Records of the Weir Hospital, including visitors books and Committee of Management attendance books, 1920-1971.
Weir HospitalRecords of the Wandsworth Hospital Management Committee comprising minutes of the Building, Catering, Finance, Group Medical, Management Group, Nursing Advisory, Staff, Supplies and Visiting Committees, and staff cards.
Wandsworth Hospital Management CommitteeRecords of institutions in the Springfield Hospital Group, 1844-1990, comprising Battersea and Putney Hospital Management Group, Lambeth Hospital Management Group, Saint James Hospital, Springfield Hospital, South West Metropolitan Hospital Management Group, Weir Hospital and Wandsworth Hospital. The papers include committee minutes, annual reports, administrative files, staff records, registers of patients, financial records, visitor's books, plans and photographs.
Saint James Hospital x Saint James' Workhouse Infirmary Springfield Hospital x Surrey Pauper Lunatic Asylum x Springfield Mental Hospital South West London Group Hospital Management Committee Weir Hospital xx Wandsworth Maternity Hospital Wandsworth Hospital Management Committee Lambeth Group Hospital Management Committee Battersea and Putney Group Hospital Management CommitteeRecords of Springfield Hospital, 1844-1990, including committee minutes and papers, annual reports, reports by the Commissioners of Lunacy and the Commissioners of the Board of Control, general administrative files, records of the League of Friends, admission and discharge registers, death, discharge and transfer registers, medical journals and treatment records, social histories of patients, staff records, financial records, plans of the hospital, photographs and publications.
Springfield HospitalRecords of the South West Metropolitan Hospital Management Group, 1962-1976, including minutes of the Management, Finanice and General Purposes, Medical Advisory, Staff, Medical Records and Catering Committees, and various administrative files.
South West London Group Hospital Management CommitteeRecords of Saint James' Hospital including Medical Staff Committee minutes, Intensive Care Unit papers, Accident and Emergency Department papers, registers of deaths, operations registers, complaints proceedings, registers of baptisms, casualty registers, and book of remembrance.
Saint James Hospital x Saint James' Workhouse InfirmaryRecords of the Lambeth Hospital Management Group, 1948-1964, comprising minutes of the Catering, Establishment, Finance, Supplies, General Purposes, Management and Maternity Committees, and a register of seals.
Lambeth Hospital Management GroupRecords of the Battersea and Putney Hospital Management Group, comprising Management Committee minutes and correspondence, 1948-1972.
Battersea and Putney Group Hospital Management Committee