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Registers of Patients
GOS/9 · 1852-1989

Registers of Patients of Great Ormond Street Hospital, comprising: GOS/9/1 containing General In- Patient Admissions Registers, 1852-1960; the Ward Registers, GOS/9/2, 1927-1988, cover the main hospital general admissions by ward name (Medical and Surgical), Tadworth Court (House Ward) Admissions, admissions for the following wards: Mr Punch, Winston Churchill, Peter Pan, 2 D, 2 C, Louise, Annie Zunz. 4 D and E, Dresden, 6 A, B, C and D, short stay surgery cases, and cardio-thoracic cases.

GOS/9/2/30-34 and 39 covering the ENT/Dental Ward Register, September 1954-December 1973; GOS/9/2/49 Ward Register (ward 4AB, Surgery), 1985-88.

GOS/9/2/52 is a card index of patients, unidentified ward, 1956-1959; GOS/9/3 contains Surgical Operations Registers, 1864-1902, Theatre Operations Books, October 1901-1904, In-Patient Operations Books, 1904-1938 (with gaps), Neurosurgery Operations Registers, 1955-1978, Operations Register, 1960-1962, Operations Books for specific theatres, 1965-1971.

GOS/9/4 holds Anaesthesia Registers, 1894-1902, 1938-1965; GOS/9/5 Statistical Registers of Out-Patient Attendances, 1904-1960 (with gaps); GOS/9/6 Out-Patient Operations Registers, 1918, 1921, 1926; GOS/9/6/4 Out-Patient Operations Book, Casualty Theatre, 1937; GOS/9/6/5 Out-Patient Operations Book, North End Theatre, 1938-1974; GOS/9/6/6 Out-Patient Operations Book, Casualty Theatre (Tonsil Theatre), 1942-1947.

GOS/9/7 Medical Reports, (Weekly and daily returns of patient statistics; some volumes contain annotations concerning individual patients, and from 1922 lists of deaths), 1855-1963; GOS/9/7/13 Home Sister's Daily Returns of Patients, 1893-1906; GOS/9/7/14-18 Matron's Daily Returns Book, 1907-1961.

GOS/9/8 consists of Other Patient Registers; GOS/9/8/1 'The First Admissions Register' (possibly of Out-Patients seen by Dr Charles West), 1852-1855; GOS/9/8/2 Register of Out-Patients (seen by Dr William Jenner), 1855-1858; GOS/9/8/3 Register of Patient Deaths, 1860-1863; GOS/9/8/4 Register of Patients Admitted when under Two years of Age, 1861-1882; GOS/9/8/5 Register of 'Casual Fever' Cases, 1857-1875; GOS/9/8/6 Casual Fever Register (Volume 8), 1924-1930.

GOS/9/8/7 Admissions Book for children admitted to the Hospital's Infant Nursery (Creche) 1859-1864 (Admission application summaries, including occupations of the children's parents); GOS/9/8/8-9 Register of Beds (Daily totals by Ward/Officer), 1868-1886; GOS 9/8/10-13 Patients Admissions Registers (possibly the Lady Superintendent's counterparts to the main series of admissions registers, GOS/9/1 above).

GOS/9/8/10-13 Admissions Registers, 1870-1892; GOS/9/8/14 Register of Patients who were In-Patients for 2 Months and Upwards, 1915-1922; GOS/9/8/15 Registers of Surgical Patients, 1887-1891 (of Edmund Owen, Howard Marsh, John H. Morgan and Bernard Pitts, also enclosures, Attendance Cards of individual patients); GOS/9/8/16 Register of Applications for In-Patient Beds, 1881-1892(Refused applications from the Hospital's Subscribers, giving grounds for refusal; also contains enclosure, bundle of admission request forms from Governors, 1892); GOS/9/8/17 Applications Register for Surgical Admissions, 1919-1920;GOS/9/8/18 Applications for Admission, 1920-1925.

GOS/9/8/19 Almoner's Patient Register, 1945; GOS/9/8/20 World War II Casualty Clearing Station Register, 1940-1945; GOS/9/8/21 Register of Patients, with summaries of their condition(listed alphabetically by condition), 1946-1948; GOS/9/8/22 Temperature Register, Girl's Surgical Ward, 1908-1910; GOS/9/8/23 Temperature Register, Boy's Surgical Ward, 1908-1910; GOS/9/8/24 Temperature Register, Ward 5B, February-May 1970; GOS/9/8/25 Register of Patient Post- Mortem Permissions, 1921-1948.

GOS/9/8/26-32 Casualty Registers, 1921-1986; GOS/9/8/33 -36 Private Patient Register, 1938-1976 (note, although described as 'Private Patient Register' on the cover, the contents of 8/35-36 appear to be further Casualty Registers); GOS/9/8/37 Index to Private Patient Registers, 1949-1952; GOS/9/8/38 Register of Admissions to the Paul Sandifer Unit, 1959-1968; GOS/9/8/39 Register of Conditions treated at the Hospital (unbound draft, for 1932 Annual Report); GOS/9/8/40 Register of Operations, 1931 (unbound monthly statistical returns, by Ward); GOS/9/8/41 Statistical Register of Operations conducted at the Hospital, 1932; GOS/9/8/42 Register (unbound)of conditions treated at the Hospital, 1932; GOS/9/8/43 Statistical Summary of conditions treated at the Hospital, 1935; GOS/9/8/44 Statistical summary, Operations performed in the Hospital's In-Patient Theatre, 1935; GOS/9/8/45 Register of Operations performed at the Hospital, 1936; GOS/9/8/46 Register of Operations performed at the Hospital, 1937; GOS/9/8/47 Asthma Clinic Admissions Register (unbound), 1943-1945.

Great Ormond Street Hospital