GB 0096 MS 852
Letters sent to John Bowyer Nichols and his son John Gough Nichols concerning articles in The Gentleman's Magazine from the following people: John Bull Gardener, 1835; Charles Jackson, 1864, 1869, 1870; John Edward Jackson, 1863; Zachariah Jackson, 1833; J. Jeffrey, 1820; H. Jeffreyson, 1819; Laetitia Jermyn, 1829; Edward Jesse, 1833; O. Jewitt, 1839; John Jones, 1835; J. Wharton Jones, 1868, 70; John Tomkins, 1834; Sir Charles George Young, 1851. Also includes a note, possibly a draft, signed by Edward Bellins beginning 'Mr. Walpole has omitted all mention among the English Painters of Gilbert Jackson.'
Sans titre