Portraits: cheifly photographs, some engravings, of distinguished psychiatrists including from the Institute of Psychiatry, including Clemens E. Benda (1898-1975), Clinical director of MIT; Robert Foster Kennedy (1884-1952), British-American neurologist; Jean Paul Friedrich Richter (1763-1825), German romantic author; Carl (or Karl) Wernicke (1848-1905), German neurologist and psychiatrist; Sir Frederick Mott, founding clinical director of the Maudsley Hospital and the Institute of Psychiatry; Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832); Frederick Lucien Golla, first professor at the Institute of Psychiatry; Sir Henry Maudsley, founder of Maudsley hospital and the Maudsley Training School, (now the Institute of Psychiatry); Thomas Laycock (1812-1876); Theodor Hermann Meynert, (1833-1892), Director of the first Psychiatric Clinic Vienna and pioneer of interdisciplinary work on brain research; Ernest-Charles Lasegue (1809-1883) psychiatrist specialising in persecution mania and hysteria; Sergei Sergeievich Korsakov (1854-1900), Russian neuropsychiatrist; Julius Wagner-Jauregg (1857-1940), first Nobel prize-winner in psychiatry; Bernhard von Gudden (1824-1886), German neuroanatomist; Sigmund Freud (1856-1939); August Forel, (1848-1931), Swiss neuroanatomist and psychiatrist; Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893), French neurologist; Otto Binswanger (1852-1929), Swiss psychiatrist and neurologist; Lucio Bini (1908-1964), Italian psychiatrist; Joseph Jules Francois Felix Babinski (1857-1932), French neurologist, pupil of Charcot; Antonio Austregesilo (1876-1960), founder of Brazilian neurology and psychiatry; Octave Landry de Thezillat (1826-1865) and his wife, Madam Claire Giustigniani Landry (1832-1901); Jules Gabriel Francois Baillarger (1815-1890), French neurologist; Leonardo Bianchi (1848-1927), Italian neurologist; Desire Magloire Bourneville (1840-1909), French disciple of Charcot; Anton von Braunmuhl; C. Charles Burlingame (1885-1950), American psychiatrist; Feruccio Busoni, composer of "The King of Forensic Psychiatry" dedicated to John Gunn; Sir Hugh Cairns (1896-1952) Professor of Neurosurgery at Oxford; Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893), French neurologist; Stanley Cobb (1887-1968), American psychiatrist and neurologist; Amarro Fiamberti, Italian psychiatrist; Walter Freeman (1895-1972), led the national American campaign for lobotomy; Egas Monitz, Nobel prize-winner, 1949; Kurt Goldstein (1878-1965) German-Jewish neurologist; Paul Hoch (1902-1964), American psychiatrist; Sir Gordon Holmes (1876-1965), English neurologist and neurosurgeon; Karl Kleist, (1879-1960), German neurologist; Alexis Yakovlievich Kozhevnikov (1836-1902), Russian neurologist; E Charles Lasegue (1809-1883); Albert Pitres (1848-1928); James Jackson Putnam (1846-1918), American neurologist; Paul Ferdinand Schilder (1886-1940), Austrian neurologist; Sir Charles Sherrington (1861-1952), English neurophysiologist; Henri Verger (1873-1930), French neurologist; Sir Francis Walshe, British neurologist; Franz Nissl (1860-1919), German neuropathologist; August Homburger, pioneer child psychiatrist; James Braid (1795-1860); John Elliotson (1791-1868); Alexander Morison (1779-1866), Physician to the Bethlem Hospital and Physiognomist; Sir William Gull (1816-1890); John Alderson (1757-1829), President of the Literary & Philosophical Society; Edward Monro, Physician to the Bethlem Hospital; William Laurence; Forbes Winslow; A.I. Sutherland; Samuel Hitch (1800-1881), Physician to Gloucester asylum; Johann Spurzheim (1776-1832), Professor of Phrenology; George Man Burrows (1771-1846), Chairman of the Association of Apothecaries and Surgeon-Apothecaries and Sir Aubrey Lewis, Medical director of the Maudsley Hospital and post-war founding professor of the Institute of Psychiatry.
Institute of Psychiatry