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Archivistische beschrijving
Small LSE Deposits
Part of London School of Economics and Political Science Archives

Small collections of material relating to the LSE, comprising:
Papers of the LSE Athletics Committee (formerly the Malden Committee), 1947-1981, including minutes, correspondence, annual reports and accounts.
Papers of Sir Ronald Stanley Edwards, Professor of Economics, 1933-1956, mainly relating to the teaching of accounting and industrial organisation in the Department of Business Administration.
Records of the LSE Sociology Club, 1923-1953, including minutes, accounts and correspondence.
Lecture notes and essays taken by J Young, [1950-1960], reading Economics and Government.
Papers of Peter Hodges concerning the Social Administration Department, 1962-[1971], including departmental information, papers of the Overseas Students Welfare Committee and correspondence relating to social work training in Nigeria.
Papers collected by E Grebenik concerning the Committee of Enquiry into the Governance of the University of London, 1971.
Lecture notes on law made by R N Hutchins, and undergraduate at the School, 1934.Lecture notebooks kept by Richard Fitter whilst an undergraduate at LSE, [1929-1932], mainly on Economics and Economic History.
Lecture notebooks kept by Hilda Lake whilst a student at LSE, 1909-[1917], on subjects including Economics, Anthropology, Finance and Public Administration.
Papers of the Board of Studies in Economics, 1932-1953, including agendas and minutes.
Minutes and papers of the Industrial Relations Department, 1969-1974.
Letters and postcards from LSE lecturers sent to Neville Vandyk, an LSE undergraduate, 1942-1954.
Notes taken by Professor Hilde Behrend of Morris Ginsberg's lectures on Social Institutions, Social Psychology, Ethics and Social Philosophy, [1942].
Lecture notes taken by Margaret Jenkins (later Thomas) for her BSc Econ in Industry and Trade, 1951-1956.
Texts of lectures given at the LSE by Lewis George Robinson, a Reader in International History, 1943, on the geographical factor in international relations.
Papers by Ralf Dahrendorf summarising responses to his discussion papers 'A Centre for Economic and Political Studies in London', 1976.
Examination papers for the Department of Anthropology, 1923-1995.
Press Office file on the opening of the British Library of Political and Economic Science, 1979.
LSE scarf from the World War Two period, [1941].
Papers relating to Dr Hilda Ormsby and her husband George Vandeleur Ormsby, [1927-1972], including articles on the teaching of Geography at the LSE.
Papers and slides relating to the British Rail Locomotive 'London School of Economics', 1985.
Degree certificates issued to Samuel William Buxton, a BSc student at the LSE, 1917-1924.
Papers of Vera Anstey, Reader in Commerce at LSE, 1921-1948, relating to her employment at the School, and correspondence between her family and Jim Thomas relating to his research on her, 1999.
Scrolls presented to Dr J M Ashworth and Sir Peter Parker, 1996-1998.
Papers relating to student disturbances at LSE, 1968-1969, collected by Professor Kenneth Minogue, as well as material relating to his editing of the LSE Annual Report, 1989-1990.
Papers of the LSE Society, [1948-1956], including administrative correspondence and membership applications.
Papers of the Accounts Research Association, 1940, comprising accounts and register of members.
Texts of a series of lectures given by GF Thirlby, [1944].
Texts of Army Class lectures given by Sir Douglas Owen, [1913-1914].
Papers of the Greater London Group, 1962-1967, relating to the reorganisation of London local government and the establishment of the GLC.
Photographs of a plan to roof over Houghton St, London, [1996].
Papers of George Watson, 1956-1997, comprising photocopies of letters from Lord William Henry Beveridge to Watson and an article by the latter from the Liberal Democrat History Group.
Photographs of Alice Thistle Bottomley, [1910-1912].
Videos of the LSE Cabaret performed during the Centenary Celebrations, [1995].
Papers collated by John Alcock relating to the School's relations with the University Grants Committee and the Quinquennial Plan, 1960-1966.
Paper by Percy S Cohen, Dean of Undergraduate Studies, on 'Aspects of undergraduate teaching: tutorials and classes at the London School of Economics', [1971].
Publicity material for the move of the School to County Hall, [1990], including colour pictures and press cuttings.
Chapter of family history written by John Grist, dealing with the period at the end of World War Two, [2000].

