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Descripción archivística
GB 0074 ACC/1616 · Colección · 1690-2001

Records of Bevington and Sons, 1690-2001, including: partnership agreements, 1837-1946, minutes, 1859-1930, and partnership negotiations; financial records 1803-1949; records relating to types of stock, products and technical processes and innovations, 1879-1946; staff attendance books and photograph album, 1860-1877; records relating to property, 1792-1967; records relating to stock and finance, 1862-1946. Also family correspondence 1690-1837, and publications and articles on the history of the firm. The family correspondence offers insights into business practice, family relationships and domestic concerns, often in a single letter. Correspondents include women in the family, as wives and daughters of the company partners. Accounts for female family members are also represented.

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