1980): Diaries
        GB 1556 WL 1433 · Coleção · 1933-1941

        Papers of Felix Langer, 1933-1941, comprise three volumes of diaries plus enclosures. The diaries contain mostly sparse notes often barely legible. A large part of the content relates to books.

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        Hitahadut Olej Germania: reports and papers
        GB 1556 WL 945 · Coleção · 1933-1934

        Papers of Hitahadut Olej Germania, 1933-1934, an activity report, are divided into sections notably including correspondence from abroad providing details about prospective emigrants,including first help on arrival, economic organisation, cultural work, social work and financial report, 1933-1934; proposal for a credit bank, 1934; information circular regarding agricultural developments, 1934; remarks on the future work of Hitahadut Olej Germania, [1933-1934] and report on the remit of the Agricultural Department of Hitahadut Olej Germania, [1933-1934].

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        Runnymede Collection
        GB 2925 · Arquivo · 1957-[2000]

        The Runnymede Collection comprises books, pamphlets, journals, newsletters, bulletins, press cuttings and working files. The Trust's original working research files contain correspondence, press releases, reports, journal articles and other documents. Subject areas include immigration, deportation, citizenship and nationality, race and racism, politics and race relations, far-right political groups in Britain and abroad, employment, housing, inner cities, social services, health and the National Health Service, education, policing, crime and racially motivated crime, prisons, ethnic minorities and the legal system, demography and the ethnic population in Britain, migrants and ethnic issues in Europe and the European Community, women from ethnic groups in Britain, the media and ethnic minorities, human rights.

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        GB 0097 LYNES · Coleção · 1957-1997

        Papers of Tony Lynes, 1957-1997, including research papers, correspondence and publications concerning various fields of social policy and administration collected by Lynes in his own research and as advisor to various organisations and individuals. Includes: material relating to research conducted as an assistant to Richard Titmuss and as an advisor to the Labour Party on social security policy; notes and papers concerning Lynes' involvement with the formulation of social security legislation; research material concerning pension schemes and policy (both domestic and international), housing, immigrants, asylum seekers, taxation, unemployment and work undertaken with his wife, Sally; papers, correspondence, reports and publications from and relating to Lynes campaigning and research into the functioning and operation of the Social Fund, 1988-1991.

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        LAM, Ting Kau (fl 1935-2008)
        GB 0074 LMA/4505 · Coleção · 1960

        Personal papers of Ting Kau Lam, restaurant owner, comprising passport and transcript of oral history My Life in London.

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        LI, Muk Wan (fl 1960-1980)
        GB 0074 LMA/4511 · Coleção · 1960-1965

        Personal papers of Muk Wan Li, restaurant owner, including travel documents relating to his immigration to Britain; financial papers, and family letters.

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        GB 0074 LMA/4513 · Coleção · 2004-2008

        Records of the Chinese National Healthy Living Centre, including promotional leaflets; recordings made under the oral history project 'Whispers of Time: Memories of Migration and Settlement'; and promotional material from the 'Footprints of the Dragon' project.

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        GIBBS, AM Sir Gerald Ernest (1896-1992)
        GB 0099 KCLMA Gibbs · Created 1917-1984

        Papers relating to Gibbs' early career, 1917-1927, including typescript copies [1972] of combat reports written by Gibbs, 17 Sqn, Macedonia, 1917-1918; typescript notes by Gibbs entitled 'Service experiences', 1926; typescript Staff College essay entitled 'Leadership and morale', 1927. Nine typescript texts of lectures by Gibbs, 1948-1972, on the RAF in World War Two, post war airpower, India and the Indian Air Force and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), also 'Air power in modern war', by MRAF Arthur William Tedder, 1st Baron Tedder of Glenguin, 1947. Papers relating to Gibbs' career in the RAF, 1945-1954, including correspondence and typescript notes by Gp Capt I C Bird on the war efforts of India, South Africa and the Colonies [1948]; letter andgraph by Wg Cdr J D Warne, dated 1949, on numbers of sorties flown and losses suffered by the Luftwaffe and the RAF during the Battle of Britain, 1940; typescript copies of correspondence between Gibbs and Adm Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean, 1953; typescript report by Gibbs entitled 'Report on the progressand the policy problems of the Indian Air Force', 1954. Papers and correspondence, 1955-1984, including typescript article by Gibbs entitled 'The lessons of Skybolt, Britain's new defence plans', with letter from Sir Hugh (Nicholas) Linstead MP, 1963; typescript memorandum by MRAF Sir John Cotesworth Slessor entitled 'Integration of the Services within the new defence organisation', 1964;correspondence with Dr G Vincent Orange, History Department, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, dated 1982, concerning research for A biography of Air Chief Marshal Sir Keith Park GCB, KBE, MC, DFC, DCL (Methuen, London, 1984), with copy of letter from ACM Sir Keith Rodney Park, Air Commander-in-Chief, South East Asia to MRAF Sir Charles Frederick Algernon Portal, Chief of the Air Staff, relating to the possible replacement of Gibbs as Chief Air Staff Officer, Supreme Headquarters South East Asia Command [1945]. Copies of Gibbs' letters to the press, 1955-1982, relating chiefly to defence issues, service pensions, capital punishment, immigration and Rhodesia. Publications and articles, 1928-1961, including copy of Air Ministry Air Publication 1308 entitled 'A selection of lectures and essays from the work of officers attending the fifth course at the Royal Air Force Staff College, 1926-1927', (HMSO, London, 1928), including article by Gibbs 'Lecture on fighter squadrons in air defence'; article by Gibbs 'Aircraft types and strategical mobility', Journal of the Royal Air Force College, 1930; booklet by Gen Sir Archibald Percival Wavell entitled 'Generals and Generalship' (reprinted from The Times, London, 1941); three editions of Impact magazine, subtitled 'US Tactical air power in Europe', May 1945, 'Strategic air victory in Europe', Jul 1945, and 'Air victory over Japan', Sep-Oct 1945; restricted pamphlet by MRAF Hugh Montague Trenchard, 1st Viscount Trenchard of Wolfeton, entitled 'Air power', 1946; restricted pamphlet by US Gen Carl A Spaatz entitled 'American views on air power', 1947; article by ACM Sir Keith Rodney Park entitled 'Background to the Blitz, from Hawker Siddeley Review, Dec 1951; article by Gibbs 'The development of defence in NATO's second decade', The British Survey, Feb 1959; article entitled 'Maintaining the deterrent in the future', by Gibbs, The Aeroplane, Mar 1961.

