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GB 0074 CLC/B/055 · Coleção · 1701-1962

Records of the Commercial Union Assurance Company Limited, including minutes, ledgers, journals, letters, and insurance registers. Also records of subsidiary and predecessor companies, including:

Accident Insurance Company;
British and European Insurance Company;
British General Insurance Company;
Edinburgh Assurance Company;
Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation;
Fine Art and General Insurance Company;
General Accident and Guarantee Company;
Guardian Plate Glass Insurance Company;
Hand-in-Hand Fire and Life Insurance Company;
Imperial Live Stock and General Insurance Company;
Indemnity Marine Insurance Company;
Liverpool Victoria Insurance Corporation;
London Amicable Assurance Society;
London and Scottish Assurance Corporation;
Mercantile Fire Insurance Company;
New India Assurance Company;
North British and Mercantile Insurance Company;
Northern Assurance Company;
Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation;
Ocean and General Guarantee Company;
Ocean Marine Insurance Company;
Palatine Insurance Company;
Planet Assurance Corporation;
Provident Clerks and General Guarantee and Accident Company;
Railway Passengers Assurance Company;
Scottish Metropolitan Life Assurance Company;
Union Assurance Society;
United Kingdom Life Assurance Company;
Westminster and Kensington Freeholds Limited;
World Auxiliary Insurance Corporation;
World Marine and General Insurance Company.

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