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Description archivistique
GB 0096 MS 889 · 1428

Diurnal (Winter part only), created in Bavaria in 1428, and including the Temporale from the first Sunday in Advent to Easter Sunday; the Sanctorale from St Andrew to Saint Ambrose; the Communale; psalms, hymns and prayers for the day hours; hymns for Advent and to named saints; and prayers in a later hand. A later paper quire added at the end of the volume contains Psalm 4 and prayers.
Folio 70 is inscribed 'Explicit diurnale partis vernalis in vigili Sancte Barbare sub anno domini MCCCCXXVIII per manus Tedrici...capellani in Lype...'.
The diurnal was written in 3 separate hands; there are notes in the margins, flyleaves and endpapers, probably added at the same time as the paper quire by an early owner.

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