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GB CR/1904/1 JSCSC · 1904

1 Specimen of Fld Book Traverse to plot, Lt Col Heard. 2 Draw diagram of constn of W.O. Home & India, Lt Col Capper. 3 Contour skeleton map, Lt Col Gough. 4 Precis recommendations made by committee on W.O. organisation, Lt Col Capper. 5 Changes in tactics due to S.A. War, Lt Col Kiggell. 6 Sketch map showing positions of Allies & French in Spain & Portugal, Lt Col Haking. 7 Skeleton map of Virginia to fill in, Lt Col Haking. 8 Plane-table sketch, Lt Col Gough. 9 Sketch of Turf Hill & Saddleback, Lt Col Gough. 10 Series of short lectures based on "Combined training" to Regtl Officers, Lt Col Kiggell. 11 Rapid horseback sketch, Lt Col Gough. 12 Review situation prior to 11.7.61 as S.O. to McDowell, Lt Col Haking. 13 Correct Tables LVI, LVII. LIX & LXI W.E. in accordance with recent changes. 14 Horseback sketch, Lt Col Hough. 15 Tactics No 3. Prepare lecture on "Combined Training" pp. 37 - 68, Lt Col Kiggell. 16 Road sketch, Lt Col Gough. 17 Quote para in "Combined Training" which best illustrate battle of Bull Run, Lt Col Kiggell. 18 Road report, Lt Col Gough. 19 Road report - on bicycles, Lt Col Gough. 20 Precis of 2nd report of W.O. Committee, Lt Col Capper. 21 Write orders Kimball should have issued at Kernstown about 4.30 p.m., Lt Col Kiggell. 22 Fill in and complete map. Contn of No 19, Lt Col Gough. 23 Ride over area of country with view to making memory sketch later. 24 Compare French and our systems of ranging when using indirect fire, Col Johnston. 25 Make table of road spaces occupied by units in W.Est. when in normal order of march, Lt Col Capper. 26/27 Two specimens of freehand drawing, line work, Lt Col Gough. 28 March Orders of Infy Division, Lt Col Capper. 29 Orders, As C. of Staff write operation Orders as for battle of Adowa. 30 Selection of camping grounds, Lt Col Gough. 31 Discuss strategic lessons to be learnt from American Campaign between 24.3 and 17.5.62, Lt Col Haking. 32 Defence of river line, passages, etc., Col Johnston. 33 Panoramic sketches and report, Lt Col Gough. 34 Outposts, Lt Col Kiggell. 35 Details of report required while attached to other arms, Commandant. 36 "Road Spaces" of troops in march formation, Lt Col Capper. 37 River reconnaissance & report, Lt Col Gough. 38 Defence of advanced position with appreciation, Lt Col Kiggel. 39 Continuation of No. 32. Distribution of troops. Details of fortification &c., Lt Col Kiggell. 40 Summary of lectures in artillery 1904, Col Johnston. 41 Example for précis & indexing, Lt Col Gough. 42 Make tabular statement of forces in colonies, Lt Col Gough. 43 River reconnaissance. River Blackwater, Lt Col Gough. 44 Continuation of 38 & 39, Lt Col Kiggell. 45 Discuss probable effect of Napoleon's advancing by Mons in 1815, Lt Col Kiggell. 46 Programme of visit to Woolwich & Chatham, Col Johnston. 47 Continuation of No 44. Counterstroke by G. Reserve, Lt Col Kiggell. 48 Syllabus of Military Engineering, Col Johnston. 49 Theatre of War. Waterloo Campaign, Col Johnston. 50 Defence of Post. Estimate of Time. Tools. &c, Col Johnston. 51Protection of convoy through hostile country, Lt Col Kiggell. 52 Advanced guard-outposts. Sketch & report, Lt Col Gough. 53 Securing passages of River Blackwater, Col Johnston. 54 Rear Guard action, Lt Col Kiggell. 55 Visit to Isle of Wight, Col Johnston. 56 Sum up report of Isle of Wight defences &c, Col Johnston. 57 Horseback sketch, Lt Col Gough. 58 Explain course of Reservist & corps - Mobilization to Embarkn., Lt Col Gough. 59 Details of ammunition of artillery in the Field, Col Johnston. 60 5 maps Waterloo Campaign 16th June 1815, Lt Col Kiggell. 61 Map, Waterloo, morning of the battle, Lt Col Kiggell. 62 Map, Sketch map 1866 campaign, Lt Col Kiggell. 63 S.R. 26th - 29th September, Lt Col Kiggell. 64 Estimate supplies available for detached force. Nature & amount with map, Col Johnston. 65 S.R. 26th-29th September, Col Johnston. 66 S.R. 26th-29th September, Lt Col Gough. 67 Preliminary orders &c. and instructions for party, Lt Col Kiggell. 68 S.R. 26th-29th September, Lt Col Haking; I. General situation. II. Special Idea Red, Lt Col Capper. 69 Syllabus. Staff Duties & Organisation, Lt Col Gough. 70 Camping scheme with outposts, Lt Col Kiggell. 71 Supplies &c. for 2 A.C. & Cav Divn; I. Forecast of supplies. II. Reports, Col Johnston. 72 Continuation of No 70, Lt Col Kiggell. 73 Supply No. 3. Describe arrangements in any British campaign, Col Johnston. 74 Scheme for inter-communication by telegraph of Cav. Bde. Of Advance Guard, Lt Col Gough. 75 Moltke's prospects for 1866 campaign, Lt Col Kiggell. 76 Staff Ride at Reading. See no 65, Col Johnston. 77 Raid on L. of C. of main army, Lt Col Kiggell. 48 1866 Campaign. What steps might each side have taken to mislead adversary? Lt Col Kiggell. 79 Intelligence report of any country abroad known to officers, Lt Col Gough. 80 March orders. 2nd A.C. Continuation of No 70, Lt Col Kiggell. 81 As Intelligence officer draw up memo of Corps requirements for detached force in Persia. 82 March of A.C. to attacj position, Lt Col Kiggell. 83 Supply & Transport. Employment of Mechanical transport in the field, Col Johnston. 84 Comparison of organisation of German, Russian, & English W.O. systems. 85 Syllabus for examination in Military History &c, Lt Col Kiggell. 86 Syllabus for examination in Field Artillery & Supply, Col Johnston. 87 The soldier's ration in peace & war, Col Johnston. 88 Brief Austrian appreciation of evening of 26th June 1866, also orders &c, Benedek should have issued. 89 Contn of No 82. Orders for attack. Lt Col Kiggell. 90 Supply scheme No 5. Siege of Hong Kong, Col Johnston. 91 As S.O. on Wellington's Staff suggest scheme for establishing rapid communication to scattered forces. 92 Arrangements for advanced base for Supply, Col Johnston. 93 Supply No 6. Contn. Of No. 90, Col Johnston. 94 Position of armies evening of 2nd July 1866, Ly Col Kiggell. 95 Principles of martial law, Lt Col Gough. 96 Contn. Of 90. Paper of food values, Col Johnston. 97 Contn. Of No. 90. Estimate of rations available, daily scale &c.

Directing Staff, Staff College Camberley