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Descripción archivística
GB 2108 KUAS211 · Fondo · 1939-1995

Items relating to Iris Murdoch from 1939 to 1995. Includes:

1) Uncorrected Proof Copy of Iris Murdoch's 'The Book and the Brotherhood'

2) Booklet: Theology in Scotland Occasional Paper No 1 Apr 1995- 'Iris Murdoch's Giffords' A Study of the 1982 Gifford Lectures Edited by RA Gillies

3) Original copy of 'The Cherwell' magazine Vol LVI No 6 dated Week Ending 03 Jun 1939, including Iris Murdoch's piece 'The Irish- Are they Human?'

4) 6 original letters from Iris Murdoch to a bookseller regarding seeing first editions from the 1980s, with a letter from The Paris Review to Iris Murdoch regarding an interview dated 14 Mar 1977 and a photograph of a book shop.

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