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GB 0097 LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS ARCHIVES/Unregistered School Archive Files · 1895-1997
Part of London School of Economics and Political Science Archives

Unregistered files relating to the LSE, comprising the following.
Early records of the London School of Economics, 1895-1970, including documents of incorporation, 1901-1970, financial records, 1895-1920, outgoing letter books of the Director and Secretary, 1896-1915, registers of students, 1895-1921, and a students' fee book, 1896-1901.
Material relating to the LSE and its work, 1899-1985, mainly comprising printed and duplicated reports produced in connection with inspections and grant applications, 1899-1985; pamphlets, leaflets and press cuttings concerning the physical development of the School, 1902-1939, including and inventory of School buildings; miscellaneous material concerning the class for the Training of Officers for the Higher Appointments on the Administrative Staff of the Army and for the charge of Central Services, 1907-1914; reports to the Director on academic and administrative matters, 1968-1985; miscellaneous volumes containing material relating to research studentships, 1900-1906, articles about the School, 1901-1929, public lectures on London transport, 1934 and memoranda and statements relating to student unrest, 1969.
Papers relating to the British Library of Political and Economic Science, 1897-1982, notably outgoing letterbooks from the Librarian John McKillop, 1902-1908; acknowledgement books, 1897-1903, giving thanks for books received; accessions registers, 1896-1951; leaflets relating to the Library and its rules, 1896-1900; registers of permit holders and visitors, 1897-1972; and early financial records, 1895-1928.
Director's files of Sir William Henry Beveridge, 1914-1946, including registered and unregistered files generally concerning University of London committee work, LSE academic matters, including the Commerce Degree, and staff appointments.Director's files of Sir Sydney Caine, 1956-1967, mainly concerning his outside interests and activities, such as work for the British Council, the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, the European League for Economic Co-operation, the College of Estate Management, Imperial College, the Northampton College of Advanced Technology (City University) and the Robbins Report.
Records of the LSE Student's Union, 1912-1965, including minutes, 1912-1913; reports on the constitution of the Student's Union, 1938; minutes of the LSE Student's Christian Movement, 1939-1949; Student's Union Short Term Development Plan, 1965.
Photographs, negatives and drawings of the School and its members [1895-1970], including group photographs of teachers, students, sports teams and classes; portraits of staff members; photographs of School activities such as royal visits and Rag Week; pictures and photographs of School buildings; albums and press cuttings relating to the Student's Union.
Press cuttings collected by the LSE, 1895-1973, including general news relating to the School, and specifically the institution of the Commerce Degree in 1919 and the student unrest in 1969-1973.
Printed material, 1898-1995, including Director's Reports, 1904-1980; LSE Calendars, 1902-1995; examination papers for Anthropology, 1960-1966, Commerce, 1920-1937, and Economics, 1907-1955; material produced by the Library, 1913-1995, including Annual Reports, bulletins and guides; material produced by the LSE Student's Union, 1898-1982, including handbooks and Annual Reports; copies of the Clare Market Review, 1905-1973; copies of The Beaver, 1949-1996; printed material concerning University of London administration, 1898-1945.
Later deposits, [1923]-1996, including files regarding the LSE's proposed purchase of County Hall, 1992; minutes of various School committees, [1951-1990]; Press Office photographs, negatives and prints taken by the official School photographer of School occasions, [1930-1985]; LSE publications, 1982-1996, including Obiter, the journal of the LSE Law Society, Plebs, the staff newsletter of the Library, and the LSE Magazine; papers relating to the Geography Department, 1933-1983; two photographs of LSE porters, [1987]; reports by F J Lingwood, a Sir Ernest Cassel Scholarship holder, on his tour to investigate advertising and publicity, 1937; papers relating to the Library, [1923-1997], including minutes of the Library Committee and the Senior Management Group, registers of donations and accessions, annual reports, handbooks, guides and offprints of articles relating to the Library.

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Papers of the London School of Economics, 1895-2000, notably records of the central filing system, 1895-1993, including material relating to academic teaching and research, administration of the School, and relations with outside bodies; unregistered LSE files, 1985-1997, comprising important material not contained in the central files, notably early records, reports, papers regarding the British Library of Political and Economic Science, Directors' files of Sir William Henry Beveridge and Sir Sydney Caine, records of the LSE Student's Union, photographs, press cuttings and publications; records of LSE committees, 1894-1993, mainly comprising minutes; material of the LSE History Project, 1895-1998, gathered during research for LSE: a history of the London School of Economics and Political Science, 1895-1995 (Oxford University Press, 1995), including papers relating to academic courses and departments, finance and trusts, buildings, clubs and societies, and research units, as well as biographical material for Directors, staff and students, press cuttings, reminiscences and photographs; oral history material, 1973-2000, comprising interviews with former academic and administrative staff of LSE; and small deposited collections of material relating to LSE, 1909-2000.

