Staff records of Great Ormond Street Hospital, comprising GOS/5/1, Staff and Board Members, including GOS/5/1/1, volume containing pasted-in text of 1899 Staff Rules, with later amendments; GOS/5/1 /2-3, Rules for Medical Staff and job specifications for individual medical, administrative and nursing posts, 1881-1924.
GOS/5/1/4-5, List of Members Of Board of Governors, 1914-1948 and 1948-1964.
GOS/5/1/6, Typescript List of Medical Staff, 1852-1951; GOS/5/1/7, Typescript List of Patrons, Presidents, Medical Staff, 1852-1952; GOS/5/1/8, Register of Hospital Staff, 1935-1950; GOS/5/1/9. Establishment Book, circa 1949, listing current staff working hours; GOS/5/1/10, Register of Clinical Assistants, 1934-1939; GOS/5/1/11-12*, Medical Officer's Attendance Book, 1911-1912 and 1925, (Enclosures include notes on patients, 1935-1937).
GOS/5/1/13, Staff Diet Book, 1936; GOS/5/1/14, Correspondence file on Hospital Employees' Dependants, 1914; GOS/5/1/15, Correspondence concerning staff member's accident (Henry Halings, former Pharmacist, then at National Hospital, falling through coal-grate), 1914; GOS/5/1/16, Correspondence concerning applications for Resident and Non-Resident Medical Posts, 1925-1928; GOS/5/1/17, Correspondence concerning staff on active service, 1941-1945; GOS/5/1/18, Correspondence and Reports on post-War staff replacement and Nursing recruitment schemes, 1944-1945.
GOS/5/1/19, Register of Servants and Domestic Staff, 1931-1950; GOS/5/1 /20, Box-file of correspondence with and about Medical and Administrative Staff, 1914-1947; GOS/5/1 /21, Box-file with staff lists, correspondence, proposals on staffing, staff advertisements, Hospital and trade union circulars, salaries' data, press-cuttings, 1893-1951.
GOS/5/1/22 Staffing Returns to Ministry of Health, 1951-1952; GOS/5/1/23, Chart listing Board of Governors 1954-1973; GOS/5/1/24, GOS staff directory and index of organisational structure charts, April 1999.
GOS/5/2 Nursing Staff Records, comprising GOS/5/2/1-3 Registers of Sisters and Staff Nurses, 1894-1968; GOS/5/2/4-11 General Registers of Nursing Staff, 1891-1963; GOS/5/2/12-16 Registers of Nursing Trainees, 1894-1969; GOS/5/2/17, Preliminary Training School Register (Pupil Nurses), 1947-1948; GOS/5/2/18, Register of Pupil Housekeepers, 1896-1945; GOS/5/2/19, Register of Nursery Nurses, 1958-1968.
GOS/5/2/20, Register of Masseuses (Physiotherapists), 1925-1960; GOS/5/2/21-22, Registers of Nurses at Tadworth Court (Great Ormond Street Country Branch), 1927-1948; GOS/5/2/23 Register of Private Nurses, 1888-1893; GOS/5/2/24, Register of Applications from Paying Probationer Nurses, 1894-1923; GOS/5/2/25, Paying Probationer Nurses' Patient and family Case Register, 1925-1938; GOS/5/2/26, Agreement Book for Probationer Nurses, 1926-1936; GOS/5/2/27, Private Nurses' Case Register, 1937-1939; GOS/5/2/28, Register of Private Nurses leaving the Hospital's employ, 1925-1944 (including particulars of their service from circa 1895).
GOS/5/2/29, Lady Superintendent's Report Book on Wards and Nurses, 1852-1861; GOS/5/2/30-31, Lady Superintendent's Report Books, 1860-1881; GOS/5/2/32-44*, Matron's Report Book (reports to Board on nurse staffing and statistics) 1935-1967; GOS/5/2/45 Papers and Minutes of the Nurses' Representative council, 1937-1951; GOS/5/2/46-47, Establishment Register of nursing staff numbers, working locations, examination statistics, 1960-1965 and 1970-1975; GOS/5/2/48, Bound register of Nursing Committee Reports, 1968-1969; GOS/5/2/49, Box-file, 1885-1985, including memoranda and correspondence with and about nursing staff; staff rules and salaries for nurses, report to Hospital Chairman on nursing problems by Matron Catherine Wood, 1885, petition to the Privy Council on nursing staff, 1893;,proceedings of disciplinary hearing on alleged disloyalty to Matron, 1896.
