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Archival description
GB 0074 MR · Collection · 1552-1963

Records of the Middlesex Quarter Sessions comprising documents registered with the Clerk of the Peace, 1552-1963. The series MR/A is concerned with the registration of foreigners; MR/B contains 5 series covering the work of building surveyors in London; MR/CF and MR/CT are the certificates issued to tax commissioners and prosecutors for exemption from parish duties; MR/E are agreements signed by volunteers wanting to work in the plantations; MR/F are returns of those eligible to serve on juries; MR/H is concerned with the repair of highways; MR/L contains 7 series concerned with the licensing of certain establishments or trades; MR/LV concerns licensed victuallers; MR/ML are returns of those able to serve in the local militia; MR/P contains returns of eligible voters, poll books and election papers; MR/PEO is also concerned with parliamentary elections and consists of overseers returns; MR/PER consists of two series of electoral registers, one for parliamentary boroughs, the other for parliamentary divisions; MR/R contains the records produced from the control and recording of all non-conformists; MR/S contains 5 series concerned with the licensing of friendly or other societies, and savings banks; MR/T are returns taken for taxation purposes; MR/U are records of public undertakings - transport, parish and utility schemes and improvements; and MR/W contains two series of returns of corn prices and carriage rates. Many series also contain uncatalogued material or are completely uncatalogued.

Middlesex Quarter Sessions of the Peace