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        CUB · Coleção · 1904-1938

        Minutes of the Central Committee for the Unemployed and various sub-committees, 1904-1905.

        Minutes of the Central Unemployed Body for London, 1905-1930, with minutes, agendas and reports of sub-committees including the Classification Committee, Emigration Committee, Employment Exchanges Committee, Finance Committee, Hollesley Bay Rota Committee, Women's Work Committee, Local Advisory Committees, Working Colonies Committee, Works Committee and Special and Joint Committees. Also legal papers, 1905-1914, including tenancy agreements, insurance policies, agreements to supply labour for carrying out works and retention of services of clerical staff on war service; file regarding Workmen's Compensation Insurance, 1906; file regarding deputation to the Local Government Board, 1900s; correspondence with the Ministry of Health, 1919-1929; correspondence regarding activities of the Central Unemployed Body, 1905-1928; annual reports, 1906-1930; report on work in workrooms for women, 1915; report on employment of disabled soliders and sailors, 1915; report on Salvation Army Colonies, 1905; emigration and immigration tables, 1914; report on trade and employment after the First World War, 1916; standing orders, 1906-1913; newspaper cuttings, 1905-1930; emigration register, 1909; Sailing Register (giving age, occupation, destination and number of dependents), 1912-1914; emigration loan registers, 1906-1915; financial records, 1905-1930; plans showing a proposed swimming pool at Burnham on Crouch, 1900s.

        Papers relating to the Hollesley Bay Labour Colony including particulars of the sale of the Colonial College, report of surveyors and legal papers, 1903-1926; subject files, 1914-1938, on various subjects including emigration, payment of war bonus to staff, schemes of work, employment of discharged soldiers, administration of the Colony, reports of London Boards of Guardians, publicity, Burnt House Farm, accidents, and sale of the Colony to Prison Commissioners; papers regarding staff including salary forms, 1930-1938; individual case notes, cards and registers of inmates, 1930-1938, including register of applications, admissions and discharge registers and creed register; visitor's books, 1922-1938 and cash books, 1907-1930.

        County of London Appeal Tribunal (for Conscientous Objectors) minutes, 1916-1918.

        Sem título
        GB 1556 WL 513 · Coleção · 1938-1942

        This collection comprises 2 deposits: correspondence between a commercial counsellor at the British Embassy, Berlin, and the secretary of the North of England local industrial development organisation; and the papers of Josephine Winter and her husband, Austrian Jewish immigrants to Great Britain including an inventory of possessions, instructions on how aliens should behave in Great Britain; guidelines on how to prepare children prior to despatch on 'Kindertransport'.

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        Bloch, Julius (1877-1956): correspondence (microfilm)
        GB 1556 WL 520 · Coleção · 1939-1941

        This microfilm collection of correspondence documents the experiences of Julius Bloch and family and friends, some of whom managed to escape Nazi occupied Europe, and others, who did not. The papers include correspondence from his brother in Gurs concentration camp in the French Pyrénees, where he died.

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        ARCHER, Amelia (c 1885-1975)
        GB 0402 AAR · 1904-1944

        Two volumes of handwritten memoires describing the life of Amelia Archer on the Pampas in detail. There are 7 photographs of family groups and six postcards of scenes in the Pampas and at Punta Arenas held, also correspondence with Reading Museum, in a separate envelope.

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        CHUNG, Wong Ying (Ying Ku) (fl 1920-1985)
        GB 0074 LMA/4512 · Coleção · 1932-200-

        Personal papers of Wong Ying Chung including Chinese passport; oral history transcript entitled Life in the Laundrette, and family photographs.

