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GB CR/1913/1 JSCSC · 1913

1 “History of the British Army” (administration), Lt Col Roper. 2 “1815” and “1877”, Maj Maurice. 3 Depth and quartering on march, etc, Maj Davidson. 4 Exercise “English”, Mr Seccombe. 5 1st exercise in strategy and tactics, Maj Maurice. 6 1st exercise in artillery, Lt Col Montgomery. 7 Original concentration of German III Army, Maj Davidson. 8 Diagram etc., Expeditionary force, Maj Percival. 9 Example of operation orders, 1870, Maj Davidson. 10 English (two questions), Mr Seccombe. 11 “Influence of obstacles” (map to illustrate), Lt Col Maurice. 12 1st exercise in writing orders, Maj Davidson. 13 2nd exercise in writing orders, Maj Davidson. 14 Specimen operation order, Maj Davidson. 15 2nd exercise in strategy and tactics, Lt Col Maurice. 16 Indoor cavalry schemes, Maj Howell. 17 Road reconnaissance (sketch), Lt Col Roper. 18 Indoor tactical problems (writing orders and messages), Maj Davidson. 19 Specimen operation orders, Maj Davidson. 20 Military engineering, Lt Col Fowler. 21 Control-allotment and grouping (3)-S&T, Maj Percival. 22 Artillery exercise No 2, Lt Col Montgomery. 23 Reconnaissance of a position for delaying action, Lt Col Roper. 24 3rd exercise in strategy and tactics, Lt Col Maurice. 25 Re-distribution of Directorates of Q.M.G, 1/4/13, Maj Percival. 26 Notes on 1st scheme (see 16), Maj Howell. 27 Supply and transport (refilling), Maj Percival. 28 Problem in connection with the American Civil War, The Commandant. 29 Night operations, exercise, Maj Davidson. 30 2nd scheme night dispositions reconnaissance, Maj Howell. 31 Supply and transport exercise, Maj Percival. 32 Military engineering – exercise in defence of an isolated post, Maj MacInnes. 33 3rd indoor exercise in writing orders and messages in the field, Maj Davidson. 34 Operation order No 2 (specimen), Maj Davidson. 35 Indoor tactical problem (4 situations), Lt Col Montgomery. 36 Artillery exercise No 2, extracts, Lt Col Montgomery. 37 Report on visit to artillery practise camps, Lt Col Montgomery. 38 Notes on 2nd scheme, Maj Howell. 39 1st example of refilling of supply sections of a divisional train, Maj Percival. 40 1st example of distribution of L of C and estabmt., Maj Percival. 41 Reconnaissance (mounted), Lt Col Roper. 42 Outdoor scheme no 1: conduct of a cavalry reconnoitring detachment, Maj Howell. 43 Outdoor tactical problem, Lt Col Montgomery. 44 General idea for sequence of exercises and SI no. 1, Lt Col Davidson. 45 ST 10 – distribution of L of C units and establishments (advance), Maj Percival. 46 Indoor exercise in writing orders and staff duties in connection with resumption of march, Lt Col Davidson. 47 Notes on the printing Co.R.E, Lt Col Davidson. 48 L of C problem on general idea “A”, Maj Percival. 49 Exercise in the preparation of a position, Lt Col MacInnes. 50 Paper on staff duties, Lt Col Davidson. 51 Outdoor exercise. Division occupying quarters, Lt Col Davidson. 52 Area reconnaissance, Lt Col Roper. 53 Coast artillery exercises, Lt Col Montgomery. 54 Exercise in Staff College grounds. Staff work at Gen HQ, Lt Col Davidson. 55 Administrative reconnaissance. Accommodation required for transport depts., etc, Maj Percival. 56 Reconnaissance of ground with objective of hiding troop from aircraft. Spcl idea No 3, Lt Col Roper. 57 Exercise in Staff College grounds. Staff work at Gen HQ, Lt Col Davidson. 58 Conduct of a detached cavalry Brigade, Maj Howell. 59 Exercise writing orders, Lt Col Davidson. 60 American Civil War 1861. [Map of] part of Maryland, Lt Col Maurice. 61 American Civil war 1861. Army of the Potomac, Lt Col Maurice. 62 Staff tour, Col Jeudwine. 63 Exercise – employment of signal Cos with division, Lt Col MacInnes. 