Records, 1880-1999, of the China Inland Mission schools originating in Chefoo, China, including school registers, 1880-1950, lists of teachers, school papers, and copies of the school magazine The Chefusian, 1928-1934. There is a run of the Chefoo Schools Association magazine Chefoo, 1916-1999, and minute books of the Association, 1908-1940, 1945-1960. Also includes notes on the history of the school and the China Inland Mission compiled by Fred H Judd in the 1950s, and a copy of the publication Chefoo School, 1881-1951, by Gordon Martin. Photographs illustrate early scenes of the school and missionaries. Material on the internment of the school during World War II includes sketches, pictures and poems.
Sans titrePapers, c1849-1937, of James Hudson Taylor, comprising large amounts of correspondence both personal and official; journals kept by Taylor for himself and for the Chinese Evangelization Society; Taylor's engagement diaries; reminiscences of missionaries; excerpts from contemporary newspapers; sundry administrative papers; notes on the development of candidate selection; and some papers brought in by M Geraldine and Frederick Howard Taylor to add to material for their books.
Sans titrePapers, 1903-1940, of the Rev W H Warren, comprising four station reports from Shaohsing, 1903-1914; two printed China Inland Mission reports from Shanghai, 1931; Warren's manuscript account of an attack by pirates on a mission party travelling from Shanghai to Chefoo schools (Yantai), 1935; typescript report on events in China and their implications for missionary work, 1937; typescript report from Shanghai, 1940; Nosu hymnbook, undated.
Sans titrePapers, 1887, 1920-1980s, of Eric and Edith Liberty, comprising letters received, 1947-1978; papers relating to Eric Liberty's funeral, 1971; notes, 1920-1979 and undated, including Bible and devotional notes, sermons, and autobiographical notes; articles, 1887, 1950-1952 and undated, including The Gospel Magazine; undated book of Chinese characters; three audio tapes, [1967], 1973 and undated, including a church service and sermons; China Inland Mission badge; undated chart comparing religious and agricultural calendars; undated posters and painted cloths, including Christian subjects; papers relating to Edith Liberty and her estate, 1980s; ten photograph albums and over 400 loose photographs, 1923-1973 and undated, the subjects including the Libertys and their family, congregations and churches, and places in Taiwan, the Philippines, China and Singapore.
Sans titreRecords of the China Inland Mission (later the Overseas Missionary Fellowship), including the minutes of the London Council, 1872-1951; minutes of the Mission's China Council, 1886-1947, 1951; various publications including Chinese Missionary Gleaner, 1853-1859, China's Millions, 1875-1964, and Chinese Recorder, 1867-1933 (Ref: CIM);
Overseas Missionary Fellowship papers (Ref: CIM/OMF) for the post-1950 period;
substantial papers of the mission's founder, James Hudson Taylor (Ref: CIM/JHT), including some records, c1850-1860, of the Chinese Evangelization Society;
material, 1880-1999, relating to the Chefoo Schools (Ref: CIM/CSP), founded by Hudson Taylor, including registers of pupils and papers of the Chefoo Schools Association;
private papers (Ref: CIM/PP), comprising varied information on the lives of individual missionaries;
a large photographic collection (Ref: CIM/PHOTO), including the official records of the China Inland Mission and Overseas Missionary Fellowship, among them a series of photographs collected from missionaries in the field concerning medical work and scenes of life in China, Taiwan, Thailand and Tibet.
Papers, 1776-1991 (including some copies), some undated, collected by Anthony James Broomhall for his work on the China Inland Mission, Hudson Taylor and China's Open Century, comprising manuscript, typescript and printed notes and sources, largely undated, on Chinese and missionary history, on James Hudson Taylor, including his letters and personal papers, the chronology of his life, and his forebears, and on Frederick Howard Taylor; photocopies of drawings and photographs, including James Hudson Taylor and also Chinese buildings, cities, boats and rivers, and other scenes, copies of documents associated with Taylor, including his Bible and marriage certificate, and a photograph of his grave; maps of China and other parts of Asia, some including China Inland Mission stations; Broomhall's correspondence relating to his research, 1939-1991.
Sans titrePapers, 1911-1938, of and relating to Percy Cunningham Mather, comprising letters to Mather from various correspondents, 1911-1931; letters of condolence on his death, 1933; letters from Mather, 1911-1933, largely to his sister Edith, including his experiences in China; typescript letters from Mather in Chuguchak (Tacheng), Sinkiang (Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu), to prayer companions, 1930-1932, describing his impressions and activities; six journals, 1911-1917, recording his activities; articles by Mather in Young China, 1928-1929; articles on Mather's life, 1933, 1938 and undated.
Sans titrePapers, 1914-1974, of Henrietta (Hettie) Withers, comprising correspondence and miscellaneous papers, 1936-1974 (mainly 1930s-1950s), including letters to her family, 1937-1941, letters from the China Inland Mission (CIM) London Council, 1947, and two booklets on the Emmanuel Home for the Homeless, Shanghai, 1939, 1945; diaries, 1915-1945 (some gaps), including typescript circular letters, 1927-1932, describing her work, activities and experiences in China, including references to the Sino-Japanese War and World War Two; notes, on talks given [post-1930], meetings addressed in Chefoo (Yantai), 1938-1939, and on Sisiang in Shensi province, undated; photographs and some watercolours, 1914-1965 and undated, the subjects including Chefoo, Miss Withers, other teachers, and children; passport, 1932, with endorsements for escorting children; typescript list of publications about CIM missionaries and readers' comments, 1960s-1970s.
Sans titrePapers, [1853], 1907-1940, of Frederick Howard Taylor: research notes on Chinese tribes, [1853], 1907-1940, comprising correspondence, articles, notes, maps, and many photographs of China and its inhabitants; typescripts [after 1905, before 1946] on the life of James Hudson Taylor between 1854 and 1905.
Sans titre