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        SO, Chun Loy (b 1937)
        GB 0074 LMA/4515 · Coleção · 1958-196-

        Personal papers of Chun Loy So, including passports, financial records, transcript of oral history recording The London I have seen, and photographs.

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        Lesley, Henni: Copy family documents (1938-1947)
        GB 1556 WL 1541 · 1938-1947

        Papers of Henni Lesley, 1938-1947, comprise copies of personal papers including health certificate issued by the SS doctor at Lichtenburg, 1938; Red Cross telegram from Henni to her parents in Berlin, 1942 and letter from the American Joint Distribution Committee to Henni Lesley regarding the fate of her parents, 1947.

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        British Humanist Association
        GB 0372 BHA · Arquivo · 1887-2014

        Archive of the British Humanist Association, including: papers of the British Humanist Association and it's predecessors bodies, The Union of Ethical Societies, The Ethical Union and the Humanist Association,1887 - c.2001; papers of the Humanist Trust, 1958 - 1996; papers of groups affiliated to the British Humanist Association and it's predecessor bodies, The Union of Ethical Societies and The Ethical Union, 1892 - 2007; Uncatalogued material of the British Humanist Association, c.2000-2014. (1887-2014)

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        Comité voor Joodsche Vluechtlingen Papers
        GB 1556 WL 502 · 1933-1959

        Mostly microfilm and 1 file of papers of the Comité voor Joodsche Vluechtlingen and predecessor organisation consisting of reports, memoranda and correspondence mostly on the subject of emigration of German Jews to the Netherlands from 1933 to 1940 and conditions for Jews still in Germany.

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        French Jewish and anti-racist organisations: papers
        GB 1556 WL 672 · Coleção · [1920]-1938

        Papers of French Jewish and anti-racist organisations, [1920]-1938, comprise a copy of an extract regarding Alliance Israélite Universelle and letter from the same organisation concerning the struggle against antisemitism in France, [1920]; reports on various subjects addressed at 2ème Congres International du Rassemblement Mondiale contra le Racisme et l'Antisémitisme, July 1938, including racism and antisemitism in North Africa, the international problem of immigration, the activities of the World Assembly Against Racism, self defence for free people, organisation and propaganda and demand for a law against racism, 1938 and various papers concerning antisemitism in France with reference to a number of organisations, 1937-1938.

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        Labour Movement and Immigrant Workers Papers
        GB 0372 LABOUR HISTORY MANUSCRIPTS/17 · Arquivo · 1978

        Contents include:

        • Essay, 'German competition in the clerical labour market in Late-Victorian Britain' by G Anderson, University of Salford (15pp) (c1978)

        • Essay, 'The German Gypsy question in Britain 1904-6' by Colin Holmes (21pp) (c1978)

        • Essay, 'Dockers, their work and its impact on union organisation 1889-1914' by Noelle Whiteside (14pp) (c 1978)

        • Essay, 'Reactions to Polish miners in Lanarkshire, 1880-1914' by K. Lunn, University of Sheffield (19pp) (c 1978)

        • Essay, 'Aspects of the working-class response to the Jews in Britain, 1880-1914' by Alan J. Lee (20pp) (March 1978)

        • Essay, 'The image of the immigrant in English racial populist thought since the First World War' by Richard C Thurlow, University of Sheffield (16pp) (c 1978)

        • Essay, 'The British and American labour movements and the problem of immigration, 1890-1914' by A T Lane (26pp) (c 1978)

        • Essay, 'The beginning of Jewish trade unionism in Manchester, 1889-91' by Bill Williams (24pp) (May 1978)

        • Essay, 'Catholics and Socialists in Glasgow, 1906-1912' by Sheridan Gilley (36pp) (c 1978)

        • Essay, 'An immigrant trade union - the Leeds Jewish tailors, 1880-1914' by Joe Buckman (26pp) (c 1978)

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        TINKER, Hugh Russell (1921-2000)
        GB 0101 ICS 87 · 1972-1982

        Papers of Professor Hugh Russell Tinker, historian: predominantly research notes and drafts of books published between 1974 and 1982: including research notes and papers relating to A New System of Slavery: The Export of Indian Labour Overseas 1830-1920, 1972-1774; Arthur Phayre in Mauritius, 1874-1878, 1974-1976; Social Policy and Economic Reality, 1974-1976; Separate and Unequal India and the Indians in the British Commonwealth, 1920-1950, 1974-1976; The Banyan Tree; Overseas Emigrants from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, 1974-1976; Race, Conflict and International Order: From Empire to United Nations, 1975-1976; The Ordeal of Love: C F Andrews and India, 1978-1979; and A Message from the Falklands: The Life and Gallant Death of David Tinkler, 1982; Also included are some papers relating to Tinker's involvement with the Immigration and Race Relations Panel of the Liberal Party, Racial Harmony International, and to his directorship of the Institute of Race Relations.

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