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Description archivistique
PETT, Douglas Ellory (1924-2005)
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP170 · 1942-2005

Papers of Douglas Ellory Pett, 1942-2005, including essay by Pett entitled 'The Christian as Citizen' (Winner of the Warden's Essay Prize), [1947]; essay by Pett entitled 'The Cavalier Poets - Carew, Suckling and Lovelace' (Winner of the Plumptre Prize for English Literature), [1947]; black and white photographs including of staff and students of King's College London English School, 1942-1943; staff and students of King's College London Faculty of Theology, 1946-1947 and 1947-1948; staff and students of King's College London Faculty of Theology at St. Boniface College, Warminster in Michaelmas term, 1948; staff and students of King's College London Faculty of Theology at St Boniface College, Warminster, 1949; King's College London discus medals, awarded to Pett, 1946, 1947 and programme from the Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Douglas Ellory Pett, including biography of Pett and tributes from Sir Ian Gainsford and Dr Rob Senior.

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