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Minutes of School Committees
GB 0097 LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS ARCHIVES/Minutes of School Committees · 1894-1993
Part of London School of Economics and Political Science Archives

Records of London School of Economics Committees, 1894-1968, notably minutes and papers of the Henry Hunt Hutchinson and Constance Hutchinson Trusts, 1894-1924; minutes of the Trustees of the School, 1896; minutes and agenda of the Trustees of the British Library of Political and Economic Science, 1896-1908; minutes and papers of the Administrative Committee and the Court of Governors, 1896-1990 and 1987-1993, including drafts and duplicates; minutes and papers of the Finance and General Purposes Committee and the Council of Management, 1904-1921 and 1962-1987, including duplicates; minutes and papers of the Emergency Committee and the Standing Committee, 1922-1992 and 1983-1984, including duplicates; minutes and papers of the Professorial Council and the Academic Board, 1902-1992; minutes of the Office Committee of the Professorial Council, 1919-1929; minutes and papers of the General Purposes Committee, 1937-1962, including duplicates; minutes and papers of the Library Committee, 1902-1964; minutes and papers of the Appointments Committee, 1921-1978, including Director's drafts containing notes of action to be taken; minutes and papers of the Rockefeller Research Fund Committee, 1924-1940, including duplicates; minutes and papers of the administrative committees of the LSE, 1901-1977, such as the House Committee, 1902-1913, the Bills Committee, 1928-1929, the Superannuation Committee, 1918-1920, the Dunford House Committee, 1920-1923, the Field Finance Board and the Board of Managers of the LSE Athletic Ground, 1922-1929, the Refectory Committee, 1937-1962, the Salaries Committee, 1927-1937, the Investments Committee, 1936-1943, the Insurance Committee, 1938, the Building Committee, 1957-1970, and the Administrative Staff Common Room Club Committee, 1926-1977; minutes and papers of advisory committees on academic subjects, 1902-1939, such as the Committee on Library Instruction, 1902-1915, the Advisory Committee on Railway Subjects, 1904-1939, the Advisory Committee on Insurance Subjects, 1902-1906, Advisory Committee on Social Science and Administration, 1911-1919, and the History Committee, 1914-1928; minutes and papers of the Professorial Council Subject Committees, 1921-1928, namely on Commerce, 1921-1928, Economics, 1925-1927 and Laws, 1925-1928; minutes and papers of the advisory and course committees of the Department of Social Science and Administration, 1929-1968, mainly relating to the Mental Health course; minutes of the University of London Faculty of Economics, 1900-1904; minutes and papers of the Ratan Tata Foundation and the Ratan Tata Benefaction Committee, 1917-1922; minutes and papers of the Training Colleges Group Committee, 1928-1933; minutes and papers of the Higher Degrees Committee, 1929-1939; minutes and papers of the Constitution Sub-Committee, 1934-1936; agendas of the Degrees Timetabling Committee, 1936-1938; miscellaneous volumes containing the duplicated minutes of temporary and miscellaneous committees relating to teaching, housekeeping and organisation, 1900-1946; minutes of the Coordinating Committee, 1985-1990.

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LSE Oral History
Part of London School of Economics and Political Science Archives

Tapes, transcripts and summaries of oral history interviews relating to the history of the London School of Economics, 1973-2000, with staff, students and administrative staff of the School, including Professor Amiya Dasgupta, George Panormo, Professor Sir Raymond William Firth, Sir (Ernest) Henry Phelps Brown, Professor Albert Henry Halsey, Mrs Betty Scharf, Mrs Dora Cleather, Dr Anne Bohm, Ted Brown, Professor Frederick Jack Fisher, Hugh Lancelot Beales, Professor Alan Musgrave, Professor Eugene Grebenik, Professor James Durbin, Professor Alan Stuart, Professor Benjamin Charles Roberts, Professor Kingsley Bryce Speakman Smellie, Baroness Beatrice Nancy Seear, Dr Thomas Humphrey Marshall, Professor Donald Gunn Macrae, and Professor Sir Karl Raimund Popper. Also includes a life story interview with Professor Sir Raymond William Firth, given in 2000, and an interview with Professor Michael Joseph Oakeshott, 1988-1989.
Also includes transcripts and tapes of interviews undertaken by Nadim Shehadi with 1930s economists, [1980-1985], notably Professor Sir Roy George Douglas Allen, Hugh Lancelot Beales, Professor Nicholas Kaldor, and Professor Frederick Jack Fisher.

