GB 0096 MS 683
14th century
One folio of a Latin treatise on canon law, containing part of sections headed 'De prebendis et dignitatibus' and 'De monachis'. The form is that of a 'Summa Summarum' with reference to the gloss rather than to substantive law, and with discussion of the views of particular glossators and doctores. Marginal subject headings and running titles have been added by the scribe responsible for the text. The manuscript was probably written in Italy during the 14th century.
The fragment was formerly used as fly-leaves in a binding of a printed edition of the statutes of 1589, Anno XXXI Reginae Elizabethae, At a session of Parliament holden...the fourth day of Februarie...untill...the XXIX of March...were enacted as followeth (London, 1589).