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Descripción archivística
The Children's Society
GB 2180 TCS · Fondo · [1700-2013]

The Children's Society Archive comprises the records created and managed by The Children's Society (titled The Waifs and Strays Society from 1881 to 1946). The majority of the collections date from the organisation's founding in 1881.

The Archive collections comprise: management and administration records; financial records; fundraising, public relations and supporter relation records; social work records including documents created by the residential care homes and social work projects, and records relating to children and young people; property management records; and records relating to staff. This includes a large quantity of visual material in the form of photographs and publicity material, as well as some audio-visual material.

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Records of residential care homes
GB 2180 TCS/F/02 · sub-fonds · [1866-1994]
Parte de The Children's Society

These records are those created by The Children's Society's children's homes and by the local management of the Homes (called variously Home, Local and House Committees). In addition to establishing Homes, the organisation also took over the management of existing Homes and so some of the records predate the founding of The Children's Society.The survival of records is variable. Often no records survive for Homes which were open a comparatively short space of time or which closed before the 1970s. Record series which are found amongst this material include:House Committee Minute books and papers; Admissions and Discharge Registers; Visitors' books; Dietary Diaries; Plans and photographs; Gift Books and Pound Day books; Annual Reports.

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Children's case files
GB 2180 TCS/F/01 · sub-fonds · [1882-2013]
Parte de The Children's Society

The Children's Society maintained a case file for each child who was admitted to its care between 1882 and the 1970s. These were created and managed by Head Office. Each case file usually contains the application form for admission to one of The Children's Society's Homes. In addition the file may contain correspondence relating to the child's admission, correspondence relating to work placement(s), health and education reports, correspondence with child's mother/father/relatives, and correspondence with the child after leaving the care of the organisation. Occasionally a photograph may be included.

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GB 2180 TCS/F/02/022 · sub-fonds · [1893]-1938
Parte de The Children's Society

Records created and used by St Nicholas', Upper Tooting; St Nicholas', West Byfleet; St Nicholas', Pyrford; St Martin's, Surbiton; St Martin's, Pyrford; and St Nicholas' and St Martin's, Pyrford. Includes the following: Annual reports for St Martin's Home For Crippled Boys, Surbiton, Surrey, 1902; Annual reports for St Nicholas' and St Martin's Orthopaedic Hospital and Special School, Pyrford, Surrey, 1937-1938; Plans of St Nicholas' Home, West Byfleet, Surrey, c1893; An order of service for the laying of the foundation stone of of St Martin's Orthopaedic Hospital And Special School, Pyrford, near Woking, Surrey, 1915.

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GB 2180 TCS/F/02/088 · sub-fonds · 1952-1981
Parte de The Children's Society

Records created and used by Corfield House Home, Rustington, Sussex. Includes the following: Minutes of the local committee, 1965-1981; Gifts books, 1968-1978; Admissions register, 1952-1981; Registers of punishments, 1954-1981; Visitors books, 1952-1971.

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GB 2180 TCS/F/02/094 · sub-fonds · 1893-1968
Parte de The Children's Society

Records created and used by Bradstock Lockett Special School, Southport, Lancashire. Includes the following: Annual reports, 1956; Minutes of the local Finance Committee, 1959-1966; Correspondence regardiing the building and running of the home, 1893-1923; Head teacher's correspondence, 1966-1967; Plans of the home, [1900]-1967; Admissions registers, 1901-1968; Local case files, 1948-1965; Registers of nursing staff, 1948-1965; School log book, 1917-1968; Registers of punishments, 1901-1923; Medical report books, 1964-1968; Staff salaries books, 1966-1968; Nurses' salaries books, 1961-1968; Petty cash books, 1965-1968; Inventory books, 1955-1968; School attendance summary registers, 1953-1964; School attendance registers, 1964-1968.

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