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DOUGLAS, Gordon Oxenbury (1914-1999)
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP157 · 1934-1950

Papers of Gordon Oxenbury Douglas, 1914-1999, relating to his social life at King's College London, comprise a black and white photograph of Gordon Oxenbury Douglas, [1940]; letters from Katharine Dilley to Douglas, whom he later married, 1934-1935; dance card belonging to Douglas for the King's College London Commemoration Ball, 1935 showing all dances marked for Katharine Dilley. The collection also contains professional references for Douglas from W.G Shilling of the Aeronautical Inspection Directorate, Lilian F Haddakin, Assistant Lecturer in the Department of English at University College London, W. W. Willliams, Assistant Censor at Fitzwilliam House, Cambridge University and from J. E. Young, Senior Classics Master at Ipswich School.

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