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Archival description
GB 0074 MXS · Collection · 1907-1982

Records of Middlesex Quarter Sessions of the Peace, 1907-1982. Records relating to Justices of the Peace including registers of attendance of justices; Registers of Justices' oaths; Middlesex Victoria funds; Quarter Sessions Society; Chairman's notebooks; Society of Chairmen of Quarter Sessions; Justices' Property Committee; Conferences of Justices' draft minutes; official registrations; Justices' clerks' fees and accounts and lists of Justices of the Peace.

Records of the Court in session, including Sessions rolls; Court minutes; depositions; calendars; registers of cases; registers of appeals; general orders of the Court; probation reports and registers of probation orders; recogizances; Criminal Justice Act papers; County Day papers; records of convictions; register of cases committed for trial; oaths, bibles and swearing aids; case papers and registers under tuberculosis orders and standing orders of court and committees.

Administrative papers of the Quarter Sessions including prison reports; costs papers; maps and plans; accounts of fees and fines; papers of committees including the Parliamentary Committee, Petty Sessional Boundaries Committee, Rota Committee, County Confirming and Compensation Committee, London Area and Advisory Committee and Middlesex Sessions Area Administrative Committee; and Court year books.

Papers deposited with the Clerk of the Peace including highway diversions, register of fines and cost and jurors' books. Papers of the Clerk of the Peace including reference files; papers relating to ceremonial occasions and receipt book. Also financial accounts of the County Treasurer.

Middlesex Quarter Sessions of the Peace