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GB CR/1906/1 JSCSC · 1906

1 Battle of Sha Ho (Shi-li-ho), Lt Col Du Cane. 2 Discuss arguments on which summary to general considerations of Attack & Defence is based, Lt Col Braithwaite. 3 Rear guard defensive position, Lt Col Du Cane. 4 Paardeburg 18.2.1900, Lt Col Du Cane. 5 Driefontein 10.3.1900, Lt Col Du Cane. 6 Precise, in narrative form, certain correspondence, Lt Col Banon. 7 Tactical employment for artillery in attack & points in disposition for defence, Lt Col Du Cane. 8 Trace necessity of combination of 3 arms to carry out principles of attack & defence (C.T Sects 110-137), Lt Col Braithwaite. 9 Attack on Platrand S.A Jan: 1900, Lt Col Du Cane. 10 Waterloo campaign. Theatre of war, Lt Col Braithwaite. 11 Two maps of Spion Kop operations Jan 1900, Lt Col Du Cane. 12 Discuss probable effects had French Emperor made main advance by Mons in 1815, Lt Col Braithwaite. 13 Enlarge specimen map, Lt Col Banon. 14 Positions of armies 16th June 1815, Lt Col Braithwaite. 15 Vaalkrantz & Pieters Hill S.A Feb 1900, Lt Col Du Cane. 16 Memo on organisation &c of auxiliary forces, Lt Col Banon. 17 Ligny - order of battle, Lt Col Braithwaite. 18 Preparation of position for Batty of 18pr Q.F guns with map of position & plan of work, Lt Col Du Cane. 19 As SO to Wellington write appreciation of situation on morning of 17th June 1815, Lt Col Braithwaite. 20 Quatre Bras 16th June 1815, Lt Col Braithwaite. 21 March orders of force from Bagshot Heath to Cricket Hill, Lt Col Braithwaite. 22 Attack on IInd Japanese Army at Tai-shi-kiao, Lt Col Du Cane. 23 Attack on entrenched position. Draft operations orders for action of artillery, &c, Lt Col Du Cane. 24 Central Africa showing protectorates, Lt Col Banon. 25 2 maps of Nansham. 1. Defences. 2. Position of Japanese artillery, Lt Col Du Cane. 26 Show on map distribution of land forces of British Colonies & Protectorates, Lt Col Banon. 27 Cont. of no 23. As CGS of 3rd divn draft orders in accordance with para 3 Sp. Idea, also show positions of 2nd divn night of 7th March, Lt Col Braithwaite. 28 Road sketch, Lt Col Banon. 29 Horseback sketch, Lt Col Banon. 30 As Napoleon's C of S write appreciation of situation d/- Ligny 5am, 17.6.15, Lt Col Braithwaite. 31 State views of changes brought about in tactical employment or Arty in the field by smokeless powder, &c, Lt Col Du Cane. 32 Positions of Wellington & Napoleon 13.6.15, Lt Col Braithwaite. 33 Instns in writing report on unit to which attached during training with other arms, The Commandant. 34 Horseback sketch. Road sketch in case of withdrawal of force from position, Lt Col Banon. 35 Positions of Wellington's army 16, 17, 18-6-15, Lt Col Braithwaite. 36 Shu-shan-po position, Lt Col Du Cane. 37 State views of lessons of S.A & Manchurian wars as regards entrenching in the field, Lt Col Du Cane. 38 Memo on system of providing drafts for army abroad, Lt Col Banon. 39 Plane-table sketch, Lt Col Banon. 40 Compare Wellington's conduct of defence at Waterloo with principles in C.T.Secs 123-124, Lt Col Braithwaite. 41 Two maps for study of Valley campaign 1862, Lt Col Braithwaite. 42 Paper on incidents between outbreak of war and commencement of Valley campaign 1862, Lt Col Braithwaite. 43 i. sketch of camping area. ii. River reconnaissance, Lt Col Banon. 44 Horseback reconnaissance, Lt Col Banon. 45 Defence science. Dorking war anchorage, Lt Col Du Cane. 46 Selection of camping grounds, Lt Col Banon. 47 Outpost orders, &c, with sketch showing dispositions, Lt Col Braithwaite. 48 Instructions re visit to I of Wight, Lt Col Du Cane. 49 Syllabus of instruction in subject (D), Lt Col Du Cane. 50 Programme of visit to I of Wight, Lt Col Du Cane. 51 Seaward defences of Port Arthur, Lt Col Du Cane. 52 Quote paras of CT principles of which are illustrated by events of battle of Bull Run, Lt Col Braithwaite. 53 Billeting portion of Inf Divn on march, Lt Col Banon. 54 Selection of defensive position, with sketch and disposition of forces, Lt Col Braithwaite. 55 Panoramic sketch of enemy's position, Lt Col Banon. 56 Instructions for finishing sketches, Lt Col Banon. 