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Descripción archivística
LMA/4425 · Colección · 1900-1965

Plans of the school buildings, 1900-1965, including original proposals by architect Frank Baggallay, proposed alterations and additions to Farm Cottage; recreation hall, master's house, garage and stores; workshops, office and stores; recreation hall and gymnasium; adaptation of school block for boys accommodation; Nelson and Shackleton Cottages, The Lodge; The Tower Block, including workshops, band practice room and swimming pool; dining hall steelwork, roof trusses and concreting; layout and drainage plan for new dining hall, workshops and gymnasium; new school block: stage 1 drainage layout and heating duct; Masters House: details of trenches; new dining hall and kitchen: hot and cold water services; staff accommodation: cottages; site layout; adaptation of former laundry to provide recreation room and library; additional staff accommodation; new dining hall and kitchen; Nelson and Shackleton houses: proposed covered way to bathrooms and Craftsman's workshops.

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