Copy of a memorandum [by George Fyler] entitled 'Further memorandum as to the most eligible transit route for mails, passengers & traffic through Mosquito & Costa Rica (being a rider to the memorandum of Dec 5th 1849) and directed to consider the shackles which now impede the development of trade with Central America, the means available for their removal and the concentration of the British Mails and traffic to and from Australia as also the Pacific generally... Presented to the Right Honourable Henry Labouchère [President of the Board of Trade], 29 Jan 1850. The manuscript memorandum suggests a route via Greytown (now San Juan del Norte), River St. John, Lake Nicaragua, and by road, eventually by canal, from the lake to Port Salinas, and indicates the advantages of the route, such as quicker mail services and avoidance of the influence of the United States at Panama.
Possibly: Fyler , George , fl 1850
GB 0096 MS 719