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GB 2108 KUAS25 · Fonds · 1954-1993

First editions of some of Iris Murdoch's novels, and other rare texts- 13 volumes in total. Consists of:

KUAS25/1 Limited edition playscript for The One Alone (Colophon Press, 1995)

KUAS25/2 Copy of A Year of Birds poems by Iris Murdoch, engravings by Reynolds Stone (Compton Press, 1978)

KUAS25/3 Unrevised proof copy of The Time of the Angels (Viking Press, 1966)

KUAS25/4 Copies of Sartre; Romantic Rationalist by Iris Murdoch (Bowes and Borwes, 1953)

KUAS25/5 Playscript of The Italian Girl: A Play,/i> by Iris Murdoch and James Saunders (Samuel French, 1968)

KUAS25/6 Unrevised proof copy of The Italin Girl the novel (Viking Press, 1964)

KUAS25/7 Reprint of Existentialists and Mystics by Iris Murdoch (Delos Press, 1993)

KUAS25/8 Programme for the play The Black Prince adapted by Iris Murdoch's from her novel The Black Prince (1973)

KUAS25/9 First edition of Iris Murdoch's first novel, Under the Net (London, Chatto and Windus 1954). With original dust jacket.

KUAS25/10 First edition of Iris Murdoch's novel, The Sandcastle (London, Chatto and Windus 1957). With original dust jacket.

KUAS25/11 First edition of Iris Murdoch's novel, The Good Apprentice (London, Chatto and Windus - The Hogarth Press 1985). With original dust jacket.

KUAS25/12 First edition of Iris Murdoch's novel, The Book and the Brotherhood, (London, Chatto and Windus 1987). With original dust jacket.

KUAS25/13 First edition of Iris Murdoch's novel, The Message to the Planet, (London, Chatto and Windus 1989). With original dust jacket.

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