Affichage de 1 résultats

Description archivistique
Ghana: Political Parties Material
GB 0101 PP.GH · 1950-

Manifestos, speeches, posters, constitutions, leaflets, newspapers, convention reports and miscellaneous election materials issued by the Action Congress Party (Ghana), the Convention People's Party (Ghana), the Ghana Congress Party, the National Alliance of Liberals (Ghana), the National Conciliation Party (Ghana), the National Liberation Movement (Ghana), the New Patriotic Party (Ghana), the Northern People's Party (Ghana), the People's Democratic Party of Ghana, the People's National Party (Ghana), the People's Vanguard (Ghana), the Popular Front Party (Ghana), the Progress Party (Ghana), the Third Force Party (Ghana), the United Gold Coast Convention, the United National Convention (Ghana), the United Party (Ghana) and the United Revolutionary Front (Ghana).

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