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Hornsby-Smith · 1974-1993

Papers of Michael P Hornsby-Smith, [1973]-2007, including audio tapes containing interviews with lay members of the National Roman Catholic Bishop's Advisory Committees, 1974: this data was used by Hornsby-Smith for his books Roman Catholics in England and Roman Catholic Beliefs in England; the interviews investigate the social and religious background of the respondent, his or her religious beliefs, views on recent changes in the Church and observations of the work of the commissions.

Audio tapes containing interviews with staff of the programme RENEW and clergy from the English Roman Catholic Diocese of Downlands on the RENEW programme, 1988-1993. RENEW was a diocesan-wide parish based pastoral programme, originally developed in the United States, exploring the ways in which the renewal of spiritualities were promoted and controlled within the Roman Catholic Church.

Papers including correspondence, publications and articles on the Roman Catholic National Pastoral Congress, 1980 and published report entitled 'Roman Catholic Opinion: A study of Roman Catholics in England and Wales in the 1970s' by Hornsby-Smith and Raymond M Lee (1979, University of Surrey).

Further papers relating to Hornsby-Smith's research into Roman Catholicism in England including interview audio tapes; professional correspondence, [1973]-2007; survey data; theses of PhD students supervised by Hornsby-Smith; publications on Catholicism, 1973-2006; papers relating to Roman Catholic working parties and committees, notably in the Arundel and Brighton Diocese; published and unpublished drafts by Hornsby-Smith and research proposals.

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