GOS/5/2/50-54 Nurses' Ward Duty Registers, 1930-1952; GOS/5/2/55, Instructions to Ward Sisters, 1947-1948; GOS/5/2/56, Correspondence on Registration of Nurses, 1917; GOS/5/2/57, Correspondence on implementation of 1919 Nurses' Registration Act, 1916-1920; GOS/5/2/58, Nursing Proficiency Certificate of Flora Whittington Ince, signed by Arthur Lucas, Dr. Garrod and Matron Payne, 1909; GOS/5/2/59, Registered Sick Children's Nursing Certificate of Nurse Lucy Sternger; GOS/5/2/60, Text of lecture reviewing nursing, given by Sally Nethercott, Great Ormond Street Director of Nursing, 17 July 1997.
GOS/5/2/61, Papers of Nurses' Representative Council meetings and other specialist nursing committees, 1975-1976; GOS/5/2/62, Papers concerning the 1949 Nurses' Act, 1947-1949, including nurse training schemes of other hospitals, obituary tributes to Princess Tsahai of Ethiopia, 1942, and text of the Handing Lecture on congenital infections by Professor Alistair Dudgeon, 1972.
Papers received from the Charles West School of Nursing, South Bank University, comprising GOS/5/2/63*, Great Ormond Street Nursing organisation and training; correspondence and memoranda 1957-1969 (includes report on experimental nurse training scheme with Middlesex Hospital, 1959); GOS/5/2/64, Preliminary Training School, Lecture Register, 20 May 1942-November 1944; GOS/5/2/65, Record of Practical Instruction and Experience for the Certificate of the Nursing of Sick Children ; GOS/5/2/66, Booklet, General Nursing Council Syllabus of Subjects for Examination for the Certificate of Nursing Sick Children, 1962; GOS/5/2/67, Booklet from the Kingston Hospital School of Nursing.
GOS/5/2/68, Book by Miss M. A. Duncombe, A Brief History of the Association of British Paediatric Nurses, 1938-1975; GOS/5/2/69, Minutes of the Advisory Committee on Nursing Education, 24 May 1960-25 February 1964; GOS/5/2/70, Charles West School of Nursing, multiple choice examination papers and revision tutorial sheets (circa 1970-1982); GOS/5/2/71, Hospitals for Sick Children Presentation of Awards and Certificates Programmes, 1982-1987 and Charles West School of Nursing Presentation of Awards and Certificates Programmes, 1988-1994.
GOS/5/2/72, Ledger, Preliminary Training School Register, 1939-1945; GOS/5/2/73, Paediatric Nursing, Course 354, Syllabus and Programme, sponsored by the British Council 3-15 July, 1983; GOS/5/2/74, Charles West School of Nursing, Annual Report, 1991-1992; GOS/5/2/75-79, Information booklets on nurse training, 1977-1980; GOS/5/2/80, Visitors' Book of the School of Nursing, 1960-1994; GOS/5/2/81, Certificate of Appreciation from the People to People Organisation, 1980; GOS/5/2/82, Wastages of Students and Pupils, 1981-1992; GOS/5/2/83, The Personalised Family-Centred Care File, 1987; GOS/5/2/84, Association of British Paediatric Nurses Newsletter, January 1969-January 1975; GOS/5/2/85, Prospectus for School of Nurse Training, circa 1966.
GOS/5/2/86*, Nurse Examination results, 1974-1987; GOS/5/2/87, Example of Probationary Nurse Training certificate from the Hospital for Sick Children (Dorothy Dear, 1914-1917), signed by chairman, matron and senior clinical staff; GOS/5/2/88, Transcript of letter to Doctor Charles West from Florence Nightingale, discussing trends in nurse training, 21 June 1877 (the original letter is in GOS/8).
GOS/5/3, Nurses' League Records, comprising GOS3/1/1-6, Nurses' League Minute Books, Oct 1936-Sept 2022; GOS/3/1/7 Minutes of Nurses' League Executive Committee and Benevolent Fund Executive Commiittee,1998-2022;GOS/5/3/2, Lists of Nurses' League Members, 1967 and 1971 (two copies), with an Address List circa 1980; OS/5/3/3, Leaflet, Diets for Sick Children, published by the hospital, circa 1950; GOS/5/3/4, Nurses League Golden Jubilee, 1987, including Visitors' book, Programme for Study Day, 25 September 1987; Programme for Thanksgiving Service at St George the Martyr, Queen Square, 26 September 1987; GOS/5/3/5, Draft Constitution for the Nurses’ League, circa 1996.
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