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N/C/63 · Coleção · 1877-1978

Church Books containing various entries including history of chapel, minutes of Church Meetings, roll of members, marriages and baptisms, 1878-1934; membership rolls, 1902-1949; Deacon's Meeting minute books, 1878-1952; minutes of the Building Committee, 1884-1889; minutes of the Finance Committee, 1896-1916; Church Meeting minutes, 1934-1954; Missionary Committee minutes, 1911-1965; general correspondence, 1902-1912; financial accounts, 1877-1914; annual reports, 1879-1910; printed items including notices, hymn sheets, appeals, handbills, programmes, brochures and histories, 1877-1998; newspaper cuttings, 1906-1928; The Outlook monthly magazine, 1930-1954; papers regarding the Church centenary, 1978 and photographs of ministers, staff and the interior and exterior of the Church, 1877-1930.

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