64 Outdoor tactical exercise. Night attack, Lt Col Davidson. 65 Reconnaissance of ground with a view to the action of an advanced guard and the deployment of a division, Lt Col Roper. 66 Administrative reconnaissance (example of suitability of railway stations), Maj Percival. 67 American Civil War = 1st exercise, Lt Col Maurice. 68 Outdoor day No 8, Lt Col Maurice. 69 Outdoor day No 9, Lt Col Maurice. 70 Specimen orders (operation orders No 12), Lt Col Davidson. 71 Indoor cavalary scheme. Co-operation in a battle, Maj Howell. 72 River reconnaissance, Lt Col Roper. 73 Outdoor day no 10 (divsn: attacking), Lt Col Montgomery. 74 Reconnaissance of a defensive position, Lt Col Roper. 75 Supply and transport (manoeuvres) – indoor exercise, Maj Percival. 76 Outdoor exercise No 11 (river crossing), Lt Col MacInnes. 77 Outdoor exercises 12 & 13 – “division in defence and counterattack”, Col Jeudwine. 78 Outdoor exercise 14. River crossing by division with baggage train, Lt Col MacInnes. 79 Outdoor day No 15. Special idea no 11, Lt Col Maurice. 80 American Civil War. [Map of] part of E Virginia, Lt Col Maurice. 81 Outdoor tactical problem, Lt Col Davidson. 82 Military manoeuvre commission, Lt Col Davidson. 83 American Civil War. 2nd paper, Lt Col Maurice. 84 Chancellorsville April 27th-May 4th 1863. (Country round Fredericksville and Chancellorsville), Lt Col Maurice. 85 Indoor cavalry scheme, Maj Home. 86 Problem on marches, Lt Col Davidson. 87 1866 campaign: dates in connection with, Lt Col Maurice. 88 Bivouac reconnaissance, Lt Col Roper. 89 Campaign of 1866 – notes on opposing armies, Lt Col Montgomery. 90 Exercise in preparation of scheme for field operations, Lt Col Davidson. 91 Indoor tactical scheme, Lt Col Roper. 92 Examination syllabuses, Col Jeudwine. 93 Exercise in the Provl. Fortifications of a locality, Lt Col Maurice. 94 1866 – position of the 3 Prussian armies, 18th June, Lt Col Montgomery. 95 Organization of remount services in peace, Maj Percival. 96 1866 campaign exercise No 1, Lt Col Montgomery. 97 Memorandum – examination military history and geography, Col Jeudwine. 98 Channels of replacement and evactn: of remounts expeditionary force, Maj Percival. 99 Indoor tactical exercise, Col Jeudwine. 100 War Game 3rd November, Col Jeudwine. 101 Salamanca, Lt Col Maurice. 102 Outdoor exercise. Night attack, Lt Col Davidson. 103 Paper on education of officers, Lt Col Roper. 104 Responsibility for mobilization at War Office, Lt Col Jebb. 105 Siege operations, Lt Col MacInnes. 106 Mobilization (war outfit) – tables, Lt Col Jebb. 107 1866 campaign. Exercise No 2, Lt Col Montgomery. 108 War game, Lt Col Roper. 109 Indoor exercise. “Field operations”, Lt Col Davidson. 110 Outdoor scheme, Maj Home. 111 Franco-Prussian war. 1st exercise, Lt Col Maurice. 112 War game, Col Jeudwine. 113 Notes on the recruiting problem, Lt Col Jebb. 114 Organization for recruiting, Lt Col Jebb. 115 Infantry of the line, Lt Col Jebb. 116 Notes – military law, Lt Col Jebb. 117 War game, Lt Col Montgomery. 118 Military law exercise, Lt Col Jebb. 119 Military law exercise Part II (A.F, A.9), Lt Col Jebb. 120 Orders of the Crown Prince of Prussia, Lt Col Maurice. 121 Maintenance of the army in the field. Problem, Maj Percival. 122 Franco-Prussian war, 2nd exercise, Lt Col Maurice. 123 Indoor exercise – admin: staff duties at manoeuvres, Maj Percival. 124 Indoor scheme, No 2, Maj Home. 125 Indoor exercise- admin: staff duties at Manoeuvre, Maj Percival. 126 1870. 6th Aug-5th Aug, Lt Col Maurice. 127 Indoor scheme – 10th December, Lt Col Montgomery. 128 Military law, Lt Col Jebb. 129 Headings for a supply appreciation, Maj Percival. 130 Visit to S.M.E, Chatham, Commandant S.M.E.

Directing Staff, Staff College Camberley