57 Reconnaissance of position. Force orders for occupation, direction for counterstroke with artillery support, Lt Col Braithwaite. 58 Cont of No 43. Sketch showing billeting areas, Lt Col Banon. 59 Visit of divn to Woolwich Arsenal 2&3 July, Lt Col Du Cane. 60 Specimens of drawings of trees &c, Lt Col Banon, Lt Col Banon. 61 As SO to Genl Banks, appreciate situation on March 1st 1862, Lt Col Braithwaite. 62 Escorting convoy through enemy's country, write orders, sketch distribution &c, Lt Col Braithwaite. 63 Allotment of officers for tour, 25-26th July, The Commandant. 64 Describe system of army administration in India before Ld Kitchener's arrival & since, Lt Col Banon. 65 Rear guard action. Sketch of position, Lt Col Banon. 66 Discuss strategical lessons of campaign in Virginia between 24th March & 17th May 1862, Lt Col Braithwaite. 67 Tactical idea for work of 18th Bde FA for 13th July to be witnessed by divn, Lt Col Du Cane. 68 General & special ideas for No III party, Col Gough. 69 Outline sketch of enemy's position, Lt Col Banon. 70 Instructions re exams on 17, 23 & 24th July, Lt Col Du Cane. 71 Reconnaissance of area of country, Lt Col Banon. 72 General & special ideas & instns for No II Pty, Lt Col Du Cane. 73 General & special ideas & instns for No
VI Pty, Lt Col Banon. 74 General & special ideas & instns for No I Pty, Col Aston. 75 General & special ideas & instns for No IV Pty, Lt Col Stopford. 76 General & special ideas & instns for No V Pty, Lt Col Braithwaite. 77 Instns re visit to Okehampton in August, Lt Col Du Cane. 78 Syllabus of exams: topography, Lt Col Banon. 79 Syllabus of exams: Mil history, strategy, tactics, Lt Col Braithwaite. 80 Sketch of area of country, to show defensive position, disposition of the troops &c, Lt Col Banon. 81 6 questions on setting of maps, &c, Lt Col Banon. 82 1866 campaign. General & Germanic confederation, Lt Col Braithwaite. 83 Syllabus of instruction of Mil. Engineering, Lt Col Du Cane. 84 Report of facilities for forming supply depot for Army Corps subsisting on country, Lt Col Banon. 85 Discuss steps each side might have taken 15-20 June '63 to "mystify & mislead" adversary, Lt Col Braithwaite. 86 Report on formation &c if K of C of force adv. Depot, requestn of supplies, with garrisons, Lt Col Du Cane & Lt Col Banon. 87 NE frontier of Belgium-France-Germany, Lt Col Du Cane. 88 i. Operations on the Iser. ii. Operations up to 3rd July 1866, Lt Col Braithwaite. 89 Railway map Turkey in Asia, Lt Col Du Cane. 90 Summary of Moltke's projects for '66 campaign, Lt Col Braithwaite. 91 4 forms for use in obtaining supplies, Lt Col Banon. 92 Plan of Chitral Fort, Lt Col Du Cane. 93 Criticise generalship of P. Fred. Charles from advance of 1st & Elbe armies to 29th June, Lt Col Braithwaite. 94 Design works for section of entrenched camp. Lt Col Du Cane. 95 Give views as to how Arty & Engr units of siege trains shd be organised. RA & RA Offrs, Lt Col Du Cane. 96 Syllabus of instruction in Staff Duties, Lt Col Banon. 97 Duties of C's C, T of C station & adv. Depot, Lt Col Banon. 98 As Benedek's C of S appreciate situation at 7pm, 26th June 1866, Lt Col Braithwaite. 99 Russia defences Port Arthur (Erh Lung Shan &c), Lt Col Du Cane. 100 Write memo on supply & transport lessons of SA and Russo-Japanese wars, Lt Col Banon. 101 N Keikwansan Fort. Port Arthur, Lt Col Du Cane. 102 Amended syllabus - Military engineering, Lt Col Du Cane. 103 Attack on the entrenched camp, cont of No 94, Lt Col Du Cane. 104 Appreciate the situation from Austrian point of view d/- 10 pm, 27-6-66 (syndicates), Lt Col Braithwaite. 105 Map of organisation 12-6-1815, give proposals for organisation of field intelligence &c, Lt Col Banon. 106 Position of both armies evening 2 July 1866, Lt Col Braithwaite. 107 Encipher a message of not less than 25 words, Lt Col Banon. 108 Battle of Austerlitz. Translation from V Horsetzky, with map, Lt Col Braithwaite. 109 Definition & principles of martial law, Lt Col Banon. 110 Present war office system in India, Lt Col Banon. 111 Battlefield of Austerlitz 2nd Decr 1805, Lt Col Braithwaite. 112 Two maps of Salamanca with return of strength of British and allies at the battle, Lt Col Braithwaite.

Directing Staff, Staff College Camberley