Minutes of The Committe and Council, General Committee and Finance Committee (1897-1987); balance sheets (1927-1947), accounts and investments (1926-1975), registers of legacies (1897-1951) left to the The Mission, some salaries and wages registers (1934-1978) and registers of donations and subscriptions (1927-1967). The Central Administration of The Mission covers Governance including Memorandum and Articles of Association and change of registered name in 1956; Membership registers (1928-2000); Annual Reports (1861, 1895-2009); Property covering deeds, agreements, rentals and inventories for property owned or rented by The Mission (1863-1962); Committee papers (1929-1983) including speeches given at annual meetings and reports and reviews of the work of The Mission; Correspondence (1883-1979); Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials held at The Mission (1943-1986) and Plans (1967-1988).
The records of the individual Mission churches Little Wild Street Chapel (1859-1962) and Arundel Square Chapel 1859-1948); Individual homes and hostels included are Wheatley Homes and Pemberton Gardens (1922-1947); 'The Retreat', Maldon (1928-1963); Eastlea Court, Frimlea (1945-1963); 'Fairlawn' Herne Bay (1939-1952); Chatfield House, Whetstone (1937-1940).
Printed material incldues fundraising and appeals (1898-1963); services (1944-1949) scrap books, cuttings and ephemera (1922-1973); histories and articles (1877-2010) and drawings and art work (1899-1948).
Sans titre