The Michael Crowder Papers relate to his academic career. The collection falls into three general series. First, Botswana material, which consists mostly of photocopies and notes made towards his biography of Tshekedi Khama, regent of Bamangwato in Botswana 1929-1950, in whom Crowder became interested while Professor of History at the University of Botswana in 1982-1985. This constitutes the bulk of the material. Secondly, west African material which mostly predates the Botswana material. Thirdly, material from the last two years of his life when Crowder was in London most of the time. Apart from primary and secondary research material there are drafts of chapters, papers, books, and course outlines, as well as related academic and university administrative correspondence from the International Africa Institute and the Journal of African History. There is also a box of photo-slides taken by Crowder during trips to the Caribbean, Morocco and west Africa.
Sans titre
GB 0101 ICS 123
1958-1988 (mainly 1982-1985)