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Archival description
GB 0074 CLC/214 · Collection · 1710-1976

The records of the Cripplegate Schools Foundation comprise minutes 1905-69 (Ms 6473-A, 35827); agendas 1915, 1929-32 (Ms 6473B) and financial records 1906-76 (Ms 20089, 35828-9). Ms 20087 includes particulars of the Foundation's constitution with list of meetings c 1951.

Records of the Red Cross Street Boys' School comprise a history of its foundation 1690-1749, which includes a list of pupils 1707-48 (Ms 75A); minutes 1809-1905 and agendas 1842-65 (Mss 6475-6); logbooks 1877-1904 (Ms 6477) and treasurers' accounts 1714-1868 (Ms 7029).

Records of Lady Holles School comprise minutes 1726-1904 (Mss 6473-4), treasurers' ledger and accounts 1710-1803, 1844-79 (Mss 10885, 20082-3). There are also some references to this school in Ms 75A. Mss 9412-3 comprise records relating to properties held by the trustees of the two schools, 1727-1853.

Cripplegate Schools Foundation