Records of the parish of the Holy Trinity, Stroud Green, including baptism registers 1881-1967, marriage registers 1881-1971, and banns of marriage registers 1881-1984; church service registers; correspondence of the incumbent; material relating to the Union of the parishes of Holy Trinity and Saint Luke's; correspondence relating to benefice land; material relating to the church buildings including faculties and citations, the parsonage house and the church hall; Parochial Church Council minutes; financial accounts; material relating to church groups; copies of parish magazines from 1885; a series of photographs of the church and its people, and a series of historical material which includes lists of church personnel for both Holy Trinity and Saint Luke's church, and a scrap book of newspaper cuttings about DR. Linklater given to the church by his wife in 1929.
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GB 0074 DRO/133