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Description archivistique
GB 0074 CLC/B/073 · Collection · 1838-1966

Records of E Dent and Company Limited, clock and watch makers. The archives in this collection are the surviving business records, covering mainly the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. They are primarily the records of the Strand and Royal Exchange shops - only Ms 18026 and 23823-4 relating to M. F. Dent, 1856-1920, appear to have survived.

They are arranged as follows:
Ownership of company - shares, bonds (Mss 18005-7);
Administration - ledger, balance sheets and accounts, letter books; company management (Mss18008-15);
Business -
(i) stock books and manufacturing books (Mss 18016-26);
(ii) letters patent, specifications and related papers (Mss 18027-40);
(iii) Watch trial certificates, trade mark certificates (Mss 18041-2);
(iv) Drawings of watches, clocks, parts etc. (Mss 18043-52);
(v) Photographs of watches, clocks, parts etc. (Mss 18053-4);
Leases and agreements relating to premises (Mss 18055-64);
Miscellaneous mainly printed (Mss 18065-76);
Records of M. F. Dent (Mss 23823-4).

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