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Descripción archivística
GB 0097 MELGUNOV · [1910-1960]

Papers of Professor Sergei Petrovich Mel'gunov, [1910-1960], including a large amount of material relating to the Russian Revolutions and the Russian Civil War, notably handwritten and typewritten accounts of eyewitnesses and victims of the Bolshevik regime, [1918-1920], cuttings from various Russian newspapers, 1919-1921, papers and cuttings relating to trials and executions of opponents of the regime, 1921-1934, papers concerning the Cheka (and lists of Chekists), 1918-[1927], and the GPU, and other material relating to the period; and correspondence with Russian émigrés and prominent people abroad and in Russia, including comments on contemporary political events and problems, notably letters from Yekaterina Dmitriyevna Kuskova, an early Russian Marxist who was exiled in 1922 for opposition to the Bolshevik government.

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