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GB 0097 LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS ARCHIVES/Organisation for Comparative Social Research · 1953
Part of London School of Economics and Political Science Archives

Papers of the Organisation for Comparative Social Research relating to an international study of the teaching profession carried out in 1952-1953, with the aim of providing a comprehensive account of the views of teachers on a number of problems of national and international concern. The papers mainly comprise manuals and instructions for interviewers, circulars to headmasters and coding guides.

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Central Filing Registry
GB 0097 LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS ARCHIVES/Central Filing Registry · 1895-1993
Part of London School of Economics and Political Science Archives

Records of the London School of Economics Central Filing Registry, 1895-1972, comprising:
Material concerning academic teaching and research, notably material relating to degree courses, 1950-1969, both undergraduate and postgraduate; papers relating to staff and student exchanges, 1949-1974; material concerning research grants, 1935-1968, mainly comprising minutes and papers of the Research Committee and the Division of Research Techniques, documents concerning the Ford Foundation, and papers of the Higher Education Research Unit; papers relating to funding bodies, such as the Gulbenkian Foundation, 1958-1971, the Sir Ernest Cassel Fund, 1912-1945, the Hugh Lewis Fund, 1917-1937, the Ratan Tata Foundation, 1919-1967, the Nuffield Foundation, 1949-1955, and the Rockefeller Foundation, 1923-1965; material concerning scholarships, prizes, and fellowships, 1912-1970, including minutes of the Scholarships and Prizes Committee; papers relating to Railway courses taught at LSE, 1902-1964, including those of the Railway Advisory Committee; correspondence and papers concerning the Army Class, 1906-1947; papers of various LSE academic departments, notably Business Administration, 1928-1957, Social Research, 1940-1963, Social Biology, 1930-1939, Social Science, 1916-1966, Psychology, 1949-1966, International Studies, 1925-1939, Language Studies, 1919-1949, Geography, 1908-1963, and Economics, 1965; material regarding teaching techniques, 1927-1968, including minutes of the Committee on Teaching Techniques; material relating to the education of overseas students, 1928-1968, including papers concerning the Colonial Studies course and the Committee on the Welfare of Overseas Students; material regarding the creation and appointment of various Chairs, Readerships and Lectureships, 1924-1967; minutes and papers of the Board of Studies in Economics, 1951-1967; material relating to the Mental Health Course, 1926-1957, including papers of the Child Guidance Council, the Commonwealth Fund and the Mental Health Training Committee; material on the teaching of Statistics and Computing Methods, Insurance, Social Studies, Latin American Studies, Management and Management Studies, 1920-1968; material concerning The New Survey of London Life & Labour (London, 1930-1935) undertaken by LSE, 1926-1953; material concerning public and memorial lectures organised by LSE, 1940-1968; details of the teaching of evening classes, 1939-1965; papers relating to the British Library of Political and Economic Science, 1920-1968, notably correspondence, and minutes of Library committee meetings; material concerning LSE publications, 1900-1968, including Politica, the Quarterly Journal on Reconstruction, Economica, the British Journal of Sociology, departmental pamphlets and various individual publications; papers relating to the Economists' Bookshop, London, 1946-1966.
Material relating to the administration of LSE, notably papers concerning the administrative procedures of LSE, 1928-1969, including constitution and membership of School government and committees, staff terms of employment (notably salaries), School regulations, as well as registers of graduates; papers regarding revisions of the LSE constitution, 1927-1959; material concerning fundraising and appeals, 1946-1967, notably the LSE Benevolent Fund; material concerning LSE buildings, including maintenance and expansion, 1896-1973, notably minutes of the Building Committee and the Accommodation Committee, and papers concerning 10 Adelphi Terrace, Passfield Hall, Clements Inn Passage, the Three Tuns Pub, Skepper House, the Lionel Robbins Building, and Carr-Saunders Hall; committee papers, 1904-1968, including those of the Standing Committee, 1937-1964, the Finance Sub-Committee, 1939-1967, the Appointments Committee, 1945-1968, the Academic Board, 1925-1968, the Court of Governors, 1904-1968, the House Committee, 1905-1923, and Office Committee, 1923-1929; financial material, 1897-1968, including papers relating to rates, taxation, audits, stock transfers and holdings, as well as minutes of the Investments Committee, 1927-1968, and papers concerning staff pensions, 1912-1968; papers of the Administrative Staff Common Room, 1925-1965, and the Senior Common Room, 1921-1967; material regarding LSE dinners and receptions, 1931-1966; material concerning the Graduate School, 1929-1968, mainly comprising minutes and papers of the Graduate School Committee; press cuttings concerning the Board of Discipline, 1967; papers regarding the Student Health Service, 1945-1967; material regarding admission of students to LSE, 1928-1968, notably minutes of the Admissions Committee, details of entry requirements, aptitude tests and the selection procedure; administrative material concerning the evacuation of LSE to Cambridge during World War Two, 1938-1949, and war damage to School buildings, 1940-1954; material concerning School fees, 1927-1968; material relating to the LSE catering services, 1920-1967, including minutes of the Refectory Committee; material concerning the Friends of the LSE and the LSE Society (formerly Old Student's Association), 1921-1963; papers relating to the Robbins Committee (Committee on Higher Education), 1961-1964, and papers of the Research Group on the Future of the School, 1963-1965; general correspondence, financial material, constitutional papers and other papers of the Student's Union and its societies, 1914-1968.
Material concerning relations with outside bodies, including correspondence with other colleges, institutes and universities, 1918-1968, including the International African Institute, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Dundee School of Economics and the Central School of Arts and Crafts; correspondence with Government bodies, such as the Ministry of Education, 1901-1956, the Treasury, and the Board of Education, 1895-1911; papers of the Greater London Group, 1958-1965; correspondence and papers regarding contracts with the London County Council, 1904-1963; material relating to the University of London, 1911-1968, including annual returns of the University Grants Committee, papers of the University Court concerning capital grants, examinations, quinquennium, building programmes, visitations and relations with the School; papers of the London and Cambridge Economic Service, 1922-1959; papers of the External and School branches of the Association of University Teachers, 1921-1966; minutes of the Intercollegiate Committee in Laws, 1920-1960.
Other material, including general papers relating to Sidney and Beatrice Webb, 1925-1967, such as personal correspondence, and later papers concerning the Passfield Bequest; and correspondence relating to Lord Josiah Charles Stamp, Chairman of the Governors, 1921-1964.

