Affichage de 1 résultats

Description archivistique
Redwood College of Health Studies
GB2110 RCHS · 1920s-1990s

Records of the Redwood College of Health Studies comprising:

RCHS/1 Student Nursing Records: nursing records for hospitals which were part of part of the Forest Group School of Nursing centred on Whipps Cross Hospital, training nurses for both the Register and the Roll of Nurses, 1932-1990

RCHS/2 Photographs: a photo of an unknown group of trainee nurses and teachers, c.1920s and a photo of nursing students in their graduation robes, c.1994.

RCHS/3 Silverware, Shields, Commemorative wall plaques and Certificates, c.1940s-1970s

RCHS/4 Birth Atlas: a childbirth education resource containing reproductions of twenty-four life-size photogrpahic prints of sculptures of fertilisation, growth, stages of labour and involution with explanations of the baby's development, c.1950s

RCHS/5 Nurses Cloaks, c.1970s

RCHS/6 Guide to Nurse Training at Wanstead Hospital, 1974

RCHS/6 Publications: an issue of the Redwood Journal, 1993

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