Personal papers of Hartley Booth, MP. The majority of the archive is concerned with Hartley Booth's parliamentary career. LMA/4021/01 relates to Booth's parliamentary responsibilities, in particular European affairs. In addition there are files containing correspondence and background material which relate to Private Members' Bills promoted by Booth. LMA/4021/01 also contains subject files on national issues that emanated from constituents' cases.
LMA/4021/02 contains constituents' correspondence and case files as well as subject files relating to local issues. LMA/4021/03 contains Conservative Party material and subject files which relate to the period when Booth was a prospective parliamentary candidate. These files relate to both local and national issues.
As the collection consists of parliamentary and constituency material, there is a closure period of 30 years. There is no closure period on the published material in LMA/4021/04.
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