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LSE History Collection
GB 0097 LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS ARCHIVES/LSE History Collection · 1895-1998
Part of London School of Economics and Political Science Archives

Material collated by the LSE History Project, 1895-1998, mainly comprising copies of material found in the LSE Archives, other archival institutions and publications, notably papers concerning academic courses (such as the Commerce Degree), academic staff and teaching, including the establishment of various Chairs; financial material, including audited accounts and statistics; papers relating to various trusts and benefactors such as the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Trust; papers concerning the history of the British Library of Political and Economic Science; material relating to the buildings of LSE from 1899 to the present, including pictures and maps; extensive material concerning individual academic departments, namely Anthropology, Economic History, Economics, Geography, Government, Industrial Relations, International History, International Relations, Language Studies, Law, Philosophy, Social Policy and Administration, Social Psychology, Sociology, Statistics and Mathematical Sciences; biographical material regarding the Directors of the LSE, namely William Albert Samuel Hewins, Sir Halford John Mackinder, the Hon William Pember Reeves, Lord William Henry Beveridge, Sir Alexander Morris Carr-Saunders, Sir Walter Adams, Lord Ralf Gustav Dahrendorf, and Dr Indraprasad Gordhanbhai Patel; papers relating to LSE groups, clubs and societies, including the Senior Common Room and the Friends of LSE; material concerning prominent alumni; articles by various authors on the history of LSE; papers and press cuttings relating to historical incidents at LSE, notably relating to student unrest and demonstrations; press cuttings on various topics relating to LSE, including foundation, relations with the University of London, and national educational policy; biographical material on prominent members of LSE, such as Friedrich August von Hayek, Lancelot Thomas Hogben, Harold Joseph Laski, Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski, Sir Karl Raimund Popper, Lionel Charles Robbins and Sidney and Beatrice Webb; reminiscences of life at LSE by former students and staff, from foundation to the 1990s; material relating to LSE research units; papers on the constitution, organisation and governance of LSE; staff biographical files containing alphabetically arranged information on former and current staff, including governors, professors, readers, senior administration and library, and former students of the School; material relating to the Student's Union, with biographical details of the Presidents; miscellaneous press cuttings and biographical material concerning the position of women at LSE; administration files of the LSE History Project; photographs of LSE staff, students, buildings and general School scenes.

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