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GB 0100 KH/NL/PP13 · 1914-1919

Papers of Julia Ashbourne (Daisy) Herbert comprising letter to Herbert from Sidney Brown, TFNS Matron-in-Chief, concerning joining the TFNS unit in Lincoln, Aug 1914; from Matron-in-Chief British Expeditionary Forces, congratulations on award of Military Medal, 20 Oct 1917; certificate recording Herbert's mention in dispatches, 7 Nov 1917; telegram and letter relating to investiture ceremony at Buckingham Palace, Jul 1919; membership papers for TFNS [1922];
letters to Herbert's aunt, Miss Lucy Herbert, describing her activities and surroundings, Sep 1919-Jan 1919 (20 letters) including a New Year greeting card from No 1 Casualty Clearing Station, Mons, France, 1918; dance cards for Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, Mons, 29 Nov 1918; and Soiree Dansante, Mons, 5 Dec 1918.
black and white photograph portrait of Herbert in nursing uniform;
newspaper cuttings recording wounded nurses, Oct 1917; announcement of award of Military Medal to Herbert and other nurses, including Gloucester nurse's bravery - awarded the Military Medal' Gloucestershire Chronicle, 1 Dec 1917; 'The Nurse who "carried on"', Daily Express, 1917; and the investiture at Buckingham Palace (with illustrations), 1919; printed copy of An historical roll (with portraits) of those women of the British Empire to whom The Military Medal has been awarded during the Great War 1914-1918 forbravery and devotion under fire', compiled by Lt-Col J H Leslie, Sheffield, 1920;
small envelope with medal ribbons; souvenir German wartime string made from paper; also includes correspondence with St Margaret's Convent, East Grinstead, relating to the deposit of Herbert's papers, 1975-1978.

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