Constitutions, manifestos, conference reports, histories, speeches, pamphlets, posters, letters and leaflets, from 1958 onwards, issued by the Alliance Party (Malaysia), the Barisan Nasional (Organization), the Democratic Action Party, the Malayan Chinese Association, the Malayan Communist Party, the Malayan Employers' Consultative Association, the Malayan People's Afro-Asian Solidarity Committee, the Malaysian Chinese Association, the Malaysian Trades Union Congress, the Parti Islam Semalaysia, the Parti Progresif Penduduk Malaysia, the Pemuda Sosialis Malaya, the Socialist Party (Malaysia), and the United Malays National Organisation. The materials originate from parties both inside and outside the Alliance/Barisan Nasional, and deal with the achievements of the governing parties and their failings and the failings of the democratic system from the perspective of opposition groups. There are also a small number of trades union and pressure group materials, the latter exclusively concerned with opposition to the war in Vietnam.
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GB 0101 PP.MY