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Descripción archivística
GB 0097 COURTNEY · 1862-1928

This collection was bound in forty two volumes:
Vol 1. Leonard Courtney's correspondence with Mill and Cairnes, 1862-1872.
Vol II. Leonard Courtney's correspondence with family and personal friends, 1857-1879.
Vol III. Engagement and marriage, 1881-1883.
Vols IV-VI. Correspondence, mainly political, 1880-1898.
Vols VI-VIII. Boer War, 1899-1902.
Vols IX-X. Correspondence, 1903-1913.
Vols XI-XII. European War, 1914-1918.
Vol XIII. Letters of condolence addressed to Lady Courtney on the death of her husband, 1918.
Vol XIV. Letters, memoranda and other material concerning a Life of Lord Courtney, arranged in part chronologically and in part alphabetically, 1918-1919.
Vol XV. Miscellaneous and undated letters of Leonard and Kate Courtney, arranged in part alphabetically and in part chronologically, 1864-1928.
Vol XVI. Miscellaneous papers of Leonard and Kate Courtney, arranged chronologically, 1864-1927.
Vols XVII-XVIII. Printed speeches, pamphlets, periodical articles etc. by Leonard Courtney, 1880-1913.
Vol XIX. Letterbook containing copies by Kate Courtney of letters written by Leonard Courtney between 1885 and 1910.
Vol XX. Notebook containing list of leaders and other articles, written for The Times by Leonard Courtney and payment therefore, 1864-1880.
Vols XXI-XXXVIII. Diaries of Kate Courtney, 1875-1919.
Vols XXXIX-XL. Autobiography and diaries of Rosalind Dobbs, 1914-1929.
Vol XLI. Travel diary of Catherine Courtney, Holland and Germany, and the USA and Canada, 1867 - 1869.
Vol XLII. Further letter book of Leonard Courtney, 1899-1905. There are in addition two letters from Edwin Chadwick to Courtney, 14 April 1888.

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