Incomplete Book of Hours, of Paris use, written in [north-east] France in the 15th century. The manuscript has had the full-page miniatures removed, and so, apart from a full calendar, contains only imperfectly the sequentiae of the gospels, the Hours of the Cross, the Hours of the Holy Spirit, the Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the seven penitential psalms, the office of the dead, the fifteen joys of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the seven requests.
There are notes at the beginning and end of the volume, in French in a seventeenth-century hand, relating to births, marriages and deaths in the family of Champregnault between 1561 and 1689. The hand is all one until 1617, and probably that of Quentin Champregnault, whose death is recorded at 1626.
GB 0096 MS 601
15th century