Affichage de 1 résultats

Description archivistique
GB 0100 KCLCA KNI/RP 1 · 1980-1995

Papers, data and secondary materials of the Community Nursing Needs Assessment Project, 1980-1995, assessing the ability of health visitors and district nurses to meet the legislative requirements of the NHS and Community Care Act 1990 when assessing the needs of their patients. Including applications and correspondence relating to the acquisition of ethical approval from various local health authorities; research proposal; papers relating to the focus groups, including briefing papers for focus groups and a steering group, transcripts from focus groups 3 and 4, field notes from focus group 5 and audio tapes of all groups; papers relating to the interviews including consent forms, list of interview questions, papers relating to the recruitment of volunteers and audiotapes and transcripts of interviews with volunteers; papers relating to the recruitment of the expert panel; copies of articles from journals, magazines and other publications used for secondary research for the project.

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