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GB 0096 AL358 · Fonds · 1915

(1) Address: Ritz Hotel, Piccadilly. From Glyn to Lord Northcliffe. 'You were kind enough to say that I might let you know when I was again going to cast a fly over the Fleet river! Well on 14th I am publishing a little set of papers called 'Three Things' ... there is an argument in the first paper on marriage which I feel sure you, and all men, will agree with me about! Just as I know all women will be enraged at it!' (8 October 1915). Autograph, with signature.

(2) No address. Carbon copy of Northcliffe's reply. 'I will see that the book is dealt with in "The Times" and the "Daily Mail" ...' (12 October 1915). Typescript, unsigned.

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